Spell Strangler (Developing Competitive)

Modern* ChiefBell


Doing a bit of goldfishing, seems like you really want a card that can be snapcasted that has "draw a card" on it. Serum Visions or Remand are solid. When you can Vial in the Snapcaster, you can double Serum Visions and still leave mana up, which is nuts.

August 15, 2016 9:26 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #2

Mooer - I tried a deck like that for a bit but I found the slower plyastyle not favourable enough to recommend in this metagame of Zoo and Infect. I therefore moved away from 4-drops and temporary answers like Remand and towards harder counters and lower drops. I was faced multiple times with the unenviable position of being given targets such as Experiment One or Goblin Guide to Remand, which is obviously not an ideal situation given the ease with which the aggro player can just shrug and play them out again. I enjoyed the 24 land, fewer creatures version but it just wasn't for me.

SwaggyMcSwagglepants - First of all, thank you for recommending AEther Vial - spot on. Great card in this deck. Unsure if to go for 3 or 4. A lot of slower decks go for 3 but quicker ones such as merfolk are on 4 so it's up for debate. I think you're right about the Serum Visions as well. Giving snapcaster more targets for 1 mana means that I have more things to do on 3 mana, and thats the amount of land I end up on most often so it seems wise to bulk it up. Also a T1 Serum Visions doesn't hurt so sure.

So overall changes -

-1 AEther Vial, -4 Dark Confidant. The AEther Vial goes because I'm not sure 4 is strictly necessary and they are terrible top decks later in the game. Dark Confidant goes because he's great in the grindier matchups but in this heavy aggro meta he's just a liability.

+3 Serum Visions, +2 Harbinger of the Tides. Serum Visions means I can snapcaster-serum when I'm on 3 lands, which is fantastic. It also gives me a really relevant thing to do T1 on the play if I dont have AEther Vials in hand. It also makes it more likely I find the cards I need, when I need them. This is all good. Harbinger of the Tides has tested really, really well. With AEther Vial it's absolutely amazing. And without you get some temporary disruption bolted onto a 2/2 which is never bad. The trick is just to force the opponent to keep spending their mana over and over again on the same creatures. Harbinger of the Tides into Reflector Mage is just mean and it gives you a large window to attack safely and develop your board.

August 16, 2016 7:02 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #3

Mooer - I tried a deck like that for a bit but I found the slower plyastyle not favourable enough to recommend in this metagame of Zoo and Infect. I therefore moved away from 4-drops and temporary answers like Remand and towards harder counters and lower drops. I was faced multiple times with the unenviable position of being given targets such as Experiment One or Goblin Guide to Remand, which is obviously not an ideal situation given the ease with which the aggro player can just shrug and play them out again. I enjoyed the 24 land, fewer creatures version but it just wasn't for me.

SwaggyMcSwagglepants - First of all, thank you for recommending AEther Vial - spot on. Great card in this deck. Unsure if to go for 3 or 4. A lot of slower decks go for 3 but quicker ones such as merfolk are on 4 so it's up for debate. I think you're right about the Serum Visions as well. Giving snapcaster more targets for 1 mana means that I have more things to do on 3 mana, and thats the amount of land I end up on most often so it seems wise to bulk it up. Also a T1 Serum Visions doesn't hurt so sure.

So overall changes -

-1 AEther Vial, -4 Dark Confidant. The AEther Vial goes because I'm not sure 4 is strictly necessary and they are terrible top decks later in the game. Dark Confidant goes because he's great in the grindier matchups but in this heavy aggro meta he's just a liability.

+3 Serum Visions, +2 Harbinger of the Tides. Serum Visions means I can snapcaster-serum when I'm on 3 lands, which is fantastic. It also gives me a really relevant thing to do T1 on the play if I dont have AEther Vials in hand. It also makes it more likely I find the cards I need, when I need them. This is all good. Harbinger of the Tides has tested really, really well. With AEther Vial it's absolutely amazing. And without you get some temporary disruption bolted onto a 2/2 which is never bad. The trick is just to force the opponent to keep spending their mana over and over again on the same creatures. Harbinger of the Tides into Reflector Mage is just mean and it gives you a large window to attack safely and develop your board.

August 16, 2016 7:03 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #4

Actually I'm going to go up to 3 Harbinger of the Tides. I just really want impactful plays I can produce on T2 that can stall the opponent long enough to allow me to reach my turn 3 stuff.

August 16, 2016 7:04 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #5

Playing against any long-game orientated deck is a real struggle, and I have found it difficult to beat both Grixis control and Jund. Kolaghan's Command is a real threat because, as you pointed out, it can hinder my manabase by removing AEther Vial whilst also removing Tidehollow Sculler. Liliana of the Veil is also a real problem. I can bounce away defending creatures like Tarmogoyf etc to make it safe to swing in, but if I don't she can just sit behind a solid line of creatures and whittle down my board state. Tarmogoyf and Tasigur, the Golden Fang are also a little problematic because there's little in this deck that can contest them. I have 4 paths and 3 more from snappy. I can try to flicker them. I can bounce them for a turn..... but my options are certainly limited. Basically anything that mixes creatures I can't beat and removal I can't beat is a problem. If a deck presents only removal then it's fairly easy to address that post sideboard, and if it presents only creatures then again, I have outs, but if it's both it's really difficult.

