if you added another couple 3cmc or less creatures you could play Collected Company. i also think +1 Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet -2 Oath of Nissa
March 25, 2016 2:05 p.m. Edited.
NotSquishedYet says... #3
I might be a bit busy abusing Erdwal Illuminator with Bygone Bishop and Tamiyo's Journal...
Still looking through all the new stuff - I'll come up with something for this soon.
March 25, 2016 2:16 p.m.
Really not sure how I feel about Oath of Nissa in here still. I mean I see it's use, but at the same time I don't feel like it's a needed use. I'd consider dropping them for a new one drop. Traverse the Ulvenwald isn't a bad pick.
March 25, 2016 3:39 p.m.
NotSquishedYet says... #5
If I might ask, why Goldnight Castigator in the sideboard?
March 25, 2016 3:44 p.m.
I would suggest any card that could give you extra turns so you can get the most out of Sin Prodder. and also, I have a jund-undying deck that needs help. i figured that since there were so many good commenters involved in this deck, if one or two could take a look at my deck. it is And You Thought You Could Win.
March 25, 2016 4:18 p.m.
ComputerizedMTG says... #7
I have thought about incorporating CoCo at first when I was thinking of which direction the deck should take; however, I don't think it does much in here. None of my creatures have an ETB, and keeping mana open just to CoCo during my opponent's turn seems like an Aristocrat move and not something an aggressive deck would want. It does have a neat interaction with Olivia as I can pitch a couple of cards and make the creatures I get with CoCo slightly bigger and swing in on my turn. I just don't see it being as great as it can be in other colors like Bant where they have better targets to hit with CoCo like a Reflector Mage. I might also actually be cutting down the 3 drops and add in mid-late game threats if Olivia and Prodder aren't all that, thus devaluing CoCo even more.
I can see why you wouldn't favor the Oath in this deck, and it can be easily replaced by other stuff, I want to try it out and see how it does. What I can do is make room for Traverse the Ulvenwald since it is a card I have been wanting to put back. I could cut a land, since with the Oath, Luigi, and Traverse, I wouldn't miss it. I can also cut down to 3 Oaths, as if the card draw is badly needed I can side in the Read the Bones instead. I can also move the Transgress back to the sideboard, and to make room for that I can throw out To the Slaughter, or Ruinous Path, or a Path and a Slaughter; I love hand disruption in the main but I am starting to think I want to be more aggressive, and only interact with my opponent in the form of removal and just try to push out threats. That would open 4 slots for a playset of Traverse the Ulvenwald. What do you think?
The reason I have the Castigator in the side is to throw her in against Control decks that are a slower, lack burn spells, and don't tend to have a lot of beaters, that way I can have a fast evasive clock to try to finish the game a little sooner with. It honestly seems ok against Eldrazi Ramp decks as well as they can be a little slow too. I haven't "bought" her as of yet so I can always swap it out and she isn't a big loss if she gets cut out of SB. Just something ideas to play with at the moment.
March 25, 2016 4:24 p.m.
ComputerizedMTG says... #8
Well this is a Standard deck and your is a Modern deck, and while I can't stop people from going checking out your deck, I feel you should probably ask for help with your modern deck in a more appropriate manner :)
Also, thanks for the suggestion, but as I mention in the first comment, I am likely to take out Sin Prodder, I also list the reason why. Not only that but being in standard the only cards that give extra turns is Part the Waterveil and splashing a fourth color just to spend 6 mana to get an extra trigger off of Prodder once, is pretty bad.
March 25, 2016 4:30 p.m.
Honestly, I don't feel like you should have both active at the same time, then you're just sacrificing some of your more widespread value for focused filtering. You aren't playing a combo deck or a deck that aims to do one thing as quickly as possible. You're playing a midrange variant. So having two four-of cards that do a variant of the same thing seems a bit unnecessary to me, especially at the cost of other useful cards in your main. I suggested Traverse the Ulvenwald because you can search farther for a land (and later on a creature - which will help move your game forward to victory much faster, like finding your one-of Dragonlord Atarka or Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet).
Then you aren't limited to a small handful of cards and aren't having a semi-useless state based effect in play. To be honest I would rather run something like Gather the Pack over Oath of Nissa if I had to choose. The mana effect just isn't as needed in your deck, which has its mana base pretty well covered and only a 6-7% to hit a walker.
Also Kessig Forgemaster might be worth taking a good look at for a nice aggressive creature to your mix.
March 25, 2016 5:07 p.m.
ComputerizedMTG says... #10
Fair enough point about Traverse and the Oath. The only reason I was thinking of having both is because of a build floating on SCG. I understood the small interaction they have and seemed good enough. I still feel I can cut a land though, to include just about anything.
I did look at card:Kessig Forgemaster and he did look interesting. Especially when he is flipped as 2 damage seems like it can kill a whole lot of things this rotation. My only worry is that he wont flip for a few turns, and without being flipped he seems like a suicide attacker or a suicide blocker, and I am not sure how valuable that is. I could be looking at it all wrong and this guy will flip super easily. Long story short: I absolutely love his flipped form, not fond of his normal form.
