jables1138 says... #2
After seeing the SCG open this week, I think you are probably right in cutting out the red. That color was seriously under-represented.
That being said, I'm not sure your deck is a languish deck. You have a whole lot of creatures.
Also, Dead Weight looks to be the real deal right now. It is strong against the aggressive white 1 and 2 drops.
Pulse of Murasa looks really good right now against the aggressive white decks. I love it being in the maindeck.
I would like more Grasp of Darkness in a deck like this or more answers to Westvale Abbey Flip but there may not be room.
In my mind, there is no reason to cap at 2 Deathcap Cultivators. Getting a turn 3 Thought-Knot Seer is pure gas, and getting a T4 Ob Nixilis is also very nice.
I missed it in your older versions of this deck, but this is the perfect home for Traverse the Ulvenwald. Early on it can get you a Wastes for the Seers and later on when you have delerium it will find your Mindwrack Demons and your Worldbreaker. It also helps you find your lands for Sylvan Advocate Since you said you normally top out at 5. It could also make 1 of The Gitrog Monster make sense as a kind of silver bullet card advantage engine.
I really like this version over your Jund from earlier. It is way more streamlined and everything you play after Turn 2 is a must-kill threat
So, here are my changes if I were you.
Maindeck-2 Languish (You pump out enough dudes already. Languish seems like a bad card for you to use.)+2 Dead Weight (It kills little dudes, weakens big dudes, and is easier to get in the graveyard than Oath of Nissa)+4 Traverse the Ulvenwald (This card is good at every stage of the game. It'll find you lands early, and threats later on. It also makes Nissa better since you have a better shot at hitting 7 lands)-2 To the Slaughter (It is only really good against Esper Dragons and Westvale Abbey, but the Abbey decks make so many creatures that it will rarely get their big dude. Esper Dragons will have a rough time with your deck since Mindwrack Demon fights Ojutai just fine and you can keep up with their card advantage through Tireless Tracker. Also it serves pretty much the same purpose as Clip Wings most of the time)-2 Tireless Tracker (He's very good, but clues kind of stack poorly with themselves since you wont have enough time or excess mana to keep cracking them. I would move 2 to the SB for control matchups where he will shine)+1 Thought-Knot Seer (This guy is good on offense, good on defense, and rips out stuff from their hands, alongside the full set of Cultivators this guy is the nuts)+2 Deathcap Cultivator (wanna hit that Turn 3 Thought-Knot Seer dream.)-1 Ruinous Path (This being a sorcery hurts a lot. You should be pressuring your opponents every turn from 3 onward. Your creatures should be big enough to wrestle with the best.-1 Mindwrack Demon (This guy is awesome when you have Delerium, but if you have one too early your opponent will just wait until you take 4 from it and kill it before you get to hit them. This guy is still an engine in a Pulse of Murasa/Den Protector deck so 2 are just fine. You can also find them late game with the Traverse the Ulvenwalds-1 either Wastes or Swamp. You can go just a smidge lighter on lands with the Traverses and extra Cultivators. I like all the nonbasics and you will never need more than 1 Wastes at a time. Most of your cheap spells are green so keep your forests. You might even want to find room for 1 or 2 more forests by maybe getting rid of another swamp
Sideboard+2 Tireless Tracker-2 Transgress the Mind (You already have Thought-Knot Seers, which I go up to 4 in the Main)
The rest of your board looks very good. You have answers for the big threats that have been seen so far. If you really wanted the To the Slaughters, this would be the place so they can come in against the decks you need them for.
Phew, what a writeup. I hope some of this helps. You've got a very solid B/G deck that can take advantage of Delirium. I like that you got rid of the Red but keep that Jund em Out spirit going with efficient creatures and grindy advantage engines like the Trackers, Den Protectors, Ob Nixilis, and Pulse. If you are feeling extra Jundy finding a spot for 1 Gitrog Monster to search up with Traverse the Ulvenwald sounds nifty, and some Drownyard Temples to recure off Mindwrack Demon/Gitrog sounds like a blast.
April 11, 2016 7:52 p.m.
Hey! I love the deck and plan on building it. Have you considered [Erebos's Titan] instead of [Thought-Knot Seer]? I like thought-knot, but trying to find access to a colorless mana is a bit of a hassle. I understand why you put them in, but I like the titan as a Delirium enabler. +1'ed!
April 11, 2016 8:08 p.m.
Eldrazi_shall_reign_supreme says... #4
Crawling Sensation maybe? Also this deck being a SOI Golgari delirium deck, I can't see how you missed Inexorable Blob. It's so frickin' good!
April 11, 2016 10:12 p.m.
ComputerizedMTG says... #5
Thanks for the link, I will take a look at it as soon as I get some more time.
