Has nothing related to showers. Sorry about that.

So lifegain. That thing nobody likes. Especially after being stuck watching mirror matches for eternity.
But jokes aside, this deck is a tier two competitive deck. Now, the real version has a few... expensive things. These include Ranger of Eos, Auriok Champion, and Serra Ascendant. This brings the price up like crazy, and that is without a win condition, like Archangel of Thune. So I made a budget version! Yey!
So lets overview the cards.

Soul's Attendant, Soul Warden, and Suture Priest
These are the main lifegain package, with one replacement. Attendant and Warden are the main threats in the deck, and are the best cards you can get. Suture is the replacement for Auriok Champion, as the champion is 15$. It does almost as good of a job at lifegain, and can destroy decks with alot of creatures. If you are running a token deck, you will die!

Martyr of Sands
Oops. I broke my dice.
Now really. Up to 21 life on turn 2, if you draw. That is all.
=+-The Beater Package-+=

Squadron Hawk and Ajani's Pridemate
These are two creatures that can rack up damage fast. AP is a staple; it gets huge fast. I was just playtesting and got him up to a 21/21 on turn 4. Hawky here can get something for everyone, while swing in the air. He can get us life and more creatures for the sisters, he can get us cards in hand for Martyr, and he can even get us creatures when we are low! Whats not to like? These two cards are the main aggro package, minus the usual staple of Serra Ascendant.
+=Removal and Utility=+
Unmake, Oblivion Ring, and Honor of the Pure
These three cards are the support for the deck. The usual version runs a playset of Path to Exile or Swords to Plowshares as their entire removal package, but this version runs 7 instead of 4. Unmake is all around good, and ORing is a great card that can deal with artifacts and enchantments as well. Honor of the Pure is a great card that gives all my creatures a reasonable boost. 3 1/1 fliers is for WWW is not nearly as scary as 3 2/2 fliers for WWWW1.
Thanks for looking at my deck!
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