infinitelennies says... #2
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic but thanks anyway
August 28, 2017 1:57 p.m.
I am not being sarcastic.... next time someone gives you a good compliment dont take it as sarcasm.
August 28, 2017 2:05 p.m.
infinitelennies says... #4
I'm sorry, the "Keep up the good work" at the end just came off that way. Like Keep up the """"good"""" work you filthy netdecker (Even though this is a brew).
August 28, 2017 2:21 p.m.
tlhunter07 says... #5
I mean the only thing about this I don't like is the Falls. I'd play a third Tar pit. Otherwise it's good, +1
August 29, 2017 7:45 a.m.
I didn't know that people could be so harsh to themselves. Next time just not let yourself down by saying something mean.
August 29, 2017 11:12 a.m.
infinitelennies says... #7
Honestly the Mana base hasn't been touched since I got it, and I've been meaning to update it. I'm actually feeling replacing it with a normal land because I'm tired of playing so many taplands.
August 29, 2017 2:26 p.m.
Why Simic Charm? Couldn't Remand or Unsubstantiate do the same job with fewer color demands?
October 3, 2017 10:52 p.m.
infinitelennies says... #9
Simic Charm is a new idea I'm trying to test. Remand doesn't work for me since my strategy is to be more proactive than reactive. I'm trying to play value cards, and Remand is just stall. Plus there are two other, very relevant modes on Simic Charm. I don't want counters, so Unsubstantiate will almost always be a bad Unsummon. Simic Charm is a much better topdeck than either of these cards, and that's the kind of thing this deck wants.
October 3, 2017 11:07 p.m.
I do understand you want a Sultai Midrange deck to simply get more value than Jund or Abzan. I am simply curious if that is possible without counters. I know you want to be the threat rather than just the draw-go blue player; but blue has the best removal in Magic. They can stop threats from Chalice of the Void to Blood Moon before they resolve.
Without the counterspell aspect of blue it feels as though you are tying one hand behind your back. Jund uses Red to it's full, same with Abzan and white. If you want to compete with these decks you need to get all the value you can out of your colors. Blue gets to interact with the stack, let it (main board).
October 3, 2017 11:27 p.m.
infinitelennies says... #11
I just hate playing counters with Liliana of the Veil because it's super awkward. I have run into the suggestion that if I'm playing blue I need to be playing counters to best justify playing the color, but the problem is that it clashes with the rest of the deck. You can't just throw counters into a deck just because it's blue. This deck, like Jund and Abzan, tries to go T1 Thoughtseize, T2 Tarmogoyf, T3 Liliana of the Veil. I would only ever want counters later on in the game if I played them, and I can't hang on to them with Liliana out. I would like to play counters, but it's usually better to just play discard. You can't look at a counter as being a removal spell. I have to actually have the mana untapped at the time, and we've established that I'm not trying to play Draw-Go. I can use Abrupt Decay on a Blood Moon just as easily as I could use a counter. Instead of countering it from the stack, I'm floating a green and black mana on the stack and destroying it when I get priority again. It's even better with Chalice of the Void because I don't have to Abrupt Decay it right then. Counters don't really do anything for me that my discard and removal don't already, and discard and removal allows me to play more proactively, which is, again, what I'm trying to do.
Counters isn't the only thing Blue has going for it, either. It also gives me Ancestral Vision, which I am convinced is just a better Dark Confidant. Snapcaster Mage is also a thing I get to use that the other BGx decks don't. And the bounce spells can save my own creatures and wombo combo with Thragtusk.
I am still trying to fully justify blue over red and white. I'm hoping these bounce spells will be good enough. Simic Charm does help against Karn Liberated, after all, and he is Jund and Abzan's boogeyman.
October 4, 2017 1:33 a.m.
Mandalorian says... #12
The only reason I would say Bob is better than AV is your curve. It's the same issue when folks tried Nobles in Abzan, what do you play first? Discard or dork? Or in this case, discard or card draw? You always want discard on turn 1 so you can play a threat or removal turn 2. It becomes awkward otherwise. For this reason I do really like your version with no counterspells. Counterspells are so awkward in decks like these because its hard to know what to do on turn 2, leave up Mana Leak or play Goyf? I played Temur for a little bit and it was a problem, I play Abzan now. I like that you aren't trying to do that. I think a simple G/B rock deck taking advantage of Snappy is sweet. Its no trying to do too much other than that.
1 more criticism, Rock decks always struggle against Big mana decks. You do have a bit of countermagic in the SB that will help but what about Fulminator Mage? Goes well with the Extractions and LtLH in the main.
Tried Grim Flayer as all?
October 10, 2017 5:24 p.m.
infinitelennies says... #13
Hi, thanks for the comment. I definitely do struggle with big mana decks. I was at one time sideboarding Bribery, but I took it out for other stuff. I may put it back in if I think it's necessary. I actually haven't thought of Fulminator Mage since putting the last hope in the main. It's very recent. As for Ancestral Vision, I know it's super awkward with my turn 1 discard. But it eliminates the risk factor in running Thragtusk, Damnation, and Yahenni's Expertise making me lose too much life, plus I can cast it off of Yahenni's Expertise. My opponent also can't usually stop Ancestral Vision from happening, and Dark Confidant can be and usually is immediately killed against decks with removal. A lot of the time, in a given matchup, either waiting until the second turn to use the discard or the sixth turn to draw the cards is going to be okay. I just have to read the game correctly. If I'm going first it shouldn't even really matter which comes first.
October 11, 2017 12:28 a.m.
infinitelennies says... #14
Also I have considered Grim Flayer but I have a hard time getting Delirium online from my lack of instants.
HackSlice says... #1
Great job m8. Good job on adding the Tarmogoyf's and also Liliana of the Veil to make it a classic "Revolving around your graveyard method. Keep u the good work bro.
August 28, 2017 1:53 p.m.