solar flare

Modern* neomages


Ziabo says... #1

Forbidden Alchemy is a needed card with Snapcaster Mage I would max them out, and by turn 8 you should have the game already won by turn 8 so I really don't see any reason to have Army of the Damned in here maybe drop that to max out your alchemy and find something to max out Snapcaster Mage and take out the black sun's for day of judgment it's just more useful and cheaper to use

that's my opinion of the deck to many 1 ofs and not enough potency

December 27, 2011 9:31 a.m.

neomages says... #2

noted.. i'm planning to get day of judgement in but currently short on budget...

planning on putting 1 more phantasmal image and snapcaster

might b removing black sun and army of the damned for 2x day of judgement..

thinking if i should remove dream twist or not..

December 27, 2011 10:15 a.m.

neomages says... #3

should i put 1x Day of Judgment and 1x card:Black Sun's Zenith instead of 2x Day of Judgment ?

December 30, 2011 10:38 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #4

All the people at my shop run this deck and they all run it with mimic vats (for obvious reasons) something to consider perhaps?

January 5, 2012 10:13 a.m.

Rockenos says... #5

I've been playing Solar Flare for a month or so now, and I find I constantly have to change the deck to keep up with my Friday Night Magic friends and stay ahead of them by anticipating what they'll play. When it looked like the majority were going to start playing Wolf-Run Ramp, I started using 2 mainboard Ghost Quarters, 2 sideboard Curse of Death's Hold, and 2 mainboard surgical extractions (Very good card, good in the mirror and extracting a ghost quartered inkmoth is sick value)

7 bombs is probably too many. I only use a few because my deck is more draw-go than yours it appears, but mine uses... hmmm.. 1 wurmcoil, 1 consecrated, 1 sun, 1 grave.I like multiple sun titans because phantasmal image with it is crazy (Due to my 1 sun titan I also run 1 Phantasmal image, but 2 of both is good too.)I also like Elesh Norn, but perhaps in sideboard instead? And I'm not a fan of Rune Scarred Demon... Why tutor up another bomb you have to play and resolve when you could just play a cheaper and better one to begin with?Anyways, great deck, +1 for the innovation of Dream Twist etc. Very different and cool.

January 5, 2012 10:15 a.m.

Rockenos says... #6

I've been playing Solar Flare for a month or so now, and I find I constantly have to change the deck to keep up with my Friday Night Magic friends and stay ahead of them by anticipating what they'll play. When it looked like the majority were going to start playing Wolf-Run Ramp, I started using 2 mainboard Ghost Quarters, 2 sideboard Curse of Death's Hold, and 2 mainboard surgical extractions (Very good card, good in the mirror and extracting a ghost quartered inkmoth is sick value)

7 bombs is probably too many. I only use a few because my deck is more draw-go than yours it appears, but mine uses... hmmm.. 1 wurmcoil, 1 consecrated, 1 sun, 1 grave.I like multiple sun titans because phantasmal image with it is crazy (Due to my 1 sun titan I also run 1 Phantasmal image, but 2 of both is good too.)I also like Elesh Norn, but perhaps in sideboard instead? And I'm not a fan of Rune Scarred Demon... Why tutor up another bomb you have to play and resolve when you could just play a cheaper and better one to begin with?Anyways, great deck, +1 for the innovation of Dream Twist etc. Very different and cool.

January 5, 2012 10:15 a.m.

neomages says... #7

do u suggest i put 3x Glacial Fortress,3x Drowned Catacomb,3x Darkslick Shores,4x Isolated Chapel,2x ghost quarters instead of my current 1?

January 5, 2012 10:22 a.m.

neomages says... #8

edited from top post: meant 2 put 3x isolated chapel instead of 4...

Corrected:"do u suggest i put 3x Glacial Fortress,3x Drowned Catacomb,3x Darkslick Shores,3x Isolated Chapel,2x ghost quarters instead of my current 1?"

January 5, 2012 10:24 a.m.

Rockenos says... #9

That works fine, although I also suggest you should take out a Darkslick Shores for a Drowned Catacomb. In Solar Flare, it's usually more important for your lands to come into play untapped later than earlier in the game.Also, if most people run this deck, I suggest using Nihil Spellbomb in your sideboard. It's very good against this deck, albeit not quite as good as surgical extraction, but still.You also may want to edit the deck to have 27 lands, and if you know there won't be any wolf run ramp decks, Ghost Quarter probably isn't even worth running.If there's a chance of Wolf Run, I suggest 1 Ghost Quarter mainboard 1 sideboard.

January 5, 2012 11:01 a.m.

neomages says... #10

alrite.. i'm thinking of putting 3 darkslick just so i get more chance of getting able 2 tap a single island on turn 1 for ponder or dreamtwist.. if i got a single basic land on the start the rest of the mana would mostly come into play untapped.. but the problem is wif getting a tappable island on turn 1 for ponder or dreamtwist.. but thinking if i should put in 4x Seachrome Coast..

January 5, 2012 11:33 a.m.

Rockenos says... #11

4 is probably too many but some should be present.Maybe 2? I'm using 3.I don't use ponder in my build although I like the card. It usually feels like I only want to do my digging at the end of their turn so I don't tap mana that could me used for counterspells or to make them think I have some. Dream Twist is kinda cool as an instant, I wish it weren't inherent card disadvantage, but I may test with it. Here, I'll upload my build (Built SPECIFICALLY to hate out control originally)so you can get an idea of what I'm talking about.