March 25, 2016 6:21 p.m.
NotSquishedYet says... #11
Is it just me, or is it strange that 330 of the 297 cards of SOI have been spoiled?
March 25, 2016 8:38 p.m.
NotSquishedYet says... #12
...Or are the double faced cards just getting counted strangely?
March 25, 2016 8:39 p.m.
OutspokenFerret says... #13
I suggest Tireless Tracker. He may not seem like much at first glance, but I have slowly fallen in love with it in my Jund list. I was originally running only 1 and have slowly ticked up the numbers until I reached the full playset. It was much stronger than I orginally anticipated, to the point that it often wins the game or forces removal ASAP otherwise the attrition and power it provides reach an overwhelming amount that it makes it tough for your opponents to deal with. What makes it so strong is that it continues to provide an outlet for your mana while bolstering itself. If you want to take a look at my Jund list you can, it is pretty similar, but a little bit more streamlined. I won't post the link, because I'm not trying to get views off of your deck, I just want to try and helpful, maybe something you see will catch your eye as something you might want to include :D
March 25, 2016 8:49 p.m.
NotSquishedYet says... #14
Nice idea. Got me thinking about a Jund land-based monster of a deck. Imagine a curve of Tireless Tracker into Mina and Denn, Wildborn into The Gitrog Monster. I think it could run a fine line of playing lands, sacrificing them, and drawing cards, balancing excess with the ability of Mina and Denn, Wildborn combined with Olivia, Mobilized for War. The main thing I'm on the fence about is a good, reusable way of getting The Gitrog Monster back to your hand if necessary. Seasons Past, probably...
Sorry. Rambling to myself. :P I'll probably put together that list sometime soon.
March 25, 2016 9:56 p.m.
Pulse of Murasa let you take back land if it were thrown into graveyard and gain life
March 25, 2016 10:12 p.m.
I've been constructing a list as well, and I think one of the premium threats in these colors is Mindwrack Demon.
Also, if you want value, Goblin Dark-Dwellers is a really strong choice.
March 25, 2016 10:29 p.m.
ComputerizedMTG says... #17
How much have you tested Tireless Tracker? I am really not sold on all these Investigate cards. They just all look like traps, and if I feel like if I was to loose the game with a bunch of Clues on the field it probably meant I should have had something else in the deck. My main reason to doubt the card is that he is a 3/2 that has no immediate impact on the board and does nothing until I stop playing spells and have mana open to crack Clues, meaning he is likely to stay a 3/2 for a while. Maybe I am looking at it completely wrong and I should play this guy, not play other creatures for a couple of turns, which allows me to not overextend into boardwipes and force removal out of my opponent's hand while getting some cards in hand. Hmmm, on the fence about him. What would you suggest I remove?
Also, by all means post your deck :D If you posting your deck is relevant to the conversation I really don't mind it, I actually appreciate it. The only time I mind is if you came here suggested cards not in my colors and dropped a link to a deck that isn't even standard lol
Just admit it, you have a frog fetish!
Have you tested Mindwrack Demon? A 4/5 with Flying/Trample for 4 is obviously very strong, but I am not sure how easily I will get Delirium online and the chance of losing 4 life more than once is not something I would be looking forward too. I see him more fit as a threat in a U/B Zombie deck, or in one of those Reanimator deck lists that are floating around, that self mill and can get Delirium pretty early on.
After reading some suggestions and thinking about it, I am almost starting to think that MasterXandar was onto something and adding 1 or 2 more Den Protector, maybe Deathmist Raptor, the Tireless Tracker, and maybe even Drana, Liberator of Malakir, could make CoCo a viable card in here. Not sure if CoCo would be better than a mid-range strategy like I am trying to aim for now, allowing me to run more late game bombs and value cards that would be missed by CoCo.
March 26, 2016 3:51 p.m.
OutspokenFerret says... #18
I have played over 20 games so far with the full playset of Tireless Tracker, and it has impressed me every time. Investigate is awesome, keeping the gas pumping and with Tireless Tracker, it also gives ypu a growing threat. It's good in most match-ups, but really shines in control match-ups, giving you card advantage and getting bigger, or forcing an immediate response. All in all, I was really skeptical about Investigate, but playing with it really sold me.
My list is below if you wanna take a look.Value City Jund
March 26, 2016 4:17 p.m.
I've done a huge amount of testing with Mindwrack Demon, and is is a whole lot better than it looks.
An early hand attack spell makes sorcery, a cracked Evolving Wilds or milled land makes land, a Kolaghan's Command, Fiery Impulse, Grasp of Darkness or Ultimate Price makes instant, and that is almost all the way there. The demon itself can mill a creature or planeswalker, andyou play 4 Oath of Nissa, which is legendary, for enchantment.
Playing Hangarback Walker is a huge help as it is cast early, dies early, and provides 2 card types.
Mindwrack Demon seems better than the other delirium cards because it itself helps get delirium.
Anyway, barring any graveyard hate, and with only a few extra deck modifications, Mindwrack Demon acts as a better Siege Rhino, at a much less restrictive mana cost.
