Spell Strangler (Developing Competitive)
I'm surprised that you're not running 4x Delay and 0x Mana Leak just seems better for this specific build?
August 10, 2016 12:43 p.m.
Bob is working quite nicely at the moment. I realise Quickling could be great though. There are so many options in esper.
ddxxe - Delay is great here but I have to have the stranglers to back it up which is really risky business. The chance of me having a delay or a strangler is high. The chance of me having both? not great. If I delay a spell and the opponent gets to tick it down to 0 it's actually a huge blow.
August 10, 2016 1:05 p.m.
By far the next best processor in your colors is Blight Herder. You can make it a more controlling, processor orientated deck if you play some. Of course, that would change some of your card choices, especially Confidant. That's just an option, though, and I'm not sure which build would be better.
August 10, 2016 1:41 p.m.
As DarkLaw said, I think this deck needs more processors.
August 10, 2016 2:13 p.m.
You can't enable processors reliably enough, and quickly enough in modern. Tidehollow Sculler dies, you don't find a Path to Exile, the threat you Delay comes off suspend, your Spell Queller eats a Lightning Bolt. It happens - frequently in fact. I tested the deck extensively with 4-drops. Notably Ulamog's Nullifier and Restoration Angel. Over a period of 1 week of solid playing I did not ONCE get to cast Ulamog's Nullifier with the counterspell trigger. I was on 23 lands as well and many times I drew him and couldn't even physically cast him. If it's not the lack of exiled cards, it's the lack of lands and vice versa. Just a nightmare. The more hoops you have to jump through, the worse a deck becomes, in my opinion.
If I were to add Blight Herder I would certainly need 24 lands, and also, I'm not sure why I would because a 4/5 that comes with 3 1/1s isn't even that good in modern. Not for 5 mana. I mean people are producing 4/5s for 1 or 2 mana in modern. A bunch of tokens and a mediocre body won't be winning me the control game or the aggro game so I'm not sure what it achieves.
If I were to add more processors I would go back to Ulamog's Nullifier but I've had very negative experiences before and I'm not sure I'm realy to repeat them.
August 10, 2016 2:38 p.m.
Ulamog's Nullifier? Not expensive, and seems like a mix of queller and strangler on curve.
August 10, 2016 4:57 p.m.
tested for a pretty long period and found it hard to reach 4 mana and also hard to exile 2 cards. it was really difficult to play favourably.
August 10, 2016 5:28 p.m.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I do really appreciate all the comments.
August 11, 2016 2:09 a.m.
Looks a bit better than before, honestly. Good job! I really liked Delay however, maybe I gonna create my own version of the deck and will share it with you later. Thanks for the inspiration!
August 11, 2016 8:08 a.m.
im not sure how much i like this version with all the bears. its certainly faster but without counterspells it suffers to liliana and tron etc. just testing at the moment.
August 11, 2016 9:31 a.m.
Fun things Ive done with an esper processor deck I have in development:
Eidolon of Rhetoric + Spell Queller / Rule of Law + Spell Queller they cant kill queller to get spells back
Eldrazi Displacer
Rest in Peace
Ulamog's Nullifier
= counter any spell for
Also: Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver is awesome with processors
August 11, 2016 4:17 p.m. Edited.
the.beanpole says... #15
How has Displacer been? With only 5 colorless spurces, it seems like you'd only be able to activate it once at most, and sometimes not at all. Flickerwisp is pretty standard in Hatebears I think, and besides the evasive body, still has utility when combined with Reflector Mage and Wasteland Strangler. Also, vialing it in can be a huge blowout, while still leaving your mana free.
August 11, 2016 5:20 p.m.
Hatebears hasn't worked out all well. Deck is very soft to Kolaghan's Command. Pretty much folds to early delve threats. Lacks control options against things like a landed Liliana. Too slow to beat Merfolk and Tron. Too brittle to beat Nahiri Jeskai wraths. Just did not enjoy playing it at all. Trying the opposite end of the spectrum - a very slow control version.
August 11, 2016 5:38 p.m.
Maybe try to be faster or pack some Thoughtseizes to help solve the problem? Despite the bad interaction with Thalia, it might be necessary. The only other thing I can think of is Fulminator.
August 11, 2016 5:40 p.m.
Yeah you're right those early discard spells could be key.
August 11, 2016 6:27 p.m.
At the moment I've gone much, much slower. When the deck was trying to be fast it struggled with cards like Ulamog's Nullifier due the reasons I cited above (can't get too many cards into exile quickly, and also hard to cast due to low land count). With this improved land count and slower playstyle nullifier may be much more playable.
August 12, 2016 4:11 a.m.
I'm gonna second Nioxic and suggest testing out Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver. Seems like she could fit very well in here
August 12, 2016 6:35 a.m.
I'm happy with the ob nix right now because his spot removal and card draw are both very potent.
Ashiok will go in the sideboard for creature heavy matchups. I like her.
August 12, 2016 6:42 a.m.
Yeah I read that before I started this deck. It's an exceedingly synergistic version, much like death and taxes, that's looking to stack those flicker triggers on snappy, wall, queller and others. The problem with that deck is simply that flickering Spell Queller, unless you've processed the spell it....quelled(?)....is simply not useful. Furthermore flicker decks are half and half decks. Half your deck has ETB triggers, the other half flickers. Draw the wrong pieces at the wrong time and it's like a house of cards tumbling down.
The overall layout of the deck I am impressed with though. Theres is a much more tempo orientated version whereas this right now is pretty much strict control. The control version I'm playing here has been much more successful than the all-in hatebears version but still less successful (and most importantly less fun!) than the tempo version. It is likely at this point that I am going to go back to a deck that has roughly 12 control spells, roughly 22 creatures, and roughly 22 lands. The all-in version folded to creatures that blocked well and mass removal. The control version folds to sustained aggression and poor hands combined with poor tempo. The tempo version much more flexible.
August 12, 2016 11:45 a.m.
Obviously it had to evolve though and different avenues explored. The key problems I encountered were that the aggro version was just too slow, and this control version is just suboptimal (e.g. why play Wasteland Strangler when I could just be on Damnation? Keep thinking like that until the whole idea of the deck is lost). The tempo version doesn't have these problems because it's not trying to be something else. It's comfortable in its own niche.
August 12, 2016 noon
I wouldn't say square one. Some valuable lessons were learnt.
For more suggestions, I found Clique and the 4CMC Sorins as potential candidates when looking at similar decks. Well, I exaggerate similar, as even the ones which played the most creatures didn't play as many as this deck.
DarkLaw says... #1
For your controlling two-drops problem, I could only think of a couple of cards.
Firstly, Thalia's pretty damn good. I don't think I need to explain it much. You'd probably want to drop a few spells if you include it, though.
Secondly, Selfless Spirit is great against removal and sweepers.
Thirdly, amusingly, Quickling could be used pretty well. It could not only save your stuff from removal (hopefully after it serves its purpose) and allow you to get another ETB trigger, but also has the nice interaction with Tidehollow Sculler and Spell Queller. Stonecloaker is a similar alternative, but costs 1 more and may therefore be unusable.
Though not a 2-drop, I could also see Fiend Hunter in this deck, but the 3-drop slot is probably oversaturated as it is.
August 10, 2016 12:28 p.m.