SOI - G/B Control

Standard ComputerizedMTG

SCORE: 52 | 160 COMMENTS | 11298 VIEWS | IN 37 FOLDERS


I will take a look at your list as soon as I get the chance. Been pretty busy this weekend.


I am glad you like the deck, and I appreciated the suggestions!

No clue if Olivia, Mobilized for War is good in the deck or not. I have not tested this deck at all so far, and I am solely building out of ideas that pop in my head. She seems cool on paper and while I think that being able to give a creature Haste and 1/1 counter is always relevant through all stages of the game, I do agree that she does lose value the later you cast her.

I kind of wanted to try Drana, Liberator of Malakir in this deck instead of Olivia, but I don't think she fits that well in the deck. If I am going to replace Olivia it will likely be with something like Thunderbreak Regent. I can't say I am a big fan of Civic Wayfinder. A 2/2 for 3 that grabs a basic is decent early game to be able to color fix, but I feel like after I have all 3 colors out he just kind of doesn't offer anything.

I have been wanting to try either Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip or Nissa, Voice of Zendikar. On one hand you have the Origins Nissa that when flipped gives card advantage or can put out a big beater; and on the other hand, you have OGW Nissa that comes out early and is a very aggressive walker with token generation and 1/1 counters. I like both but I don't know which to pick nor which spot to put them in. Pilgrim's Eye is just terrible in this deck in my opinion. He is good only if you can repeat his ETB ability one way or another, otherwise it just seems like a very lackluster card here. I am also not very concerned with Delirium as the only card I have in the deck with it is To the Slaughter and it's in the SB.

I am assuming that by mana hungry you are referring to cards like Olivia or Grasp of Darkness, but that's all I can think of. The other cards are either a 1 of or they have very easy mana costs to hit and only have 1 or 1 in the cost. I do also have Deathcap Cultivator to help with the heavy black costs. I am not counting Kolaghan's Command as mana intensive because that just isn't something you want to cast asap unless you absolutely need the removal option it offers on turn 3.

I have been considering Pulse of Murasa again, as I at one point had it in the deck, then ended up removing it again. I like Kolaghan's Command a whole lot, like more than I probably should, but I love that card as it offers a tremendous amount of utility. Ideally I would like to have at least one Command in the MB. I was thinking if anything to make space for 2 Pulses in the SB. I do see the advantage of having it though and maybe being able to grab anything, coupled with the 6 life, outweighs the utility that the Command offers.

Yes, I have been meaning to replace the Prodders with the GDDs, I just haven't had a chance to do so yet and have been waiting to get a little more feedback on the deck before making the change.

I do like Traverse the Ulvenwald but no idea what I would cut for it, unless I cut the Tireless Trackers for it, all I have left to cut are removal spells.

All said and done, I haven't tested the deck yet, so I could be horribly wrong with what I am saying :D

March 27, 2016 10:34 p.m.

NotSquishedYet says... #2

I think KCommand and Pulse should flip MB/SB depending on Control/Aggro match-ups, but that both should stay in here in some form.

To your suspicions about Drana - use her. She's a self supporting beast; 2 of her and 2 Reflector Mages can actually be really good inclusions in a Control deck, for example. In Aggro/Midrange... even better. She trades superbly, and is an amazingly large pressure on the board even without other creatures.

March 27, 2016 11:08 p.m.

-Sylex- says... #3

I'd cut 2 Read the Bones to make room for 2 Traverse the Ulvenwald in a heartbeat. And I'd cut Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet and 1 Arlinn Kord to make space for the 3rd and 4th copies.

When you think about it, the 2 cards share a very similar function : early on, you want them to find lands while later in the game, you want them to find you threats.

Traverse the Ulvenwald doesn't net you a card but it doesn't cost you any life and if Delirium is active, it has a huuuuge upside. It doesnt just draw you 2 cards, it draws you the card you need ! And in a deck running a single copy of Dragonlord Atarka, the reward is there.

Another incentive to play this card is that you don't need to draw your cards in a specific order to get the payoff. Let me explain :

If you have Traverse the Ulvenwald in your opening hand, it's going to find you a land, which gets you closer to your top-end threats. At a single , it's very mana efficient and it doesn't make you lose tempo and life like Read the Bones would.

I'm sure there will be scenarios where you have, lets say, 3 lands in play on the 4th turn, a 3 drop in hand and a Traverse the Ulvenwald in hand. All you'd have to do is cast it, search a basic land, play it and cast your 3 drop.

If you had a Read the Bones in the same situation it would be disastrous because you'd have to cast it and maybe put good cards on the bottom of your library in order to find lands. And after all of that, you wouldnt even be able to cast your 3 drop, which would put you way behind on board.

