Finished up trying this deck out in the state championships here in Montana. I ended the night at 4-3, 27th place in the tournament (guy who beat me in the last round was moved up to 16th). Overall I was really proud of the deck! There are definitely changes to make though. There are many more non-control decks in the meta right now, so Savage Summoning is out of the mainboard for Arbor Colossus and Cyclonic RiftGC. Mizzium Skin is way outclassed by Simic Charm to protect from Deicide or to bounce at critical moments. Less Worldspine Wurm and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx is also an improvement.
Round 1: 0-2: B/G Devotion. This game wasn't really a game, I was off mana and didn't get to play, lost quickly. My sideboard at the time was to bring in Arbor Colossus and Cyclonic RiftGC and bring out Savage Summoning.
Round 2: 2-0: Mono-black Devotion: These games on the other hand went really well. I had answers for his kill spells, and my creatures far outclassed his in combat. Arbor Colossus and Sylvan Primordial absolutely crushed Desecration Demon. Both games I went off with Prophet of Kruphix and Kruphix, God of Horizons, filling the board with Worldspine Wurm and other big threats. I had the same sideboard as last time.
Round 3: 2-1: RDW: These games were all very close. If I had enough early trades, I could usually stabilize in the late game and drop big enough stuff to stop her. When she won it was just way too fast, and I had no Sylvan Caryatids to carry me to the late game. I also ended up getting to Garruk, Caller of Beasts a Worldspine Wurm in two of these games. Same sideboard as last time, but I also brought in a Mistcutter Hydra as an early threat.
Round 4: 2-1: Midrange Junk: One of the midrange decks floating around (one of these ended up in first). This is a very good matchup for me. We both get time to develop, but when I start hitting I hit harder. I have too much reach for Archangel of Thune or Blood Baron Vizkopa to be at all effective and their best ways of dealing with my big creatures are countered easily by Simic Charm and Sylvan Primordial. Same sideboard as the first two rounds.
Round 5: 0-2: Mono-blue Devotion: This was my worst matchup of the day. Game 1 I had few answers, with Rapid Hybridization taking care of most of my ramp, and no Simic Charm to be seen (I didn't draw a single one in both games). Game 2 I brought out some of the Kruphix, God of Horizons and brought in all the Mistcutter Hydra, Arbor Colossus and Cyclonic RiftGC I had, then still drew none of it. I think that should have been enough, but I need a way to turn off their unblockable (or some other blue hate) in the board.
Round 6: 2-0: Midrange Junk (again): Went almost exactly the same as before, but I ramped into Sylvan Primordial's fast enough too keep them off lands and not doing anything. Same sideboard as the last Junk matchup.
Round 7: 0-2: Brave Naya: I hadn't had a chance to playtest against this deck, and damn is it good. Game one he just aggro-d me out. I made the same board I usually did. Game two he landed a Voice of Resurgence turn two. I ended up with a Prophet of Kruphix out and decided to try to race the tokens, flashing in every turn, hoping to hit a Cyclonic RiftGC for a blowout win. That did not happen.
Overall I was very impressed at the performance of this deck. I didn't get to see how well it did against control, but I'd like to think it'd be alright. I've made some changes, essentially bringing in some of the things I was boarding in every game. I need to develop more of an anti-aggro sideboard, particularly against mono-blue dovotion, but also against Brave Naya (really any of the decks that don't care about my blockers late game). Suggestions are welcome!