Spell Strangler (Developing Competitive)
T1 Relic of Progenitus, T2 Delay, T3 Wasteland Strangler, T4 Ulamog's Nullifier. That's the dream.
The aim of the deck is to be jam full of creatures that are also counterspells.
I'm just experimenting right now.
July 22, 2016 9:11 a.m.
That would be seriously awesome... It's just under experimentation, yea, but it looks solid.
July 22, 2016 12:10 p.m.
SwaggyMcSwagglepants says... #4
Again, AEther Vial seems real good. I'd cut 2 Mana Leak, a Snappy, and some other card for a playset.
Also, I like Meddling Mage in sideboard much more than main, because sometimes a vanilla 2/2 don't get the job done.
July 23, 2016 5:21 p.m. Edited.
I'd consider it but the Meddling Mage is putting in serious amounts of work. Like playing it and naming bolt is just backbreaking for a lot of decks.
July 23, 2016 6:05 p.m.
Ive been thinking about it quite a lot and I'm just not sure I can work a vial in there. Not that it's a bad card - it's obviously amazing, but the problem is that this deck plays a really long game and this increases my chances of drawing vial and a totally inconvenient time. We know that vial is only ever good as a T1 play, but terrible in later turns. Because this deck get's like 7 or 8 turns to draw through there's a huge chance of drawing a useless vial, and that kind of worries me?
July 24, 2016 5:32 a.m.
SwaggyMcSwagglepants says... #7
Well, then either play 3 Vials, or maybe run some flip Jaces in here. Flip Jace is already a all-star card, and honestly, Vial makes every creature in your deck 15+% better.
July 24, 2016 5:39 p.m.
I love this little combo, hahah. Spell Queller is fricken ridiculous.
Also, i know how damn annoying Reflector Mage is in standard. Have you seen use in modern? how good is it in the format as a general mainboard creature against the variety of matchups? I feel like you could instead use some T1 Thoughtseize / Inquisition of Kozilek.
Are you going to be running a Dismember at all in the 75? feels weird not having one, even in with the 4x paths.
August 8, 2016 4:54 p.m.
Reflector Mage has some sweet uses. Stopping a jund deck from having access to a goyf for 2 turns is big, for example. Before now i have managed to bounce a goyf which left a liliana wide open and vulnerable to attack. the jund player thought she was well protected but the mage ensured i could get the damage in. being able to remove lilis quickly is always nice.
Reflector mage has also been useful against aggro. He blocks lots of elves and bounces mana dorks which keeps them off reaching 4 mana for collected company.
Finally hes just a really good way to win games. If you bounce something in your turn then often the opponent is left wide open for damage. then in their turn they cant even play that creature back out - so you can potentially get two combats where youre less opposed than you would be.
Also i dont think i even have to mention how satisfying it is to bounce a gurmag angler or other delve threat or a flipped delver. Ive used it against scavenging ooze with counters on it and even once against ensoul artifact which really irritated the opponent.
hes not key to the deck but he has had games where his impact has been huge. against aggro he is undeniably slow but then on the other hand the fact that the opponent cant play the same spell in their next turn just gives you so much time. bouncing a glistener elf on your t3 means that the opponent cant play it out again on their t3 so they have to do it t4 and then wont attack till t5. youve just been given two extra turns to sort something out.
dismember seems like a good include. ill sideboard some discard as well. probably duress.
August 8, 2016 5:05 p.m.
gotcha, okay makes sense. I was just curious as to now a vapor snag with delay attached is on T3 in modern.
Also, i strongly feel like you have no good consisteny t1 play. I highly suggest adding mainboard discard, especially for a tempo build.
Just my two cents. Love the build. awesome synergy/interactions gets me all giggly inside, haha.
August 8, 2016 5:37 p.m.
last thought, may not be viable, but how sweet would it be to t3 Spell Queller into t4 Ulamog's Nullifier?? Moving the SQ's exiled card into their gy, countering their other play. oohhhh the possibilities. haha
August 8, 2016 5:40 p.m.
Spell queller and tidehollow really benifit from having the exiled card processed, how about adding Ulamog's Nullifier or Blight Herder
August 8, 2016 5:52 p.m.
SwaggyMcSwagglepants says... #13
Cut the walls for Flip Jaces and take out a Spell Snare, a Relic, and 2 Mana Leak for Vials. If you draw an extra, loot it away or just pop it out, and Jace is nice with PtE. Also, in side, you could run other sweet instants/sorceries to work with Jace.
August 8, 2016 9 p.m.
I'll test this a bit but I'm doubtful about the vials. This deck is mainly 3 mana so it'll take a long time for them to tick up to much useful.
August 9, 2016 2:33 a.m.