A card that I think a lot of people are underestimating and that you could put in your deck is Sinister Concoction. It's card disadvantage but I think being able to play it for only a single then having the threat of activation AT INSTANT SPEED makes up for that. I would try it as a 2-of instead of Grasp of Darkness. It also enables Delirium nicely.

The last thing that I'd like to say concerns Delirium. If I were to play Traverse the Ulvenwald in this deck, I would make sure to have the full 4 copies. Running it as a 2-of wouldnt be worth it for card density reasons.

Achieving Delirium in this deck isnt' a matter of ''if'', but rather of ''when''.

I know it's kind of a lenghty comment, but I hope it can help you in building your deck :-)

March 28, 2016 12:03 a.m. Edited.

One option if you want to add Traverse the Ulvenwald is to cut the two Sin Prodder's and the Read the Bones for them. Personally I think Sin Prodder hurts you a lot sometimes and it is generally bad to give your opponent a choice, that and you can't get lands from it.

March 28, 2016 1:18 a.m.


Sin prodder is coming out, but to make space for Goblin Dark-Dwellers.


I dont mind lengthy comments :)

I don't think I am going to cut Kalitas, nor am I going to cut an Arlinn, what I think is worth cutting here is Olivia at this point, as we have agreed that does not make the best use of her.

Will cut 2 Read the Bones and 2 Olivia, Mobilized for War and add in 4 Traverse the Ulvenwald. Will also cut the Prodders to make room for GDD.

March 28, 2016 3:01 a.m.

Traverse the Ulvenwald is one of those cards that can allow you to sculpt your deck with situational one-ofs, and still get value and consistency out of them. With that in mind, I'd recommend Gilt-Leaf Winnower as a 1 of in either the SB or the MB. Deathcap Cultivator is the only card I don't like in the list. Mana dorks are always going to be good cards, and this one even can be a decent attacker/blocker with delirium. I personally just don't think you want or need the ramp, your game plan isn't necessarily ramping into threats. You seem to be on the idea that you play value creatures, and put your opponent on the back foot with simply stronger cards and attrition. He does fit your curve well, but I'd look into replacing him with Oath of Nissa playset. That'd give you an easier time using Delirium Traverse the Ulvenwald AND allow you to curve out casting removal or threats, spending excess mana on Traverse/Oath. For example; Turn 4 Play Tireless Tracker -> Trigger Landfall -> Traverse/Oath. If you consider Worldbreaker as a one of, you'll suddenly have a Toolbox deck with a consistent curve, and massive value.

March 28, 2016 9:56 a.m.

Hey, so I've been testing this deck out a bunch, and it's been an absolute blast to play. You know you're playing Jund when you mull to 5 and win off a topdecked Traverse the Ulvenwald into Atarka on T10 :)

I would however add one more Swamp for a Mountain, as a lot of your cards need double black, and that can become a huge nuisance once you start boarding in the Ruinous Path etc...

March 28, 2016 12:31 p.m.

NotSquishedYet says... #8

The_Riddlebox, I've got some testing info on The Gitrog Monster. With some fringe creature recurring like Corpse Churn as a 2 of and 4 of Evolving Wilds, I seem to get enough extra triggers for him. With 24-25 lands, he's an absolute beast for card advantage. It might take two extra turns to hit Chandra, yes... but you draw four extra cards so that she's actually in your hand by the time you can cast her. Plus, the 6/6 deathtouch beater was great - especially because it's in the perfect colors for removing indestructible, if necessary. I don't think I ever ran into a situation where I wasn't drawing enough lands for it at that point.

March 28, 2016 2:23 p.m.

rcrimmins says... #9

Keep in mind, Sin Prodder does NOT make it harder to get lands. You still draw your card per turn as normal. So the revealed card is strictly 'extra'. The probability of drawing a land as needed is the same as it normally would be.

March 28, 2016 3:56 p.m.

rcrimmins - That is not entirely true. After that land has been pitched by Sin Prodder that you normally would have just drawn for turn, there are less lands left in the deck, thereby decreasing the likelihood of the draw for turn to be a land.

March 28, 2016 5:22 p.m.

cdunn92483 says... #11

I ran a standard jund deck up until 3 weeks ago. My only bad match ups where abzan and Mardu green. Due to their ability of life gain. This definitely inspired me to look at jund again now with arlinn kord and Olivia.

March 28, 2016 7:23 p.m.