March 26, 2016 4:26 p.m.
xxINS4NExWoC says... #20
I feel that Kozilek's Return is pretty lackluster since you won't be casting any eldrazi. Radiant Flames would be much better in my opinion. I also agree with everyone that the oath isn't that great. Although I guess it you want instant speed Pyroclasm then kozilek's is your best bet. Didn't see that at first, my bad.
March 26, 2016 4:57 p.m. Edited.
Pyromancer999 says... #21
March 26, 2016 5:17 p.m.
ComputerizedMTG says... #22
I had Radiant Flames in there at first, because I play with it now in the current deck I am running in Standard and love it; however, from the looks of things aggressive decks are gonna be the majority of the format, and it also seems like there are a ton of 2 toughness weenies that decks will be running so I figured the Instant speed of Kozilek's Return might outweigh the extra damage of Radiant Flames. I also like that I can cast Kozilek's Return with any mana and still put out the same damage. I can see myself going back to Radiant Flames though, that card is really good.
Well I am going to get rid of Oath of Nissa with the next change I make to the deck so that makes it harder to hit Delirium. I might try him as I do see potential especially if something like Turn 3 Olivia, Turn 4 Demon, happens. I am still not sure if he is the best pick for this deck.
Glad you like it :)
Some changes:
-4 Oath of Nissa and adding +4 Tireless Tracker not only does this give me a threat on board, but also gives me that card-advantage that I would be missing with Nissa.
Throwing the 2 Transgress the Mind in the SB, and putting the 2 Read the Bones in the main.
March 26, 2016 7:04 p.m.
NotSquishedYet says... #23
Good changes, I think. I've got a Jund list I'd like you to look at for inspiration for this, and help on it for me. I'll try to get it up soon.
March 26, 2016 7:36 p.m.
NotSquishedYet says... #24
March 26, 2016 8:17 p.m.
Hey :-) ! I like your deck a lot, but there's a few card that I'm not really convinced about.
Is Olivia, Mobilized for War that good in your deck ? It seems a bit awkward to cast it on turn 3 with the slightly unstable mana base you're playing. The card is without any doubt very powerful but she's not nearly as effective if she's casted on turn 4 or more. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I think cutting her and adding a pair of 4 drop or some kind of Civic Wayfinder effect would good in your deck.
I'd suggest you to try Nissa, Vastwood Seer Flip or Pilgrim's Eye even if this card is bit weak. PE isn't a great splashy card that's going to win you the game on it's own or anything, but it provides a land drop of any color while also being a chump blocker that counts as a creature and an artifact towards your Delirium.
Your deck is really mana hungry and thoses cards could give you a way to play something on turn 3 and have a guaranteed land drop on the following turn, which might not look like much but is actually very important. Plus Nissa, Vastwood Seer Flip is an great draw in the late game.
Another thing I would probably change is swapping 2 Kolaghan's Command with 2 Pulse of Murasa. The 6 life Pulse gives you is unvaluable in aggro matchups and it's a lot easier to cast then KCommand. It can even return an Evolving Wilds to your hand if you really need to secure your 6th land drop while gaining you a bunch of life.
A pair of Goblin Dark-Dwellers seem like they would fit well in your deck. They're great with Pulse of Murasa or any other spell really, including removal and Read the Bones. They could easily replace the 2 Sin Prodder, which like you said in an earlier comment can slow you down by milling your lands.
I saw that a few comment already suggested Traverse the Ulvenwald, but I'm not certain of your opinion on the card.
I think that a configuration with Nissa, Vastwood Seer Flip/Pilgrim's Eye and Goblin Dark-Dwellers would be the best deck for Traverse the Ulvenwald. You can do crazy GDD loops by tutoring it with Traverse the Ulvenwald, casting Goblin Dark-Dwellers, recasting it from your graveyard to get another GDD, Dragonlord Atarka to finish the game or Den Protector to get an endless supply of card advantage.
ComputerizedMTG says... #1
Ok, so for whatever reason this deck just disappeared off of Tapped Out, so here it is re-iploaded (with a minor change here and there)!
I am gonna bring you guys in here TMBRLZ, NotSquishedYet, and OptimusTom (I forget 1 other person :( ), since you guys made the most contribution as far as suggestions went. Just because my deck got deleted, doesn't mean you can run away from me!
That said I am very close to cutting Sin Prodder because it didn't hit me at first how hard it can actually hurt me. I realized this after telling NotSquishedYet the issue that The Gitrog Monster cause when trying to play 6 mana CMC or higher if you don't have an effective way of grabbing lands. Speaking of which, here is your enabler NotSquishedYet: Anyways, back on track! Sin Prodder can actually cause a similar issue, especially when played early, players can just make you pitch the land if it is revealed, and that can delay my Chandra, or Atarka, by a couple of turns.
That said not sure if I should throw in Goblin Dark-Dwellers in it's place, or Thunderbreak Regent. I am also starting to second guess Olivia in all honesty.
March 25, 2016 2:02 p.m.