SOI - G/B Control

Standard ComputerizedMTG

SCORE: 52 | 160 COMMENTS | 11298 VIEWS | IN 37 FOLDERS

I am going to express my thoughts so far on the pieces in the deck after a whole night of playing MTGO with it. I know the meta is very subtly different from paper to MTGO but they are all in all the same.

Deathcap Cultivator: He was a huge disappointment. In most cases he doesn't need Deathtouch to trade, and the acceleration has not been helpful in the slightest. Sure every so often I get to cast a turn 3 Thought-Knot Seer or Mindwrack Demon, or every now and again I was able to cast removal + creature on the same turn; but overall he was very disappointing and will get cut. He really hasn't impressed me. It gets very awkward too when on turn 2 I have both him and a Sylvan Advocate and I just want to play the Advocate instead of him all the times, and by turn 4 and on he just sits there as a chump blocker, simply underwhelming in this deck.

Den Protector: It works fine. I think she is definitely far better with Deathmist Raptor but she gets me back answers and has helped quite a bit.

Mindwrack Demon: He is good. Like, really good. He kills walkers, and he can win the game alone. He needs to be answered or my opponent is in trouble. By the time I cast him I am normally already at 3 card types in the graveyard and casting him has always gotten be the fourth.

Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip: She is ok. I can't say I want to cut her, but I can't say I love her. She guarantees me a land drop, and when she flips she either helps rebuild board presence or gets me cards. She works.

Sylvan Advocate: A beast, but all of us already knew that. He stops early aggro and punishes them hard if he isn't answered. I never have issues hitting 6 lands.

Thought-Knot Seer: I like this dude. It obviously feels bad when you cast him, hit nothing, then next turn he gets killed and they get to draw too; I am also not fond of the fact that he let's them draw even from bounce and exile effects, making U/W Humans especially annoying. I can't say I feel bad paying 4 mana to strip an answer or threat from my opponent and have a 4/4 body on the field, but I do think if I need to make changes, this guy will likely get cut.

Tireless Tracker: He is good, like really good. I will likely try to run 3 in the main. With only 2 copies I ten to draw him later than I would want to and miss a whole slew of triggers, this guy can take the game over by himself if not answered. The card draw is great too.

World Breaker: God this guy is a joke here haha. This is a filler card and I need to figure out with what, maybe Greenwarden of Murasa.

Languish: This card is stupid good so far. Never cared to wipe my own field when facing an army that out races mine. I am always left with 1 or 2 creatures anyways some of the times.

Ruinous Path: People are underrating this card, it has helped a lot so far. Sure the Sorcery speed can set you back, but being able to kill anything that's a creature or walker is awesome. I am seeing a whole lot of people run this on MTGO as well, and I can see why. Great catch all removal, albeit at Sorcery speed.

Pulse of Murasa: This card is just ok to me. I thought on paper it was great and figured it deserved MB slot, but the 6 life is almost always negligible. Out of all the games I played only once did the 6 life matter and almost always wished it was something closer to Kolaghan's Command instead. I also never felt the need to grab a land, I always had lands, only 1 game where I missed lands drops back to back, so getting lands back does nothing for me.

To the Slaughter: This was ok removal. Against token decks it got sided for Languish and other tools, and against decks that drop a lot of creatures (which is like 80% of the damn meta if not more) it was just ok. There was only once where it allowed me to win by getting rid of a GIdeon and his Ally, but there are surprisingly not a whole lot of chances that game up where my opponent actually had a creature and walker on board at the same time. This can be easily replaced by a number of different removals.

Ultimate Price: This was another great card that many told me not to run. Yes, of course, if there is a colorless or multicolor creature this is a dead draw, but the times where it could kill something of value way out numbered the times it couldn't.

Oath of Nissa: I was content with how this card performed, but I will likely replace it anyways. I almost always had a target, I think it missed only twice, and it successfully threw itself in the graveyard to help with delirium; however, I was often able to have Delirium going without needing this to be in the Graveyard, which made me think I should run Traverse the Ulvenwald or Read the Bones, or a mix of both, in the deck instead.

Ob Nixilis Reignited: This guy is a monster. I love him. Okay, maybe he isn't a monster, but he is really good. I honestly want to just flat out have 2 in the MB.

Not much to say about the Sideboard other than that Seasons Past never got used once, I could not see which matchup I could use it against. I initially thought it would be great against control decks, but I literally never saw a single control deck in all the games I played. I am not going to consider U/W Humands or B/W "Control" as they play more like mid-range decks than control decks, as they can go off way sooner than a normal control deck could. One card that exceeded my expectations was Virulent Plague, this was an awesome sideboard card against a couple of match-ups.

All in all I see this deck going a couple of directions as far as changes being made, and changes do need to be made as so far the deck performs way too mediocre for my taste. The rate at which it wins is bearly 50/50 and that's no bueno. I can go the following ways:

-Try Jund again. I think when I first made this deck, in it's Jund stage, it was built in the wrong shell. I made it very creature heavy with not enough removal, which is why I thought it wouldn't work. If I go this route again I will instead be using a more control shell, and by that I mean less creatures, more utility, bigger threats, and much more removal. This deck felt so light on removal so often, and without reliant card advantage I felt like I was relying too much on luck.

-Another 3 color take would be to go Abzan, something I had originally outright declined when this was a Jund deck, as this gives me access to bombs like Archangel Avacyn  Flip and Dragonlord Dromoka, removal spells like Declaration in Stone, and great utility cards like Dromoka's Command.