Deathcap Cultivator is here because a 2/1 that late game can kil a 10/10 is neat. Besides that, which obviously isn't the main reason he is here, he mana fixes. Having him allows me to keep hands I might otherwise mulligan, or just simply is there to provide black if I don't draw into it. I think Luigi here is underrated. He isn't here so much for acceleration or ramp so much as he is here for a mana-fixer that can get in for damage. I will agree that if he under performs he could get replaced by Oath of Nissa, or more than likely a different creature. I have thought about World Breaker, but not sure I can fit him in here, maybe replace Kalitas? Not sure.


I am glad you enjoyed the deck, and also appreciate you testing it!


I still don't like The Gitrog Monster >:(He seems like a build around card, and I am not a big fan of deck build that way unless it's a control shell.


What OutspokenFerret said. Obviously Sin Prodder does not inherently make you miss lands, but if I was my opponent looking at a turn 3 Prodder, and on turn 4 my opponent reveal a land you damn bet I am going to make him throw it away. You know what happens if he kept a 3 land hand and didn't draw a 4th land? He is now behind. When you fall behing in lands, especially early on, it hurts a lot. He is a card I wanted to try, but I feel like his best place is in a Grixis Counter/Burn style deck rather than here.


Glad I got you wanting to brew something :)

March 28, 2016 10:36 p.m.

mr_funk says... #13

i would like to place a vote for The Gitrog Monster. that dude is great. i don't think he is a build around card. he's a powerhouse that lets you draw extra cards, essentially. i'd give him a chance as a 1-of or 2-of and see if you like him. i think this is the perfect build for him. if you start running low on lands, you can always pitch the monster itself. its your choice. also, that frog is nutso with Tireless Tracker. you'll be drawing into a land on most turns (considering you get an extra draw from the land sac), sometimes 2 lands. clue tokens everywhere!

Sin Prodder is something that is hard to say. i disagree that he belongs in a counter/burn style deck. i think he fits in here, but idk still. that's one card that i just can't figure out how good it is. it seems strong in this kind of deck. a bit of a non-bo with the gitrog monster, honestly, because you actually want to draw lands.

Also, what about Hangarback Walker? i know, i know. it slots into basically every deck. but he doubles as a artifact/creature for your Deathcap Cultivator to get delirium. its a solid value card. good early or late.

March 29, 2016 1:20 p.m.

mr_funk says... #14

i actually retract my former statement about Sin Prodder. he is very good for this deck. hear me out. having him and The Gitrog Monster on the field. your upkeep: flip a land to sin prodder, they either give you the extra land or put it in your gy. if it goes to the yard, you draw from gitrog. if it goes to your hand, you can play it to keep gitrog alive another turn. either way, you get a card. if it's not a land, they may give you the extra card or take a few damage, either way is a win for you. if they take the burn, you can still get whatever it was back with Den Protector, Kolaghan's Command, or Goblin Dark-Dwellers. then you sac a land to gitrog, drawing you a second card. then you draw per turn. essentially, you are drawing 2 and burning them or drawing 3 cards per turn with those 2 together. as i mentioned above, gitrog with Tireless Tracker is quite good, as well.

March 29, 2016 3:03 p.m.


Thanks for the comment!

I may have been wrong in saying that The Gitrog Monster was a build around card, but he needs support. This deck doesn't do that. I wan't value, and inherently, he doesn't give it right away. You are right, if I don't want to sac lands I can just sac him, meaning I just invested 5 mana to draw a couple of cards and then sac my own threat. I also don't like the potential of him slowing down other threats being played by eating mana. True, I have a few ways to draw card, since we are assuming he is in the deck, and true he helps me draw into the threats I need like CHandra and Atarka, problem is, what happens if I don't draw into multiple lands? I may be very well underestimating him, and I could even try him instead of Kalitas, but I feel like the other spot are very tight and as I obviously do not want to cut the dudes that give early pressure all I am left with is either cutting some mid range creatures or my walkers to make room.

Let's assume I decide to throw him in. I feel he needs to be a 2 of as he is feels like something that if you have in the deck you "want" to draw into. I can get Kalitas, but then what? Arlinn puts out tremendous pressure and can "refill" my board state as well as act as removal, Chandra takes the game over on her own, Atarka can end the game the turn he comes down or the turn after, and the Dark-Dwellers give me recursion and are able to punch damage through much easier. I could be absolutely wrong when evaluating him, and I might just add him in to humor the many times he has been brought up, but I just don't see what other do. That being said, OutspokenFerret is also building a Jund list, where they just recently added The Gitrog Monster and I will see what their opinion of him is.