I am glad you like the deck! The reason for using the Seer is that not only does he offer a decent size body but he strips your opponent of a card. He is good in almost every stage of the game so even if you don't get him out turn 4 he still helps. The Titan seems unimpressive to me as he is just a big dude that does nothing. The second clause will probably not trigger that often so he isn't a decent Delirium enabler either. I also can't say I have had too many issues getting colorless mana.
Crawling Sensation is a pretty sub-par card in my opinion, I tried a few game and so far I can trigger Delirium pretty easily and don't need to mill myself every turn. The reason that Inexorable Blob is not here is because he just isn't that great. Without Delirium he is just a 3/3 for 3 cmc which is not a great thing to play in constructed. Sure, once I have Delirium triggered he can make 3/3 token but unless the board is clear I don't see him making more than one. Most times I feel like you are going to attack, make a token, they block and kill the OOze, and now you just have the 3/3 token. Maybe I am judging it wrong, but regardless he is competing in the same slot as Tireless Tracker and the Tracker is just better. Maybe in a byild using CoCo the ooze might be of better use.
I understand what you are saying about Languish, but it absolutely destroys most deck that I am expecting to see play in the first few weeks, especially after the fact that people are going to build a lot of decks like the ones played at SCG Baltimore for a bit. It can wipe my board, but I still have a few threats that survive it: Advocate survives once I have 6 lands, Mindwrack survives it, and a pumped Tracker survives it. Clearing the board and having a 4/5 on the board seems alright to me. I would also only be casting Languish if I am behind in board-state, in which case I care more about getting rid of their field rather than keeping mine. I also have tools to get back what I wipe off my field if I really need to.
I had Dead Weight in the deck originally, but I don't feel like I need it. I primarily felt that way because Sylvan Advocate can block anything that will come down turn 1. After an FNM or two, if I feel that a 1 cmc removal is needed I will definitely put it back in.
Traverse is a fine card, but if I feel like it would need to replace the Oath, and that means I am almost forced to use Dead Weight to make it easier to trigger Delirium, and it is just something I don't want to do. I really do like the card since it allows me to run more 1-of drops and give the deck a sort of toollbox aspect, just not sure where to fit it in with the current stage of the deck.
Dealing with the Abbey is something this deck might have issues with, so far all I got is To the Slaughter in the main, and Clip Wings in the side.
I don't have issues hitting 6 mana, I should have worded what I said in the previous comment a little better. I was primarely referring to mana curve, as the person said I should include more lands because the top of my curve was 7, and while that is technically true I won't consider a 1 of that heavily when considering my manabas and feel like 24 lands was fine for the deck. So long as I hit 4 mana the deck operates, but I haven't had issues hitting the 6th land drop so far.
I definately appreciate your comment and the time you took to write it up, as well as the detailed analysis. I agree on Tracker, and actually have been wanting to move 1 or 2 copies to the side for the same reasons you mentioned, but was not sure what to cut for them. Speaking of what to cut, I guess 4 Transgress might be a little much huh? The thought behind Ruinous Path is just to act as catch-all removal and as an answer to walkers, but I do feel the sorcery speed can hurt which is why it was here only as a 1 of. I will be honest, I am not entirely sold on To the Slaughter myself, and was here just to test at the shop to see how it performed, and it is easily replaceable without having any impact on the deck. I also agree with cutting one Demon. I have had a couple of games where I drew him played him, missed on Delirium and took 4 damage. I will say I only ever lost 4 life in the few tests I have done, and while I have gotten lucky and got to throw him down turn 3 a few times and hit complete Delirium, I feel like 2 might be a better number for him.
As I test the deck, and see how the meta shapes, I will keep your suggestions in mind. Still glad you feel the deck is strong overall :)
For now I will make the SB change by cutting 2 Transgress and moving Trackers to the side. I will also cut 1 Demon. This makes room for another Seer as well as the 2 Cultivators. I will also replace 1 Slaughter with 1 more Grasp.
I will keep thinking about the Traverse Vs. Oath, as that is a very plauaible switch, the only think I don't like is needing to use [card:dead weight]. One possibility could be to cut 1 Wastes and 1 Oath to make room for 2 Traverse. Going down to 23 lands might seem bad but with 4 Cultivators, 2 Traverse, and 3 Oaths it might be easy enough. I could always replace 1 Path with 1 Dead Weight as well.
April 12, 2016 3:48 a.m.
In my oppinion, you really should be playing Hangarback Walker if you really want to get the delirium going on early. He is a creature and an artifact. You can play him with 0 manacost if you are in a hurry to get the delirium going on. It can go off as early as on turn 2.