-I can keep it B/G but go the same rout as I would go for Jund and cut down on creatures, add a bit more removal and make it more control-ish than what it is now. I might have over-estimated B/G in all honesty.

-Another take on B/G could be to use Collected Company which is an absurdly powerful card, couple it up with Deathmist Raptor and utility creatures like Fleshbag Marauder and CoCO could work. Only downside to this, especially the Den Protector+Raptor combo is that Declaration in Stone would be an absurd blowout. Still something to keep in mind.

Changes need to be made, regardless of which way I go it will be ditching Delirium. It is just too weak to put any focus on, and if I was to use small amounts like Mindwrack Demon or Traverse the Ulvenwald (which are the only 2 good Delirium cards in my opinion), as stated earlier in this long ass commnt I can accidentally trigger Delirium relatively well without needing to focus on it. This allows me to just use a sprinkle of Delirium through the above mentioned cards, or even just as a single spell and not feel any need to try to trigger Delirium.

Any thoughts?

April 19, 2016 5:24 p.m.

Thumbcrusher42 says... #2

Highly reccomend replacing clip wings with plummet. The targeting is very helpful. While playtesting clip wings, I found that in almost all situations plummet would be put to better use! You said something similar with the card to the slaughter.

April 19, 2016 6:56 p.m.

Thumbcrusher42 says... #3

Runed servitor also is extremely strong with delerium, due to it being both an artifact and a creature. The draw is not bad either.

April 19, 2016 7:03 p.m.


Thanks for the suggestions; however I am going to have to disagree with them. Plummet is only better than Clip Wings if you are faced with multiple flyers. In most cases, if not all, when there is a huge flying bomb it will be the only flyer on my opponent side of the field. While Plummet can hit Olivia, Mobilized for War and Archangel Avacyn  Flip with her trigger on the stack, it can't deal with a flipped Westvale Abbey  Flip and you have to wait for Dragonlord Ojutai to tap before you hit it with Plummet. As things stand I believe Clip Wings to be better in most cases.

Like I mentioned in my long ass comment, I am probably going to shy away from Delirium even more so than I am now and I will likely only be using Mindwrack Demon or Traverse the Ulvenwald. I also mention I don't really have issues triggering Delirium anyways, so running something bad like Runed Servitor just as an enabler isn't worth it, not to mention I have no sac outlets so I need to wait for him to get removed in combat or get hit by removal spell, which doesn't make it all that worth it since he gets outclassed by my other 2 drops. A better Artifact Creature to run as a Delirium enabler would be Hangarback Walker, but alas I don't think he fits in the deck.

April 20, 2016 3:25 p.m.

Cragon18 says... #5

The_Riddlebox. In recent playtests with my deck, Autumn in Innistrad, I have come to the exact same conclusion regarding Deathcap Cultivator. He is essentially useless, and I experienced everything you described above. I am going to switch him out for either Sylvan Advocate or Obsessive Skinner. I am only considering skinner over advocate because my deck is more delirium centric than yours and he has been awesome in my playtests. He also draws a lot of aggro due to his delirium counter ability. I have also had great success with Ultimate Price after everyone told me it is a total side-board card as well. You can't argue with results. Cheers!

April 20, 2016 4:33 p.m.


Thanks for sharing your experiences! Knowing other's experiences aside your own can really help.

April 20, 2016 5:08 p.m.

primtj17 says... #7

While I think that Golgari is a nifty way to go, with the new standard it just does not have the cards to support it too well. I believe that if you want to go control, you could possibly cut green and add white instead. This would increase the pricetag, as B/W would mean going with avacyns, sorins possibly, and anguished unmakings.

My other suggestion is to take the B/G idea more towards the control side. Some Grasp of Darknesses, Duresses, more Ruinous Paths, and Transgress the Minds might take this deck a whole 'nother way. This way you can keep all the stuff that makes your deck what it is, but take out some of the stuff that drags it down, like the pulses and cultivators. This would mean cutting down on creatures to add some of these instants and sorceries. Overall, I like the idea of this deck; it just lacks enough direction.

P.S. If you want to test decks more easily, just go do You can copy and paste decklists in and test/play decks for free. I use it all the time to test my decks, and would never spend money on MTGO to do it.

April 20, 2016 8:50 p.m.


Appreciate the suggestions!

I am not going to cut green for any other color. This deck will stay B/G or B/G/X, if I cut black or green I am just going to make a different deck entirely. Increasing the price tag is not something I am exactly worried about, I am more worried about making the deck work, that said B/W just kind of looks boring to me and would rather play Esper instead if I go that route.

That is definitely the way the deck is going to go: more control. Will be updating the deck in the next few days to reflect more of that.

As far as testing decks I absolutely hate things like . I don't mind spending money on MTGO for 2 reasons: 1) it isn't that expensive, 2) I have fun playing it. I can see why people use things like Cockatrice,, or any of the others out there, but I hate how often it happens that people just do whatever the hell they want and ruin your tests. I would just much rather spend a few dollars and play a legitimate match. Thanks for the suggestion though :D

April 23, 2016 1:34 p.m.

ceji3 says... #9

Jon Finkel made a killer G/B list and is 1 seed in the PT top 8 with it.

April 23, 2016 8:53 p.m.


Yes, I have been watching the pro-tour, which is what is pushing me even more to go more of a control rout. I am waiting for a decklist to be released on MTGTOP8 or elsewhere. I was already thinking of going control, as that was clearly the best option for the deck, and seeing Finkel's deck yesterday just kind of reinforced that belief.

April 23, 2016 10:22 p.m.

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