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Modern Scytec


JakeHarlow says... #1

Glen Elendra Archmage is quite strong and perhaps worthy of consideration in here.

November 19, 2015 11:20 p.m.

Scytec says... #2

@JakeHarlow - She is absolutely amazing, but at 4 mana, she is outside the comfortable range of my mana base. I could probably cast her by turn 6 or 7...but by then I'm normally set up to swing for game. If I run into issues and find I need more counters, I will add 2 mana to my base, and try her as a 2-of. Thanks for the comment!

November 19, 2015 11:24 p.m.

Hallowed_Titan says... #3

Yeah dude, I used to have some of the commons/uncommons but a recent bout of pucatrading cleared out some(got me 3 atarkas command though)

November 22, 2015 4:01 p.m.

Scytec says... #4

Nice!! That's awesome. I should really do pucatrade...that would solve a lot of my problems...haha

November 22, 2015 4:12 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #5

I know this card is pricey and able your range but it is a must run for tribals Cavern of Souls because you name faeries and bam uncounterable so other blue decks can't stop your board Plus cavern is all colors when casting for creatures

November 23, 2015 12:25 a.m.

Scytec says... #6

That is a great card, and I intend to add it. But that is an upgrade card for me. After I get used to this deck, if I enjoy piloting it, I will put some money into Cavern, Creeping Tar Pit, and some other money cards. Thanks for the suggestion!!

November 23, 2015 12:32 a.m.

Voxzorz says... #7

Swords. Swords are amazing. I run Sword of Light and Shadow in my Faerie deck, with Sword of Fire and Ice in the side. While pricey, they just give you so much value as to be an auto-include (or auto-upgrade, if you don't want to get them yet).

November 24, 2015 9 p.m.

Voxzorz says... #8

Also, I'd replace Faerie Impostor with Quickling.

November 24, 2015 9:01 p.m.

Scytec says... #9

Voxzorz - I do not own any of the swords unfortunately, you think one is enough? I do like Light and Shadow, but I would argue that MB, Fire and Ice is better exclusively for the card draw. Either way, they are definitely upgrade cards or me. Haha. And I included the imposter over Quickling because it was a one mana card...but the flash allowing me to bring it in at the end of my opponents turn may in fact be worth the additional mana...in that regard, do you think 8 1-drop creatures in enough in this build? I am new to faeries, but absolutely loving it in my time play testing on cockatrice. I have ordered most of the cards and expect them to arrive soon...but until then, digital is as good as it gets. Would you mind linking your deck here so I can take a look at your list? I have contemplated experimenting with equipment in my build...but normally, I am trying to play a more controlling game, and it feels like they would just be a win-more card...though the added life-gain would be very beneficial...hmm...back to the old playtester I suppose. Haha...sorry for the wall of text...I ramble...

November 24, 2015 9:12 p.m.

Voxzorz says... #10

I prefer L/S because of the colours. White and black protects from Path, Lingering Souls tokens, and all of the numerous different forms of black removal, whereas red and blue is only really relevant against red decks and their bolts. I also like the lifegain to offset the life I lose to Bitterblossom.

It's probably just my playstyle (I prefer more control/attrition games to aggro), but I think the flash on Quickling more than makes up for the extra mana. Consider: you drop a Spellstutter to counter a spell. Later on, your opponent plays a Wurmcoil, and you have no counters in hand. Not to worry, just drop Quickling, bounce the Sprite, and counter it anyways. It can also make for some fun combat tricks. Also, almost every creature in my deck has flash, which means I can leave my mana up to respond to their spells, and then play a creature if I don't need to counter/kill anything.

Here's the link to my deck. It's not even remotely budget, and like I mentioned before, more of a control strategy, so keep those in mind while comparing.

This is Faerie Annoying

Modern Voxzorz


November 24, 2015 10:07 p.m.

Scytec says... #11

Thanks!! That is a pretty serious control list. Haha. I wasn't aware you could net deck faeries. I'm not sure how close this is to stock faerie tempo...but I assure you this is entirely brewed by me. :p I'm still tinkering with the list...and I'd love a little lifegain here. I thought about tinkering with Nectar Faerie...but the tiny amount of life it would gain me is not really worth it. Perhaps the sword would be better...I'd run 2 though. Given the recursion...probably over Latchkey Faerie. I think you're right...Quickling is probably better than Imposter as both are rogues...and the flash would be incredibly beneficial. I could also remove the stingers in favor of another flash faerie...or perhaps even a playset of Duress. I don't own any Inquisition of Kozilek...and I already lose life to Bitterblossom...so I would prefer not to lose anymore life to Thoughtseize. I realize seize is not even remotely budget, but I already have a set...so that is no cost to me. Which do you think would serve me better?