January 5, 2012 noon

Rockenos says... #12

nevermind I left my decks at home! Silly me. I'll post the build later tonight lol.Got really worried for a second that I'd lost my decks, and with about 300-400 dollars worth of borrowed cards (And a greater amount of my own cards) this would be an unbearable loss :/Aight, see you tonight lol

January 5, 2012 12:07 p.m.

neomages says... #13

haha np bro.. no hurry.. trying 2 test out see how my mana goes.. cos my current problem is the starting mana n starting counter spells.. other then tat i dont think i haf much problems..

January 5, 2012 12:20 p.m.

neomages says... #14

how does this look now? should i go 2x glacial and 2x drowned?

January 5, 2012 12:28 p.m.

Rockenos says... #15

Thinking now, you should PROBABLY move a Ghost Quarter to sideboard so you can use another Drowned Catacomb

January 5, 2012 12:51 p.m.

neomages says... #16

looks better now?

January 5, 2012 1:33 p.m.

Rockenos says... #17

Yeah I think the landbase looks really solid now.I also suggest you remove the rune scarred demon for another dissipate, but if you like rune scarred demon (Fat creatures can be chosen by personal preference instead of just how good they are! Hooray for versatility!) you can take out one of the others. You should definitely take out at least one though; you usually shouldn't even be playing them until they tap they're mana for something and you get an opening (Unless you're aren't playing a control deck, but still, probably too many big creatures)

January 5, 2012 2:58 p.m.

neomages says... #18

i put rune scarred demon in is cos at time u just need tat 1 card but u cant find it.. tats where it comes in.. and its a 6/6 flying.. mayb remove 1 day of judgment for a dissipate? wat do u think?

January 5, 2012 8:46 p.m.

Rockenos says... #19

Yeah, I think you should switch the day of judgment and dissipate in your mainboard and sideboard around (Just 1 like you said)Runescarred is good to keep, but I really do think you should take out one of the big creatures so that you don't draw them too much.

January 5, 2012 10:22 p.m.

Rockenos says... #20 you didn't already see my solar flare deck, here it is!I've gotten it to the point where I don't want to change it much, but it isn't very good so basically I need to make a new deck when Dark Ascension comes out LOL

January 5, 2012 10:23 p.m.

neomages says... #21

haha.. yea i wonder wat cards dark ascension will haf..

January 5, 2012 10:38 p.m.

Rockenos says... #22

Looks like some crazy stuff, I think Solar Flare might start sideboarding Mill lol

January 9, 2012 8:19 a.m.

ChaosOrb says... #23

Its funny, our decks are very similar. ( )

My meta has no need for mass removal however so a black suns and day of judgment arent really needed where i play.

Seeing that you have more W/U than B, i would drop the 4x Seachromes to 2 and replace them with Drowned Catacombs as your UB is more heavy...not to mention after turn 3 they may be into play untapped which dosnt set you back a turn.

Rune-Scar Demon can be devastating, but in this type of control deck I personally think that its not needed.

I would assume that the Dream Twists were for your benefit of milling creatures then Unburialing them into play...If you are milling your opponent...drop them for another Oblivion Ring and 2 Timely Reinforcements.

Running 2 Ponder seems almost worthless. You have a 1:30 shot of having it in your hand, while those odds are higher due to drawing 7 cards at the start of the game...thats still less than a 1:3 chance of it being there. Replace the slot that the Rune-Scar Demon was in with either another Ponder or drop them all together for Gitixan Probes as they can be so much better.

Now with the adding of things from your SB to MD after those edits, you would need to fix the SB.

If you went with the edits I suggested, it would be like this:

-2 Seachrome Coast+2 Drowned Catacomb-1 Rune-Scar Demon+1 Ponder-3 Dream Twist+1 Oblivion Ring+2 Timely Reinforcements

Those edits would move 2 Timely Reinforcements and 1 Oblivion Ring from the SB, thus you would have 3 slots to fill.

Hex Parasite is a great card. All those pesky decks that drop counters onto their vampires, or anyone running a planeswalker hates to see hex parasite as they know its the end of that creature/walker

Ratchet Bomb is removal for more than just creatures...thats something you are missing for this deck.

Revoke Existence takes care of all those Tempered Steel decks with 1W.

Celestial Purge takes care of BR vampires, Inferno/Grave Titans, Koths, Chandras, etc...

Volition Reins will just take any permanant.

Those are just a few things you could replace the aforementioned cards with...personally for your deck I would go with 1x Ratchet Bomb and 2x Revoke Existence.

January 11, 2012 10:58 a.m.

neomages says... #24

noted... thx for the feed back.. i'll play around wif the cards tmr and see wat i to do..

January 11, 2012 11:36 a.m.

HeSoooKrispy says... #25

You're running a lot of creatures. Normally, you'd only want to run about 6 bombs (including Phantasmal Image), but if the deck works with more of them then go for it. At the very least, more card draw is necessary. 4 Forbidden Alchemy are a must. I'd say -2 Psychic Barrier, -3 Ponder, +1 Forbidden Alchemy, +3 Think Twice, +1 Oblivion Ring. If you want to add a couple of Liliana or a Gideon for some of the bombs, such as Rune-Scarred Demon or Grave Titan, it'd probably be a good idea as well.

I've been running Solar Flare since Innistrad was released with great success by using the suggestions I just gave you. Good luck!

January 12, 2012 10:52 a.m.

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