Also if you are really focusing into getting the delirium going on, I'd play Pick the Brain over Infinite Obliteration, since you can get rid of most anything with the same manacost.
April 12, 2016 6:52 a.m.
ComputerizedMTG says... #8
Gather the Pack is a decent enabler and lets me dig for creatures, however it doesn't let me grab lands. Which is something that both Oath and Traverse do, and Gather would be replacing either of those, which I don't think is worth it.
Hangarback Walker is a nice value card, and he was here as a 2 of before he got cut. The problem with him is that, while he is a good Delirium enabler, he doesn't shine in this deck. I don't have many issues getting Delirium Online and would rather have a deck that goes wide rather than a deck that only focuses on Delirium. I don't think Delirium is strong enough to devote 100% of the deck to it.
Which is why I have shied away from using Pick the Brain. Now, while Infinite Obliteration only answers creatures, it will do what it does every time and I can strip my opponent of all the copies of that threat without needing him to have it in his hand. Pick the Brain on the other hand, if Delirium is not online, it just acts as an expensive Thoughtseize. It isn't a bad card, but I am not a fan of it.
A deck needs to go wide in my opinion, and devoting too much to Delirium would be a bad idea. Maybe the name might be misleading and should replace Delirium with Midrange instead.
April 12, 2016 7:38 a.m. Edited.
ComputerizedMTG says... #10
Thanks for the suggestion, but I feel like Obsessive Skinner is a very sub-par card that might be only suited for a deck that actually abuses counters. Paying 2 mana for a 1/1 that can give a counter to itself or any other creature is not that impactful, Even if I trigger Delirium he is just a going to be either a 2/2 or a 1/1 that is going to take several turns to give me a payoff and is not a threat at all. If this was a deck similar to the one that rotated out based Hardened Scales, it might be something to consider, but as of now when I compare him to my other creatures, especially Sylvan Advocate since they are the same cost, he just gets overshadowed.
April 12, 2016 2:56 p.m.
Really awesome deck! Just got my SOI cards in and having fun building around the new mechanics. I recently put together a delirium deck that I am still tweaking. Your deck gives me some good ideas that might improve it/speed it up. I need to procure some Mindwrack Demon. That would really improve my deck for sure.
April 12, 2016 11:28 p.m.
ComputerizedMTG says... #12
Glad you like the deck, and it's awesome that it's helping you build your own deck. Good luck on your deck. Building for this standard is fun.
April 13, 2016 12:07 a.m.
I loved this as a Jund deck, I totally appreciate it as a Golgari deck, and I appreciate your deck-building.
Thank you for sharing!
April 14, 2016 12:36 a.m.
ComputerizedMTG says... #14
Glad you can appreciate it :)
I really wanted this to be a jund deck, but the more I thought about it the less sense it made to keep red with the direction the deck was taking.
April 14, 2016 2:20 a.m.
It's kinda sad to see Den Protector without Deathmist Raptor, seeing that they've been such great pals. I could be wrong, but they could be deadly in this type of deck. I doubt you have room for it, but it's just a suggestion.
Anyway, love the deck. Been wanting to build a delirium deck for a while, but I have neither the resources nor the deck building skills to do so.
April 14, 2016 3:17 a.m.
ComputerizedMTG says... #16
I'm happy you like the deck. I don't think it took that much skill to build the deck, but I will take it as a compliment :)
I have considered Deathmist Raptor before, it was at the same time I almost thought about using CoCo as well.
The raptor isn't completely ruled out, if Deathcap Cultivator underperforms, and his acceleration is negligent, I might try the raptor in his place.
April 14, 2016 4:58 a.m.
The_Riddlebox, I have been running Deathcap Cultivator in my delirium deck and very rarely tap him for mana. I am considering switching him out myself.
April 14, 2016 8:08 a.m.
ComputerizedMTG says... #18
He really only helps, mana wise, early on to drop a turn 3 Thought-Knot Seer which is awesome, but yeah, after turn 4/5 he just either swings or blocks. I mean he does allow me to cast a Sylvan Advocate AND a removal spell on turn 4 which is a decent play as well. He does things, sometimes I tap for mana sometimes I don't. Will need to test at my LGS to see how it goes.
April 14, 2016 8:23 a.m.
So I see you've made some changes to your deck and I find that new version interesting. One card that I think would be excellent here is Dead Weight. It's a super efficient removal spell that even helps you to fuel delirium.
April 16, 2016 11:25 a.m.
ComputerizedMTG says... #20
Yeah some changes have been made and I think it was for the best so far. I might try to sneak red back in but so far G/B looks solid enough on it's own. Dead Weight is definitely a card worth looking at, however I feel it is only worth running if you need enchantments in the graveyard for Delirium, which I can already do. My removal is better as well in my opinion, Dead Weight is a sub par card that is seeing spots in decks simply as a Delirium enabler. The only advantage it has is that even if it can't call a creature it can dwarf it, while the other removal either kills or it can't.
