Soul of Elements

Commander / EDH Kogarashi


Dallie says... #1

I am NOT an EDH player, I'm not sure I even know all the rules to that game type, however maybe some Ramp would help you spit out those big creatures a bit quicker?Something like Arbor Elf , Farseek or Birds of Paradise .

You could also cheat them out through Quicksilver Amulet , Elvish Piper and Summoning Trap .

May 3, 2013 5:18 a.m.

Kogarashi says... #2

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll have to consider Arbor Elf and Farseek since we actually have copies of them, though Farseek is only half as useful as usual since I can't have plains and swamps in this deck. Similar to the Arbor Elf , I went ahead and put Zhur-Taa Druid in my maybeboard as well, since I have copies, it taps for mana, and it burns my opponent as well (small, yes, but it's still something).

If only I had an Elvish Piper . A friend of mine has one in her Omnath, Locus of Mana deck and she is invaluable for dopping Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger early. I'll have to see if I can find one at a reasonable price. Though out once I have Animar out and racking up counters it becomes a lot easier to drop creatures.

May 3, 2013 3:31 p.m.

Aneximines says... #3

Creatures that cost lots of colored mana are usually not Animar's friends. Krosan Cloudscraper in particular is horrible, as it has no trample or flying or any way to get its power through (and cards that grant such evasion are usually better used on Animar).

Creatures that ramp are Animar's friends, as you get double the benefit (since casting them also puts a counter on Animar). Birds of Paradise , Wood Elves , Sakura-Tribe Elder , Sylvan Ranger , Utopia Tree , that sort of thing. Try replacing the Signets with creatures.

Similarly, try replacing the buff/protection spells with creatures. Elgaud Shieldmate , Edric, Spymaster of Trest , Deepchannel Mentor , that sort of thing. Same with removal.

These days, nearly anything that can be done by spells can also be done by creatures, often with enters-the-battlefield abilities. Try Animar with about 50 creatures (literally). I think you'll like the results.

May 9, 2013 12:04 a.m.

ericweiss1999 says... #4

Could I ask what your win/loss with this deck is?

February 1, 2015 5:42 p.m.

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