pie chart

Soul of Windgrace Supreme

Commander / EDH* BRG (Jund)


Land (87)

Artifact (16)

Creature (64)

Enchantment (22)

Planeswalker (7)

Commander (1)

Commander: Soul of Windgrace

Sorcery (52)

Instant (40)

Soul of Windgrace Landfall Reanimator


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Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

34 - 0 Mythic Rares

149 - 0 Rares

61 - 0 Uncommons

42 - 0 Commons

Cards 289
Avg. CMC 3.15
Tokens Badger 3/3 G, Bear 2/2 G, Beast 3/3 G, Beast 4/4 G, Cat Warrior 2/2 G, City's Blessing, Clue, Construct 0/0 C, Copy Clone, Dragon 2/2 R, Dragon Egg 0/2 R, Elemental 2/2 G, Elemental 5/3 G, Elemental 5/5 RG, Emblem Koth, Fire of Resistance, Emblem Nissa, Vital Force, Emblem Nissa, Who Shakes the World, Emblem Wrenn and Seven, Emblem Wrenn and Six, Food, Forest Dryad 1/1 G, Insect 1/1 G, Marit Lage, Plant 0/1 G, Spirit 1/1 C, Spirit */* G, Treasure, Treefolk X/X G w/ Reach, Troll Warrior 4/4 G, Worm 1/1 BG, Zombie 2/2 B
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