If I decide to use Traverse the Ulvenwald over Oath of Nissa I will feel forced to use Dead Weight, but until then I don't feel the need for it.
April 16, 2016 12:48 p.m.
Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor says... #21
It looks like your build isn't solely focused on delirium so these two suggestions may not be what you are looking for, but what about Sinister Concoction and Soul Swallower? The enchantment is awesome removal that is a virtual delirium enabler every time, and the Wurm is a 6/6 for four with delirium that continues to grow.
Also, if you do splash red, Sin Prodder is great at enabling delirium.
April 16, 2016 8:18 p.m.
ComputerizedMTG says... #22
You are correct, those suggestions are not appealing as I am not 100% dedicated to Delirium. Soul Swallower in a dedicated Delirium deck can grow big fast, but in my deck for the most part will be a 4 mana 3/3 Trampler which is very un-impressive.
I am able to enable Delirium reliably, not always fast, but I can always geT Delirium online; which is something I like about my deck: it has strong cards that work well, and Delirium helps me mid to late with a few tools, but the deck can function without needing Delirium. I dislike decks dedicating 100% to Delirium because in my opinion the cards are not strong enough and if Delirium is not enabled soon, then you have a bunch of mediocre tools.
While the Concotion is actually not too bad, being that I am not devoted to Delirium, this becomes strictly worse than any other removal out there. Imagine being in top deck mode, hoping to draw a removal to answer a threat, and you draw the Concotion....feels bad. This was a card the design team made with limited in mind as it allows you to enable 2 set mechanics with just one card.
The Prodder is neat, this was originally a Jund deck, and Prodder was in the deck at that time, but as I shaped the deck i figured B/G would just be better instead. If testing proves otherwise I might try adding red again, and if that fails I will likely play a control deck since that's what I normally play.
April 17, 2016 2:04 a.m.
Nice deck. A lot of cards I wouldn't have considered putting in a delirium deck. But seems solid anyway.
What are your thoughts on my delirium deck? Golgari Delerium (SOI standard)
Its more focused on utilising delirium but I don't know if it is as competitive as yours. :)
April 17, 2016 10:43 p.m.
TheSwagnificence says... #24
Mindwrack seems to be the only way to enable delirium, so I would add more cards to enable delirium if oyu want to get delirium oftenWhat's the win condition? Beatdown and remove some stuff? It seems to be missing consistent win cons, and rather just plays solid cards that see plays in a variety of decks. I think this build needs cards like Gitrog Monster, maybe crawling sensation, Autumnal gloob, etc.. If you want to play a delirium deck, you have to have several ways to (1) enable delirium and (2) utilize delirium to win the game. That being said, i think this is a good start and I look forward to seeing how this brew develops.
April 18, 2016 3:53 p.m.
ComputerizedMTG says... #25
I appreciate the suggestion; however, this isn't a deck solely centered around Delirium. I looked up deck lists of decks that revolve almost entirely to Delirium and I feel that they are very weak and fragile as they only have 1 dimension. I feel like using Delirium for mid-to-late-game advantage is the best way. This deck can win without ever having Delirium online, considering that the only cards that require Delirium are Deathcap Cultivator, To the Slaughter (which I am thinking of replacing anyways), and Mindwrack Demon. The only one that really "requires" Delirium to be online is the Demon, and with only 2 in the deck by the time I actually draw into them I will have Delirium online.
The Gitrog Monster is something I am contemplating at the moment, and I am actually thinking of putting them in the place of the Demon if he doesn't work out, and I might throw one in the MB in place of World Breaker as he is kind of an awkward card in this deck.
Going back to not wanting to devote entirely to Delirium is because I want to avoid running sub-par cards like Crawling Sensation and Autumnal Gloom Flip. In all honesty I should really change the title from "G/B Delirium" to "G/B/ Midrange". I am likely to change this up a bit again and possibly remove all Delirium cards, cut the number of creatures and make this a more control based mid range deck.
But yes the wincon is remove/beat down, I mean, isn't that what a mid-range deck does? Play removal and value creatures and win.
Speaking of changes, I can't say I am 100% satisfied with the performance with the deck on MTGO. Could have been a couple of bad games but will see how it goes.
LeRandomNoob says... #1
http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/budget-bg-delirium/ - My current list, budget restricts mine but I went a lot heavier into Delirium that yours. Mine is more a trigger Delirium turn 2-3 and win with The Gitrog Monster and Mindwrack Demon than yours, but I thought I'd post in case it's helpful.
April 11, 2016 1:44 p.m.