Dreno33 - I'll put AEther Vial in as the 1 drop of choice for testing. Relic of Progenitus was actually pretty workable in this deck though. Aside from helping with Wasteland Strangler it also makes the jund matchup a little easier as well as dredge and any deck with snapcaster. I've been playing rekic for a long time and its definitely not a card to underestimate.
emrakuul - I played with Ulamog's Nullifier for quite a while but it suffered from multiple problems. The first is that it costs 4 mana and this deck only plays 22 lands which means it only reliably reaches 3 mana on turn 3 then slows down a lot, often missing the 4th land. The second is that nullifier requires you provess 2 cards which is actually surprisingly hard to achieve. If I land wasteland strangler then i usually process one card so to have nullifier hit I'd really need to be consistently exiling 3 cards per game which is a bit iffy.
SwaggyMcSwagglepants - JaceVP sounds great here and the vials do need testing. Thanks for those suggestions. Ill give it a spin for 50 games or so and see what happens. I have reservations about vials in this particular deck but I realise it could potentially be very powerful.
August 9, 2016 3:05 a.m.
Have you pondered upon Dimensional Infiltrator perhaps? Low curve, flashes, flies, and fuels the exile pile. I see enough pain-lands in your build to somewhat justify using its ability, even. Hopefully you wouldn't have to change your mana base much or at all, for it.
August 9, 2016 8:32 a.m.
im looking extensively at the two drop spot right now. My current brief is that i really want it to fulfil some control function, be that drawing cards, bouncing creatures or letting me re cast spells. 2 mana for a 2 power flier is definitely very appealing but i think at the moment id sacrifice aggression for a more controlling card.
August 9, 2016 8:38 a.m.
Control-feelsy 2-drops that would have synergy with this deck? The only one I can think about to meet all that demand is Castigate which is kind of like your Tidehollow Scullers without the body, but it could support that part of the curve. Maybe Hide/Seek(Seek)? It's possibly side-boardable.
August 9, 2016 9:31 a.m.
well the big ones are Dark Confidant, Harbinger of the Tides, Jace, Vryn's Prodigy Flip etc
its obviously going to take me a while to get this deck right.
August 9, 2016 10:08 a.m.
SwaggyMcSwagglepants says... #20
When I saw a suggestion for Bob, I started salivating...
Other cool thing about Vial: Flashing in a Tidehollow Sculler is basically a Vendilion Clique. Who, to be fair, isn't looking super bad in here. Maybe a Clique in sideboard?
Also, in the 2 slot, Selfless Spirit seems pretty nice. Makes sure your things don't die to removal/sweepers.
this kind of deck may be my new favorite type of Modern deck. Like, all the sweetness in one pile!
August 9, 2016 12:46 p.m. Edited.
6 matches versus an aggressive izzet deck with Monastery Swiftspear and Bedlam reveler along with Thing in the Ice Flip.
AEther Vial was in my opening hand 3 times. In those 3 games it won me the game by essentially allowing me to double up my mana. Aether vial lost me one game by being about the worst top deck you could imagine. I didn't see it in the other games. Would definitely keep in.
I saw Jace, Vryn's Prodigy Flip in 3 games out of 6. Every time I just wished he was anything else. No immediate impact, relatively hard to flip in this deck, and a lack of flashback targets, along with 0 power made him not ideal. Dark Confidant and Harbinger of the Tides will be tested.
August 9, 2016 1:13 p.m.
Testing -1 land (no more Restoration Angel) and +4 Dark Confidant
August 9, 2016 1:17 p.m.
instead of Jace, why not add a hatebears package with aether vial???
some Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, maybe Leonin Arbiter, 1-2 Aven Mindcensor, more Judge's Familiar??? just some thoughts.
August 9, 2016 2:20 p.m.
alright so I built my own version of Hatebears/Processing earlier this morning. it is based off of my suggestions that TheAlexGnan just backed up recently.
Processing Hate
I really want this deck to work. Let's keep throwing ideas out there and tuning it.
August 9, 2016 6:12 p.m.
SwaggyMcSwagglepants - I nust confess that i doubted aether cial due to how poor it is as a top deck in a deck that has 0 card draw. However as a 4 of it comes up wnough in your opening hand to do serious work, and given that im on 8 counterspells and 4 removal spells, allowing it to tick up to 3 counters is not hard. Im glad you suggested it and that i tried it.
As a general note, dark confidant is my go-to 2 drop after jace because card advantage is important. With aether vial i should have the tempo i need to play all the extra creatures i draw. I do worry about the damage i will take though.
If dark confidant doesnt work out I will test Harbinger of the Tides because vialing that is silly.
Nixin72 says... #1
From playing against eldrazi and taxes, let me tell you, taking advantage of temporary exiling effects and then sending them from exile to the grave with Wasteland Strangler is extremely good. T2 Tidehollow Sculler, t3 Wasteland Strangler is insane. This deck seems really good because now you also have delay as a second t2 play if you have no sculler.
The Ulamog's Nullifier seems good, but is a 4 mana counterspell worth it? I mean, Spell Queller kinda fulfills the same purpose, but costs less. Also Spell Queller just got so much better with Wasteland Strangler... God, I actually seriously love this deck. The synergy is real...
July 22, 2016 8:51 a.m.