Soulflayer Mill MADNESS

Standard* golfballof17


iceburnhex says... #1

Maybe try adding more creatures? Drop the Communes with more Sagu Mauler for the Hexproof and just a overall good threat? Just a suggestion, i'm currently working on building a similar deck, and thought that more creatures are going to be better overall play for whip and Soulflayer and more triggers with Sidisi (then again, you aren't running Sidisi but yet have the blue mana build for it

January 24, 2015 10:43 p.m.

golfballof17 says... #2

That's something I thought of, but there's some (I hope) logic behind it. The Wayfinders are there to somewhat accelerate my mana gain and also put Chrom's into my GY. The Communes are there to do the same thing, while also putting Soulflayers into my hand. If anything, I'm hopefully gaining fuel for the Whip, or possibly getting some Champions that I can bring out through raid. Not saying you're wrong at all though. I'll look into it. Just thought I'd explain it. The playtests with it were delicious :3

January 24, 2015 11:44 p.m.

Hoshiomi says... #3

How do you get any red mana for your Chromanticore?

November 5, 2015 12:59 a.m.

Hoshiomi says... #4

oh nevermind, I see what you're doing with Soulflayer.

November 5, 2015 1 a.m.

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