Spawning Pool Party

Pauper Panzerforge

SCORE: 345 | 97 COMMENTS | 39716 VIEWS | IN 166 FOLDERS

Don't use Manalith. If you really want a rock, use Darksteel Ingot instead. Essence Feed isn't that good either, instead try out Rapacious One. Broodwarden might make a good finisher. Spawning Bed is also a good 1-2x.

January 25, 2016 9:18 a.m. Edited.

Panzerforge says... #2

Those are all great cards The_Dragonmaster, but...

This is a Pauper Pool Party!

January 25, 2016 3:09 p.m.

oh lol thought it was modern. XD

January 25, 2016 5:08 p.m.

Panzerforge says... #4

That's great The_Dragonmaster!

It is Modern Legal, but it's all Pauper Legal as well.

If it's hard to tell the difference, I'll take that to mean I'm doing something right!

January 25, 2016 5:25 p.m.

Yeah the sideboard confused me, so that was what I was going to talk about next, but if this is pauper, then I guess it's fine.

January 25, 2016 6:15 p.m.

alulien says... #6

January 25, 2016 9:39 p.m.

Panzerforge says... #7

Holy guacamole alulien!
Emrakul's brought chips...

January 25, 2016 9:49 p.m.

alulien says... #8

Does he even have floaties? Cuz I can't swim!

+1 though, looks like a lot of Pauper fun.

January 25, 2016 10:53 p.m.

Panzerforge says... #9

It really is, alulien.
So much fun at such a low price that I impulsively bought the whole deck!

January 25, 2016 11:40 p.m.

spiritwolf13 says... #10

Carrion Feeder feels really good in this as a last ditch plan.

January 27, 2016 3:45 p.m.

Panzerforge says... #11

I have a mono-black pauper deck that revolves around the Carrion Feeder, spiritwolf13.

Death Everlasting (Pauper) is fun, but for this deck, I already feel bad enough taking Impact Tremors in my main deck, and so many non-Eldrazi spells in the sideboard, I just can't bring myself to break the theme more!

If you try it out though, let me know. It does sound really effective.

January 27, 2016 6:26 p.m.

There are a few cards I would suggest you add: Eldrazi Devastator/Ulamog's Crusher: Along with fitting in with the flavor of the deck (This is the Celebrity of the party or something), you will be able to ramp up to eight mana pretty quick, and then use this to kill the opponent. And if you don't want to mainboard it, you can sideboard it against some sort of mass removal/pauper Bile Blight type card instead of just letting your spawns die. With this guy, you can board him in and wreck face. Next is Grave Birthing. I know, I know! This makes scions, not spawns. I don't care. This card is really good. First, you get to exile a card (this is not an additional cost, so if they have nothing in their graveyard, you can still cast it.), which dosen't really matter, but if the opponent is playing dredge or Archaeomancer or something it might be useful. Second, you get a scion. This little dude can help by actually killing those pesky 1/1s or just get to attack in for one for a few turns. Third, you get to draw a card! That's awesome! In a deck where you want to dump your hand and spam out creatures, it's really useful. Well, those are some suggestions for you. If you want to check out my weird theme deck, it's a deck where I use cards with undying and cards that remove +1/+1 counters to make an indestructible board state, here's a link! The Forever Undying

January 27, 2016 10:47 p.m.

Panzerforge says... #13

DragonFaceEater, I playtested out having some of the big Eldrazi in the deck. They are scary, but they didn't help as much as I would have liked. This deck has started massing victories with the combination of Impact Tremors and finishing with Swarm Surge. The Hand of Emrakul actually isn't even adding much, even at his reduced price cost.
It's strange, and unexpected, as I playtest and refine this deck, the stars are the Eldrazi Spawn themselves. I'm actually thinking of making further refinement to make this purely a Spawn + Scion deck, and take out the big Eldrazi completely.
Thanks for your thoughts and consideration!

January 28, 2016 4:19 a.m.

Here are some pauper removal cards that would really help your deck from best to good. 1st place: Bone Splinters This card will demolish in your deck! It will kill so much the opponent will concede. Well, not really, but you get the point. You get to trade a scion with a giant creature. Awesome. 2nd: Gaze of the Gorgon This could really help by attacking with your spawns and then killing their bigger creatures. Finally, 3rd: Launch Party Although it is a lot more expensive, launch party does the same thing as bone splinters, but hits the opponent for 2. I guess it could help in a sideboard if the opponent is really overwhelming you with bigger creatures.

January 28, 2016 11:09 a.m.

Panzerforge says... #15

DragonFaceEater you have no idea how much time I spent weighing Bone Splinters versus Outnumber.
Honestly, the deciding factor was that the artwork on Outnumber shows a pretty triumphant looking spawn, and Bone Splinters shows one getting all kinds of killed by an exploding lizard corpse.

I am seriously considering dropping my Hand of Emrakul count from 4 to 2, and putting in 2 Bone Splinters. The big guy is fun, but he's just not pulling his weight for 4 copies.

Thanks for the great suggestions!

January 28, 2016 6:40 p.m.

amanarpl says... #16

hmmmm how about Tragic Slip ? :)

i think its much better than Bone Splinters :)

why it's MUCH better?

with Tragic Slip you can destroy indestructibles and/or regenerating creatures

January 28, 2016 9:39 p.m.