As far as Sin Prodder goes, I feel like your argument is valid only IF I even include Gitrog frog, and later in the game; which is particularly what started bugging me about Prodder. I wanted to try him, I even had him as a 4 of originally in the first draft of the deck. His body couple with Menace wants to be played early as an aggressive hard to block creature, as opposed to later when he can be blocked much easier; however, his second ability gives him more value later in the game where having a land pitched will have 0 effect on me and where digging essentially 2 cards beats being in top-deck mode. We all know your opponent is going to toss your lands, they are never gonna give you a free card. Tossing a land gives you a "pseudo-disadvantage" later on and doesn't burn them, so why would they give you an extra card? Now let's assume I play Prodder turn 3, and on turn 4 I reveal a land BUT do not draw one, my opponent just set me back a turn. It is very true I can probably hit him in the face for 3, and hope next turn I hit a land, being punished early on by getting a land drop denied is not my thing. Now that being said, now that Traverse the Ulvenwald is in the deck, it would allow me to hit 5 mana, which I think is the sweet-spot for this deck, even if my opponent makes me toss lands away in the first couple of turns I play Prodder. Problem now is, what do I get rid of?

I am just not going to include Hangarback Walker in this deck, unless I start using more Delirium. The Delirium on Luigi is neat, but I don't want to run a card that I feel doesn't offer much to the deck simply because he can trigger Delirium easier. Luigi's Delirium is useful mid to late, and by that time I will have ran into an Evolving Wilds or if I put the frog or Prodder in the deck, it will be that much easier. Hangarback is a creature that can fit in all types of decks because it is simply just good, but for this deck I feel like I have better choices available. In this deck it would simply be a good card, as I do not run Pia and Kiran Nalaar, I do not have take advantage of sac effects, and I do not have ways to add counters. He would be good, but he wouldn't be the better choice in my eyes.

Thanks for the food for thought!

That said and done, all I see myself cutting from here on would be removal. Now the question arises: is cutting 2-3 removal from the MD a good enough choice to add in 2-3 creatures?

March 29, 2016 5:59 p.m.

Looking at comments on my Jund lists, you want more than 18 creatures. I think a good selection of them can act as pseudo-removal on their own, so it should not be to hard a hit.

March 29, 2016 6:35 p.m.

dwed746 says... #17

Decent deck you have, the mid game agro really capitulates on red with support from green and black removal. Perhaps try a Fires of Yavimaya it is identical to Arlins +1 but it is one manna less and good for that constant haste in case you do not draw here or use her -1.

March 30, 2016 12:29 a.m.


Last I checked Fires of Yavimaya is not standard legal :)

March 30, 2016 12:36 a.m.

nickfaw says... #19

It's a really cool deck, I just don't know that a 3 color deck with 12 double color casting cost cards will work in the new standard.

Just using the "Draw a Hand" function on this page, I had to "draw" 4 hands before I drew one where I could cast a single card.

March 30, 2016 10:01 a.m.


Glad you like the deck. I think I will be alright on the manacost. The double color cards are either late game, singles/2-ofs, or sotuational removal. The core of the deck, for the majority either has or in it. I will admit that I have been thinking of Cutting black, since its only there for the few removals in the main and sb, to make it easier on the mana, but I am gonna stick with 3 colors for now. Thanks for the heads up though.

March 30, 2016 10:13 a.m.

nickfaw says... #21

I do think that this deck or a similar iteration of it will be a staple of this standard. It's really just a personal opinion, because I'm having trouble crafting a mana-base that I feel comfortable with in any of the 3 color builds I'm trying.

I 'm really focusing on 2 color builds right now, because the first month or so of standard is going to be dominated by fast aggro, IMO. This rotation is such a huge one; about 50% of the meta is rotating. People like us are going to be tuning a deck like this one, and some RB deck with gorger, drana, kalitas, and castigator is really going to jump on people and dominate.

March 30, 2016 10:24 a.m.

Yeah, that seems to be true for most rotations. Before people figure out what works normally RDW style decks take the cake.

March 30, 2016 10:36 a.m.

nickfaw says... #23

Very true. This one just seems like it will be much more pronounced because, after looking at it, more like 65% of the meta is rotating. Some version of standard Eldrazi and some version of Chandra/World Breaker ramp are the only top decks that will be left, and they comprise something like 15% of the meta.

Anyways, like I said, it's a really good deck that should be a staple eventually.

March 30, 2016 10:43 a.m.

Walruss says... #24

Hey man, amazing deck you have there. Surelly, Jund will be strong.

Just one question, what is the role of Goldnight Castigator in sideboard?

March 31, 2016 6:38 a.m.


Goldnight Castigator is there to go against control decks. It's a fast threat with evasion, and can actually be decent against ramp decks too. It's just there to close game faster against non-aggressive decks. Just something I want to try.

March 31, 2016 7:21 a.m.

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