[Card Explanations]


Agent of the Fates = Latest addition to the deck, provides removal against midrange, deals good damage against control.

Bane Alley Broker = The card-draw engine to the deck. By playing on turn3, you challenge your opponent to either slow themselves down by using a removal on her, or you take a hit or two in order to secure card-advantage against your opponent. Also works as a good wall against aggro. (and piggies)

Desecration Demon = The big beater of the deck, severely stunts mid-range threats as they have to lose creatures to even try to make an assault, and if they don't, a 6/6 flier will be enough to eliminate almost any threat in the format. A must-remove threat against control, and if it stays, the game is won.

Omenspeaker = The new Augur of Bolas , but even better synergy in this deck due to a lesser number of instants and sorceries. Allows you to keep a 2-land hand as it will almost guarantee that you find your 3rd land on turn 3. Also a great wall against aggro.

Pack Rat = The other win-con of this deck. As is the case as the other creatures in this deck, Pack Rat screams to be removed immediately, and if it isn't, it is extremely difficult to control unless the opponent is running board-wipes.

The Removal Suite

Far / Away -- With the loss of Huntmaster of the Fells, Geralf's Messenger, Thragtusk, Strangleroot Geist, and many others, this card will gain a lot of power since it will essentially be a 2-for-1 with the massive amounts of token-production being pumped out right now.

Hero's Downfall -- Instant speed dreadbore without needing red... an answer to almost any threat on the board, whether it be control or aggro.

Essence Scatter -- My personal favorite counterspell, stops virtually any threat in the format for a measly 2-mana cmc, and with the loss of Unburial Rites, Cavern of Souls, and the addition of Gods that can be scattered, this card should gain incredible potential.

Curse of the Swine -- Last resort of the deck, stops almost any possible threat with the exception of Purphoros and Hexproof creatures, and squeezes any and all threats into a manageable piggy-package which doesn't get past our 3 toughness defenders.

What makes the deck tick

Jace, Architect of Thought -- Still just as good as ever, great for aggro, great for control.

Cyclonic Rift -- Just in case 2/2 piggies are too much to handle.

Triton Tactics -- The cornerstone of the deck, and the card that makes the deck work. Incredible synergy with virtually every creature in the deck...

Agent of the Fates - They sac a creature and you have a 3/5 deathtoucher now.

Bane Alley Broker - You now have a 0/6 wall of frost in addition to an extra tap ability from the untap effect of triton tactics.

Desecration Demon - 'Begin combat, would you like to sacrifice a creature? Yes? Very well, I'm now swinging a 7/10 at you.'

Omenspeaker - 1/6 Wall of frost. granted it doesn't gain the effect bane-alley has from untap, but it already got it's ETB effect.

Pack Rat - Because it's always annoying when someone can kill a pack rat in combat early on...


Placed 5th place (again), this time only 4 rounds due to midnight pre-release. Went 3:1, lost game 3 to a Selesnya aggro deck after getting flooded hardcore.

[Sept 13th] Deck I put together for FNM at the last minute, placed 5th of 34, record of 4:1.


Updates Add

#5 in tournament @ Enchanted Realms — Sept. 20, 2013
#5 in tournament @ Enchanted Realms — Sept. 13, 2013


Top Ranked
  • Achieved #34 position overall 11 years ago
Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

15 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

3 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.06
Tokens Copy Clone
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