Multiple little dudes that become huge ? Let's get started !
Hello everybody ! My name is -Sylex- and I'm back once again with a mono white deck that packs a punch !It's based upon one of my decks, Mono-White Warriors/Tokens (Budget). I intended to add a non-budget addition section to this deck, but It was way easier to create another decklist.
So for thoses of you who already own some of the former deck's main pieces, I highly suggest you to build it and try it out, It's decent in the metagame and most importantly, it's really a blast to play :-) 
I won't cover everything about the deck's strategy and each card choice since I already wrote on that subject. However, I'll describe most of the new cards I selected.
Be sure to read my previous deck description : Mono-White Warriors/Tokens (Budget)
Card Choices :
Creatures :
Monastery Mentor : This guy is the best token generator in the deck. Once you start casting a few spells, the games goes out of control ! Each of the monk tokens are a decent threats, since they have prowess and they can get boosted by Spear of Heliod or Dictate of Heliod.
Ojutai Exemplars
: It's a creature that I really wanted to try since it was spoiled. It's a one-of, so you might not draw it every game, but his well-costed body and polyvalent abilities make him a good threat. He's able to stabilize vs aggro deck, push through for some dmg with his tap ability and dodge targeted removal spells.
Soldier of the Pantheon : With the rise in popularity of Abzan Aggro decks, running 4x this guy in the main deck became a valid reason. Gaining a life out of almost every spell they cast, while being able to block their
Fleecemane Lion
, Anafenza, the Foremost or even Siege Rhino is incredibly good. Soldier of the Pantheon is also very good vs slower decks since it can attack for 2 by turn 2 and only costs to cast.
Instants/Sorceries :
Ajani's Presence : This spell is here mainly for 2 reasons :
1 : It helps at protecting Monastery Mentor and any other valuable creatures.
2 : It triggers prowess very easily and it's always a relevant spell to draw, if you have creatures on board. Why ? Because of Strive ! if you have up, you can protect one guy, if you have , two guys, , three guys and so on.
Launch the Fleet : Another excellent token generator. It has Strive, which makes it good in the late game, but unlike Ajani's Presence, it's not a card that's good in every situation and I mean by that that it wont carry you to a victory if you dont have a sufficent board or when you're behind. It's a explosive card nonetheless, especially when you have a Anthem in play.
Enchantments :
Citadel Siege : This enchantment is like a 4 mana planeswalker. Once it's on the field, you get to choose between getting a increasing board presence or locking down the opponent's best creature out of combat, each turn ! Since the deck's mana curve is pretty low, running 2 of theses is easy and powerful.
Sideboard :
Arashin Cleric
: This card is really good versus RDW of any kind. Game 2, cut Mastery of the Unseen and 2 Launch the Fleet to make room.
Devouring Light : It's a excellent removal spell versus any kind of deck that can outrace you with creatures that have toughness 3 or less, for instance, Goblin Rabblemaster, Mantis Rider,
Deathmist Raptor
and such. Cut 3 Valorous Stance to make room for it.
Elspeth, Sun's Champion : It's a great card : Versus midrange decks, she can destroy all of their Siege Rhino, Thunderbreak Regent, Polukranos, World Eater then stall the ground with her +1 ability. Against control, she usually wins the game if she's not countered or Hero's Downfall'ed right away. Since there's so many midrange and control variants, it's up to you to see what you want to cut to make space for her.
: this spell is simple to use. Bring it in vs Jeskai Ascendancy or Whip of Erebos decks.
Hidden Dragonslayer
: This card acts as Valorous Stance number 4 and 5. It's excellent versus most green decks, Siege Rhino and Tasigur, the Golden Fang. It's also good to know that if you ever happen to manifest him with Mastery of the Unseen, you have the choice to turn it face-up for it's mana cost of instead of his megamorph cost and his ability will still trigger.
Mastery of the Unseen : This card is excellent in control or grindy matchups. versus control, it acts as a win condition. It's easy to cast by turn 2 and it creates a board presence that is hard to deal with ( Bile Blight can only kill a single manifest since they dont share a name ) and impossible to ignore, especially when there's a Dictate of Heliod on the battlefield.
Conclusion :
As always, thanks for viewing my deck !
I'm always happy to hear your thoughts on my decks. So if you have any suggestions/questions/tips/anything else to share with me, be sure to leave them in the comments section below !Don't forget to upvote, it makes my day :-)