

/// Due to the recent banning of Splinter Twin, this deck is currently illegal in Modern - Adaptations and tests to come as soon as possible \\

Have you ever noticed how much "Soul Sisters" and "RW Twin" decks had in common ?

Those archetypes have many synergies and their mix provides with a very adaptative and resilient deck, that can attack on either sides, according to what it's facing!

  • "The Soul Sisters Way"

Survive with the help of your sisters ( Soul Warden , Soul's Attendant and Auriok Champion ) and win through Archangel of Thune or Purphoros, God of the Forge.

This midrange approach is best against disruptive or very aggressive decks and the combo pieces still fit the theme by triggering ETB effects.

  • "The Splinter Twin Way"

Get Splinter Twin on a Village Bell-Ringer or Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker and either Village Bell-Ringer or Restoration Angel for infinite creatures.

Most of the time, this means infinite life with any sister and victory through a massive attack, nice and easy.

This combo approach is best against "fair" decks that lack disruption. Most of the time, people will see you start as a Soul Sisters deck and will be utmost surprised - and probably dead - when you get the combo out. Twin/Kiki are rarely seen without blue ;-)

  • Sideboard

According to what you're facing, you can strengthen either side of the deck.

When facing linear strategies, you can boost the combo side by getting an additionnal Village Bell-Ringer plus Heliod's Pilgrim to fetch for Splinter Twin .

On the opposite, when going for more board presence, Auriok Champion and Mirran Crusader are excellent against their respective hated colors.

Angelic Overseer and Outpost Siege are pretty effective against Control decks.

Other cards are there for the usual hate : Rest in Peace (graveyard strategies), Leyline of Sanctity (burn or discard), Stony Silence (artifacts), Wear / Tear (artifacts and/or enchantments).

Thanks for reading, if you enjoy the deck, do not hesitate to hit the button :-)

Constructive and motivated feedback is most welcome.

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Revision 4 See all

(9 years ago)

-1 Archangel of Thune main
-1 Auriok Champion main
-1 Champion of the Parish side
-1 Heliod's Pilgrim side
-1 Lightning Helix side
+2 Mirran Crusader side
+1 Outpost Siege side
+1 Village Bell-Ringer side
+3 Wall of Omens main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #12 position overall 9 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years
Exclude colors U

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 1 Mythic Rares

25 - 10 Rares

13 - 2 Uncommons

10 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.35
Tokens Copy Clone, Phyrexian Golem 3/3 C
Folders Decks I Like, Cool decks, cool, Awesome decks, Other people's crazy decks, Modern Decks
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