Endless Ranks of the Dead is in my opinion a must have for a zombie swarm deck and fits your "for every one you do mow down, 3 more should've come around the corner" idea. 2 zombies turns into 3. 3 into 4, 4 into 6, etc etc. Personally I'd lose the Undead Alchemist . His ability in a mill deck is epic, but it seems you'll want to devour your opponent, not their deck. Replace him with Cemetery Reaper to literally turn your opponents dead monsters into zombies too. Finally Call to the Grave for late game. It's like a zombie based field nuke after a while. Your zombies live while your opponent's fall and join your army.
January 22, 2014 1:43 a.m.
@smccl: Endless Ranks of the Dead is one of the cards that's been experimentally left out right now. It's an awesome card in all respects, but I found it to be quite slow more often than now, especially without Undead Alchemist on the field. Of the latter I was actually hoping to get more, his mill ability can get out of control fast. I once won by milling for 348 cards. He would be my main win-con, with straight aggro as second, and Grimgrin, Corpse-Born if necessary.
Cemetery Reaper seems pretty good, but I felt he was underwhelming compared to Diregraf Captain and more importantly Death Baron . He would be worth it to give it a shot though.
Call to the Grave is a very solid option, and I will consider it. Seems like a good control element.
January 22, 2014 7:23 p.m.
Glad you liked the Call to the Grave . I threw 2 out once in my old zombie deck and my opponent outright scooped. Think you could give my new Ooze deck a look? I wanna keep it tribal but would love ideas for new instants, sorceries, and enchantments.
January 22, 2014 9:27 p.m.
@smccl: I gave your deck a look, and I'd make a sensible comment if I could. This is my first shot at Modern, having only played Standard, and I haven't played it a lot. I just don't know the Modern cardbase, staples and must-haves.
I can say though, based on your latest update (23-01), that I don't think it's wise to overly specialize in token spam. It sounds like you're already flooding the field, and sometimes the difference in amount of tokens doesn't matter so much, you'll win anyways (say the difference between 15 7/7s or 20 of them). If your deck is already strong on that point, maybe you should try some control elements to strenghten the rest.
Having said that, that is something my own deck really needs, better control elements.
January 23, 2014 8:20 p.m.
I agree but that's the beauty of Necroplasm . He's a totally recyclable field nuke. Once he kills himself and every other 3 drop he gets Dredge which puts him back in my hand. It's a unorthodox way to run control without actually having control. Just nuke it, rinse, repeat until you can pop a big swarm for win. Granted it gives me a huge vulnerability to exile cards but when you don't have the funding for the staple black kill spells like Damnation , Hero's Downfall , or Go for the Throat it's a good substitute. Murder , Tragic Slip , etc are the budget friendlier modern black control.
January 23, 2014 8:31 p.m.
I'm considering Lich Lord of Unx , but I'm not sure what I'd take out for him.
January 23, 2014 8:33 p.m.
Personally I'd drop Grimgrin, Corpse-Born . A single powerhouse swinging and either getting chump blocked or deathtouched isn't all that great, especially when he's constantly requiring sacrifices. Granted he does act as a Murder every attack which is sweet though. But a token making, mill inducing, burning zombie for 2 less mana is just awesome.
January 23, 2014 8:45 p.m.
@smccl: You might be right. The sacrifices are never really a problem though, as Gravecrawler can just come back, or I sac a token who's just attacked anyways. It's still a 5-drop though, and getting that down to 3 might make up for a difference in power. I'll consider this.
ChiefBell says... #1
I ran this a long, long time ago. It might give you some ideas.
November 24, 2013 11:46 a.m.