Purpose of this Deck:
Made to be fast, and to beat the opponent as quickly as possible. That's pretty much it. There are a lot of mid-control decks going around that will have a hard time dealing with this. I run 20 lands which can seem a bit risky, but I've only Mulligan'd once. As long as you do a good job shuffling between games.
Card Descrptions:
-Burning-Tree Emissary: Cheap 2/2 that gives my mana back, allowing me to setup for big damage early. She ramps into everything but Ash Zealot, mainly combo'd Lightning Mauler.
-Gore-House Chainwalker: Another good 2-drop cast-able by Emissary. Use unleash for 3/2.
-Flinthoof Boar: 2-drop for 3/3 with the optional Mountain for haste. A very strong card right now.
-Lightning Mauler: 2-drop that gives haste. Helps with Mogg Flunkies and combos with Burning-Tree Emissary to swing for damage early.
-Stromkirk Noble: 1-drop that can't be blocked by humans. A solid card that works well against human decks and early Madcap Skills. He may be side boarded though for another Ash Zealot and Experiment One.
-Vexing Devil: Love this guy. 1 Mountain to cast for a 4/3 or 4 damage straight to the face, unless they have a burn or kill card waiting. Having 2 of these in the starting hand equals lots of head shaking.
-Ghor-Clan Rampager: Mainly for Bloodrush ability to pump attackers early on, but still having the option for a 4/4 for 4 is solid if I haven't been able to bring their life total to 0 in the first 5 turns.
-Experiment One: 1xForest for 1/1 with evolve and remove 2 counters to regenerate is a good plus if game lasts longer than expected. Good turn one drop, expected to evolve twice with the help of Mogg Flunkies and Flinthoof Boar.
-Madcap Skills: Very cheap and extremely effective against every deck. This works perfectly with every creature in the deck, ensuring damage gets through. Also a good combo with Ghor-Clan Rampage for big damage. This card alone won me 3 matches last night in Standard. Had opponent down to 5, on his turn 4 he puts down Thagtusk and I only have Gore-House Chainwalker due to removal. Madcap Skills comes out and Chainwalker goes through for the win.
-Mogg Flunkies: A solid 3/3 for 2. 90% of the time he's not alone so it works, but your opponent may occasionally use Searing Spear or similar card on my Lightning Mauler to stop Flunkies from attacking.
-Searing Spear: A must have 2 for 3 damage. Most efficient way to keep early blockers off of the board or straight to opponent to finish them.
-Ash Zealot: 2xMountain for 2/2 First Stike, haste, and 3 damage for casting from graveyard. Great creature, good to run against Snapcaster Mage and flashback. She cannot be cast by Burning-Tree Emissary, but her abilities more than make up for it.
An average start:
Turn 1: Stomping grounds(Pay 2), Cast Experiment One
Turn 2: Mountain, Cast Burning-Tree Emissary, then Lightning Mauler, +1/+1 on Experiment One. Swing for 6.
Turn 3: Mountain, Cast Flinthoof Boar (pay haste), +1/+1 on Experiment One. Swing for 10.
That is an example of my first 3 turns most of the time. It's hard to have a bad hand.