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Soul Sisters 2: Revenge of the Sisterhood

Modern Aggro Competitive Lifegain Mono-White Theme/Gimmick



This is a Mono White Soul Sisters deck

Basically, this deck revolves around huge life gain directly from the creatures we play. None of our 75 directly gain us life, so we have to rely on abilities like Lifelink and ETB effects to get us to the point of no return (Very high life totals).

Ajani's Pridemate - These cats are most likely going to be much bigger than Tarmogoyf, especially since they consistently get bigger. I've swung in with 2 57/57s before, and it's such a great feeling. These pridemates do most of the heavy lifting for us. Blocking things, attacking in for a heap of damage, and having a very threatening board presence.

Auriok Champion - One of the more uncommon 'Sisters', Auriok Champion effectively has protection from Red Deck Wins and Jund. The amount of times the protection is useful is worth the WW cost. There's rarely a time when this is a bad play, but also provides us with some consistency with the sideboard Immortal Servitude because it adds to our 2 drops.

Soul Warden - A generic 'Sister', but we only include 3 of these as we are running Auriok Champion as well as Soul's Attendant in 3 for safety from 'The naming of cards' spells.

Soul's Attendant - A generic 'Sister', but we only include 3 of these as we are running Auriok Champion as well as Soul Warden in 3 for safety from 'The naming of cards' spells.

Serra Ascendant - Probably the most important aggressive card next to Ajani's Pridemate, Ascendant will often be attacking as a 6/6 flyer on turn 2. Possibly the best card in the deck. It will almost always draw out the removal opponents have in their hand.

Ranger of Eos - When we play him, we gain life and get to search for 2 1 drops, usually an Ascendant and a 'Sister'. A powerful card.

Archangel of Thune - Late game win condition. This can absolutely destroy opponents if we are in a board stall, pump our guys and gain heaps of life if we Windbrisk Heights her in, and generally really annoying for our opponents.

We don't run many non-creature spells, but the ones we do are really hilariously good.

Path to Exile - The BEST removal in modern, hands down. We can even path our own guys if they get into a sticky situation.

Spectral Procession - When you can a spell for 3 mana, get 3 1/1 flyers, AND gain 9 life, you know something is busted. Procession helps us in the air, where we are weakest.

Honor of the Pure - Buffing white creatures for days. Winning with 2/2s is the way to go the majority of games.

Secure the Wastes - An absolutely amazing midgame card which will always generate value past 4 mana invested.

Windbrisk Heights - Value, right here. We get to search for something useful to pop in combat. This is a top notch card mid-late game, where the board is at a standstill.

Mirage Plains - I'm not a fan of the Zendikar full-art plains, and the Unglued and Unhinged ones are far too expensive, so I like to pimp out my lands with animals.

Ghost Quarter - I really just needed the extra land with my Archangels while having an extra, uncounterable Path to Exile for manlands. It doesn't exile the land, but it doesn't really matter because nobody plays Crucible of Worlds anyway.

Tectonic Edge: A better Ghost Quarter most of the time. Helps us screw with the opponent's mana in a card efficient way.

When we have a bad matchup, the sideboard will fix it.

Sundering Growth - Enchantments and artifacts can often be a pain, so instead of siding in a Kataki, which may not do much, why not have some removal, which is hard to get rid of? Remove those pesky Leyline of Punishments. Can also gain us life if we have a target to populate.

Leonin Arbiter - It's pretty decent against the RG Tron strategy early on, and can also be pretty decent against random decks.

Rest in Peace - Stops graveyard based decks, like Gifts, Dredge, Living End, makes Goyf into a 0/1, and removes all Snapcaster targets. Yes.

Stony Silence - For artifacts heavy decks, this is the all star, especially the fast ones or combo ones which don't worry about sacrificing things. Literally wins games against Tron if you drop it turn 2.

Suppression Field - Twin and Celestial Colonnade are really fun to hit, and stop activated combo decks.

Ethersworn Canonist - This is really good against any combo deck. Great against Twin, surprisingly, as it loses them a lot of tempo plays. This basically wins against storm, because they can't do anything. It also snipes Living End decks, because they are not allowed to cast the spell they cascade into.

Gaddock Teeg - Comes in for the bad matchups, like Tron, Amulet Bloom, and some other ones, like Scapeshift. He's the main reason we splash, because those matchups are usually very difficult.

Choke - It's a horribly unfair magic card, but we want to win games against blue decks. Extra insurance against Merfolk, and stops Grixis pretty well.

Dromoka's Command - Great against BGx decks, and helps us beat Night of Souls' Betrayal. Helps us win grinds, and can often save our creatures. Very versatile, and quite powerful.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 4 Mythic Rares

19 - 7 Rares

15 - 4 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.24
Tokens Emblem Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, Knight Ally 2/2 W, Spirit 1/1 W, Warrior 1/1 W
Folders Колоды, decks I like, Fun Stuff, Modern decks, Lifegain, Modern Decks, Decks I own, lifegain, decks, cool decks
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