Sorin's Mosquitoes
SCORE: 1 | 146 VIEWS
A New Start into Modern —June 20, 2019
This is my first foray into Modern, and as such, I lack the funds for a "full" decklist. As such, I am currently working with a couple of flex spots, although I do no see this as a downside. My favorite part of Magic is deckbuilding, and testing new cards was my plan from the get go. Kaya's Guile feels like it fit the theme of this deck quite well, so I'm testing it out.
I honestly do not see how this card isn't making waves. it will always produce 2 for 1 value, and the mana cost is far from prohibitive. The modes I foresee using the most is sac + flier. A 3 mana 1/1 flier that forces your opponent to sac a creature feels like a good rate to me. That is, of course, not including the mode for dealing with Phoenix, Dredge, BGx, and Storm. From what I can tell, most decks in the format have some way of interacting with their yard (even we have Lingering Souls), and having a mainboard answer can really turn the tide match 1. Plus, sometimes all you need to survive to the game winning turn is 4 more life.