So I decided to switch out my usual Esper deck today in favor of my mono black deck. I ended up going 4-1 overall to snag second place. In terms of win ratio I was 7-3 overall with all games.
A quick recap.
Round 1: 0-2
A very rocky start. I went 0-2 against a red/white aggro deck. The first game I didn't draw a single kill spell and got smacked hard by Precinct Captain and Brimaz, King of Oreskos without any early Pack Rats to hold him at bay. The second game I mulliganed down to 5 and then played and proceeded to get land flooded. Eventually cast 2 Desecration Demons, but he top decked 2x Chained to the Rocks for the win. No early Thoughtseize in these games either; just bad drawing.
Round 2: 2-0
Playing vs. a mono red aggro/burn. Lots of Chandra's Phoenix, lots of burn. He had no answer to Desecration Demon either game and I Thoughtseized more than one Fated Conflagration. Couldn't burn me and dropped a nice Gary to seal the second game.
Round 3: 2-0
He was playing an extremely budget mono black. Easiest match I've had at FNM so far.
Round 4: 2-0
Against Naya hexproof. First time I've gone against this. The first game I Thoughtseized his Gladecover Scout turn 1 and by the time he drew a creature I had Desecration Demon and Devour Flesh to get him to sack his guy. Game 2 he mulliganed down to 5. Sided in more control and took out all my targeting kill spells. Lifebane Zombie and Duress helped me milk his already small hand.
Round 5: 2-1
A mono blue devotion deck. First game it was kind of a stall fest with fliers until I was able to cast my Desecration Demons and she had no response. Second game went entirely in her favor; I had already cast both of my Bile Blight and she generated 6 tokens off of a Master of Waves. Third game I had some good Thoughtseize removal, but I was land flooded and kept taking damage from Nightveil Specter, Judge's Familiar, and Frostburn Weird. It eventually came to a standoff as I had my own specter and slowly created a Pack Rat army. This game was a real nail biter. I was finally able to win, but she brought me down to just 1 life (yes ONE life) and I was able to finish it with 5/5 pack rats...but it was sooo close.
Overall: 4-1 2nd place. $20 store credit and I ended up getting 2 Zendikar packs with a lil of my own money too. Got a Rampaging fetch lands, made me sad :(