November 24, 2015 10:31 p.m.

Voxzorz says... #12

Thoughtseize is another reason I run the sword. Personally, I prefer Inquisition, because it hits most things in modern, and getting the fast stuff out of their hand gives me time to set up a board state/counter their other stuff. However, Thoughtseize does get rid of those other pesky cards coughcoughSplinter TwinSiege RhinoCryptic Command that Inquisition can't. I like having the mix of both. Duress isn't a bad idea, it would let you get rid of their troublesome spells, while leaving your removal and counters to deal with their creatures.

November 25, 2015 6:51 a.m.

Scytec says... #13

@Hallowed_Titan & Voxzorz - My cards finally arrived!! I updated the deck to show the paper edition I now own. Any other suggestions on this would be awesome!! Over time, I will begin upgrading the deck with things like Cavern of Souls and Creeping Tar Pit. These are specifically for the mana base of course, but they make a big difference. Thanks for the help, and the likes!! Like I said, anymore suggestions would be appreciated. :p

December 1, 2015 8:46 p.m.

Scytec says... #14

@Voxzorz & JakeHarlow - What do yall think about replacing 4x Nightshade Stinger and 4x Quickling with 4x Thoughtseize 3x Mana Leak and 1x Smother? I find myself normally holding aggro cards up in order to control the game longer, with this being the case, I feel like just swapping to a more controlling build would be logical.

December 30, 2015 1:58 a.m.

Voxzorz says... #15

I would go with 3x Thoughtseize, 1x Smother and 4x Rune Snag. Mana Leak tends to become a dead card in the late game.

December 31, 2015 3:27 p.m.

Scytec says... #16

@Voxzorz - I'm not really a fan of Rune Snag because of the stack ability. I'd rather have a consistent ability. And 3 mana in modern is quite a bit. I may end up using those slots for 4x Thoughtseize, 2x Land, and 2x Cryptic Command main board. I could even potentially pick up a sword or two over the Commands. I own everything mentioned except the swords... I'd have to buy those... Hmm. Seems like more playtesting is in order. I like the idea of main board commands though... I think that would be a great addition to my deck.

December 31, 2015 5:40 p.m.

I feel like you have better options in killspells. And that there are better options for creatures. Is Oona herself viable here? And no Vendilion Clique due to budget issues?

March 7, 2016 4:39 p.m.

You could also throw in Tasigur, the Golden Fang due to your colors and decent ability to build grave.

March 7, 2016 4:41 p.m.

Faeries have access to a lot of hand disruption if you have money. And I feel like Mistbind Clique is very useful. I'd run a relatively low creature count, and supliment it with Creeping Tar Pit and Mutavault. More secluded glens is a good idea, and River of Tears is great here.

March 7, 2016 4:50 p.m.

shirouu says... #20

Nice deck.

June 4, 2018 11:30 a.m.

KongMing says... #21

You only have a few Rogues, but have you thought about integrating Prowl somehow? Bitterblossom is a great Rogue generator, and Faerie Miscreant's 1 CMC means it can drop out fast.

Notorious Throng is a hilarious card to end the game with, it's most useful if you're able to get 1/3 of your opponent's life in damage through. Once you deal the 1/3 damage, Prowl out Notorious Throng, and then do double that much combat damage on the extra turn for the other 2/3.

Thieves' Fortune also fits the theme of this deck. Fishes for an answer in the top four cards, for one mana if you pull off the Prowl. Good way to find the card you need to end or stall the game.

June 26, 2018 9:47 p.m.

Scytec says... #22

@KongMing - Unfortunately, while awesome, Notorious Throng is way to mana intensive and slow for this deck. After I get setup I really need to hold up responses so I don't get wiped. Thieves' Fortune on the other hand is very interesting. I no longer run enough Rogues to take advantage of it, but if I ever pick up an additional copy of Bitterblossom and they drop a few more valid Faerie Rogue creatures it's definitely something to keep in mind. Thanks for the suggestions!

July 3, 2018 9:34 p.m.

Scytec says... #23

March 14, 2020 11:39 p.m.

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