Dear amanarpl and maker of this deck: I mean, I don't think that Tragic Slip isn't that much better than Bone Splinters, also, I don't think Outnumber should be replaced. Lets weigh the pros and cons:

Card: Bone Splinters


Pro 1: Can kill creatures with any toughness

Pro 2: Costs one mana

Pro 3: Instant speed

Pro 4: Is the cheapest card


Con 1: Can't kill creatures with indestructible/regenerate

Con 2: You have to sacrifice a creature

Card: Tragic Slip


Pro 1: Can kill creatures with indestructible/regenerate

Pro 2: Costs one mana

Pro 3: Instant speed

Pro 4: Can sometimes kill creatures without sacrificing


Con 1: Cant kill extremely giant/buffed creatures

Con 1 and three quarters: You most of the time have to sacrifice to kill most threats

Card: Outnumber


Pro 1: Costs one mana

Pro 2: Instant speed

Pro 3: You don't have to sacrifice

Pro 3 and three quarters: Almost cheapest card i'm suggesting

Pro 3 and seven eights: Has Scions/Spawns killing stuff in the art


Con 1: Sometimes wont kill bigger creatures

Con 2: Can't kill creatures with indestructible/regenerate

So here are the statistics:

Bone Splinters Pros: 4 Cons: 2 Total: 2

Tragic Slip Pros:4 Cons:1 3/4 Total: 2 1/4

Outnumber Pros:3 7/8 Cons:2 Total:1 7/8

So with these statistics, I would suggest running Tragic Slip instead of Outnumber, with maybe some Bone Splinters if you want more than four removal spells. I hope this helped! If you have different opinions, please let me know!

January 28, 2016 10:52 p.m.

Panzerforge says... #18

For my main deck, I have to add one more con to Tragic Slip:
Card looks stupid, and is not Eldrazi related in the least.

I agree totally that it is a more effective removal than Outnumber.
You have to think that I HATE having to have Impact Tremors in my deck to make it viable (it's SO effective...) just because of the lack of something Eldrazi-y on the card.
For me that's the deciding factor, if didn't care about aesthetics and theme, Tragic Slip is the obvious choice. I'm willing to sacrifice a bit of effectiveness for the sake of theme though. (forgive me!)
I have, however, added Bone Splinters, and I'm happy with it.

January 29, 2016 3:21 a.m.

Well, just saying, with Tragic Slip, under WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE? and Party Favors, instead of "It will really help you Outnumber your guests!" you could do "And make sure your guests aren't running on the side of the pool, they might have a Tragic Slip!" Personally it makes a lot more sense in the Party Favors, but by just card art, Outnumber is better. Though I do think from a flavor standpoint, Outnumber is better, Just pointing out a small fact that might help! Another reason I wrote this comment is because I found some lands that could really help your deck!Tranquil Thicket, Forgotten Cave, and Barren Moor can all help your deck because it doesn't really need a lot of mana. If you draw it and you already have a bunch of lands, you can just cycle it and draw a new card!

January 29, 2016 11:56 a.m.

Panzerforge says... #20

I missed the connection, DragonFaceEater, that's hilarious! I never actually intended the deck to play like a pool party, it was just me being wacky as I wrote the description.

That being said, you're 100% right that Tragic Slip is completely appropriate and a much better choice for an unfortunate event at a pool party.

I still might playtest running Tragic Slip instead of Outnumber, though having the cost of Outnumber matches up with how many Mountains I'm running. (due to Emrakul's Hatcher, Spawning Breath, and Brood Birthing all being , I am much more likely to use Growth Spasm to tutor up a Mountain.)

Thanks again for your interest in this deck, it's playing out really well so far in testing, and you've helped out a lot!

January 30, 2016 2:37 a.m.

Sam_liv says... #21

Very clever use of spawning, I love Impact Tremors. The token spawning damage and using them to chump block at the same time is just awesome.

February 11, 2016 8:21 p.m.

Panzerforge says... #22

Thanks Sam_liv!
It's a really fun deck, and the moment that Swarm Surge hits and all those tokens turn deadly is just so satisfying.
I'm going to be updating this a little though, and replace the 2x Slip Through Space in the sideboard with 2x Spidersilk Armor.
I've been having issues with flying things.

February 11, 2016 9:03 p.m.

Well, I know that it doesn't fit in with the flavor or colors of the deck, but Distant Melody would draw you, like, fifteen cards. (although "crank up the tunes with a Distant Melody!" would kind of fit). Another card that is really awesome is Luminescent Rain. This one completely doesn't fit with the flavor, but could potentially gain you a ton of life. :)

February 12, 2016 9:13 p.m.

Panzerforge says... #24

Those are both great sideboard cards, DragonFaceEater!

Luminescent Rain in particular is a fantastic replacement for Eternal Thirst.

The sideboard was made originally when the focus was to get The Hand of Emrakul on the table and pump him up.

With the focus shifting to "Death by Spawn," the sideboard is going to have to change a bit.

Thanks for the great suggestion!

February 12, 2016 9:24 p.m.

Panzerforge says... #25

Thanks again DragonFaceEater, for the suggestion of Luminescent Rain. That spell pretty much made this deck burn proof. I might even be able to remove Circle of Protection: Red from the side board because of how effective that is.

You've really helped make this deck very competitive!

February 13, 2016 12:54 a.m.

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