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Sanic Radkos Amonkhet

Standard* Aggro BR (Rakdos)



Creature (6)

Sorcery (2)

Enchantment (4)

Artifact (3)


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Gotta go fast like Sanic and run them off their feet. Sideboard in a madness strategy to really mess with their heads.

Monastery Swiftspear is the placeholder for Bloodlust Inciter because this website hasn't put the card into the database yet. He is a one drop that taps to give a creature haste.

Turn 1

Play Bloodlust Inciter, they should feel a little uneasy.

Turn 2

Use Bloodlust Inciter onto Bloodrage Brawler and watch them sweat. Kari Zev, Skyship Raider provides an additional sac outlet for Plague Belcher.

Turn 3

Dump Plague Belcher's negative tokens onto the Inciter and haste him to swing with a 5/4 menace. Their pants should be starting to smell. Neheb, the Worthy can also empty their hand. The cheap instants also come online. Ahn-Crop Crasher is also a powerhouse that holds blockers back.

Turn 4

Full steam ahead. Hazoret the Fervent is unlikely to be active but forces the opponent to find an answer. Unlicensed Disintegration could stop an annoying creature.

Turn 5 and onwards

Glorybringer is the ultimate finisher. It clears the way and deals so much flying damage. They should be almost dead by now. Keep using aggro and smash your opponent to rubble. Make him dive for the sideboard full of removal.


This deck is very likely to win game one but with an increase of removal it will be difficult to win further games. Time to switch tactics. Faith of the Devoted will be a secondary win-condition. Hazoret's Monument will give extra help to discarding cards and using faith to drain for 2. Cut / Ribbons can use Ribbons to deal 5+ damage to win the match if your creatures can't stay on the field.

Ravenous Bloodseeker offers more discard outlets for faith. Lastly, Bone Picker will be real cheap and provides decent flying damage that will always trade-up.

These changes should give the advantage to win the second game. If the second game is lost and you showed the opponent all the changes you can move back to full aggro if they fall for your bluff.

Important notes

The deck tends to win the first game. The deck is vulnerable to board wipes and creature less decks. Most importantly this deck is incredible fun and should win matches.


Check maybeboard. Is the sideboard strategy going to do enough or do I need to completely rework it? 23 or 22 lands?


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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #89 position overall 7 years ago
Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years
Exclude colors WU
Splash colors BRG

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

18 - 2 Rares

16 - 13 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.54
Tokens Ragavan
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