From the sideboard I can bring in Dispel, Fiend Hunter, Mirran Crusader, Phyrexian Crusader, Spell Pierce, and Spellskite to try to address these weaknesses. The trick is to reshape the deck so it's pretty slow and focuses on cheap ways to keep those killspells and planeswalkers at bay. From there I can try to land a pro-X threat that can swing in unopposed or block easily. I tend to strip out most of the creatures except Spell Queller, the sideboard dudes and the bounce guys. Wasteland Strangler isn't going to do anything against beefy creatures, and Tidehollow Sculler is questionable at best.

So I'd end up with:

Creatures (19, -8 mainboard, +5 sideboard)
2x Eldrazi Displacer
3x Harbinger of the Tides
2x Reflector Mage
3x Snapcaster Mage
4x Spell Queller
1x Mirran Crusader
1x Phyrexian Crusader
1x Fiend Hunter
2x Spellskite

Control (14, +3 from sideboard)
3x Mana Leak
4x Path to Exile
3x Spell Pierce
3x Spell Snare
1x Dispel

You can see that suddenly the deck is much, much slower and also a lot more hostile to removal. I have 12 ways that cost 1 or 2 mana to try to fox removal. I still have the 4 Spell Queller too. The deck becomes much more late game orientated, interested in holding mana up for counters first and foremost, and then providing threats as a secondary concern. In the lategame the real value is the Eldrazi Displacer+Reflector Mage interaction that can literally save you from death.

August 16, 2016 8:38 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #6

Beat Grixis Control 2-1. Recorded in play notes in deck description.

August 16, 2016 10:38 a.m.

Sweet brew dude, seems weak to aggressive decks in general though.

August 16, 2016 1:26 p.m.

I'm not a big fan of Crusader, if you want a threat to beat Lightning Bolt in Jund postboard, I think Sword of Fire and Ice is better as a sideboard card, since it lets you capitalize on mana saved from AEther Vial

Also, Kitchen Finks is a great card to rumble, blink, and use against aggressive decks. I'd play them at least in sideboard, if not 1-3 in mainboard.

August 16, 2016 4:21 p.m. Edited.

Also, I don't think this is the right deck for Knight of the White Orchid, but maybe he deserves a shot.

There also might be a Ghostway version of this deck.

August 16, 2016 4:27 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #10

EmrakultheGamingBeast - Good against zoo. Passable against burn. Probably bad against affinity but Zealous Persecution and Stony Silence should help. Unknown against infect - could go either way. There's a looooot of removal and disruption in here so against creature aggro it starts out fairly poorly but ends up pretty ok once T3 comes around.

SwaggyMcSwagglepants - Unsure about including 3 mana noncreatures. Hard to hit with manabase. Risky. Dont know what options are.

August 16, 2016 4:52 p.m.

forforforest says... #11

good to see someone else playing this. +1

August 16, 2016 5:16 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #12

1-1 versus Mono green devotion. Play a lot of hydras and planeswalkers and stuff. Should have been an easy 2-0 for him as he dragged the game on long enough but I used Eldrazi Displacer to flicker his hydras and have them return with 0 counters on them, and also to tap down blockers so I could kill planeswalkers with ease.

August 17, 2016 6:21 a.m.

I can't agree that this deck is good against or even passable. You have eight counters which means on the draw or on turn two on the play you will have one counter on average. That's not enough to deal with a burn deck.

August 17, 2016 1:54 p.m.

DarkLaw says... #14

EmrakultheGamingBeast I can agree. The deck packs enough disruption that you have a fair game against them, and the sideboard isn't terrible.

ChiefBell Your Grixis matchup testing notes is probably your only choice for similar decks. Dismember is a great choice for another "Path" or two so you can take out more creatures, but it might be a sideboard card. Additionally, I heard that Dredge is starting to become more and more popular. If so, you may want to go up on Grafdigger's Cages in the sideboard. Fiend Hunter seems like an odd card for sideboard (despite any synergies), but that's just me.

August 17, 2016 2:28 p.m.

Okay you have 12 ways to interact. That's not going to be enough.

August 17, 2016 2:32 p.m.

DarkLaw says... #16

Don't forget that practically all of the creatures also take care of something.

August 17, 2016 2:36 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #17

EmrakultheGamingBeast - I play pretty much exclusively on both untap and cockatrice which means I spend hours playing against suicide zoo and burn which are both hugely popular at the moment. I rarely lose to zoo, like ever. Reflector Mage is just so, so powerful against any X/2 packing deck. And Path to Exile into Wasteland Strangler is obviously great. I think I even beat TheAlexGnans hyper aggressive prowess deck with this but I'm not sure because it was maybe a month ago now and was definitely a different build.

Burn is a struggle but possible. I mean it's like any control versus burn matchup. If you find your 1 mana counters and anything that can counter creatures with 2 toughness then you're ok. If you draw a hand of 3 mana threats it's gg. There's enough in here to stop them, but it's a small matter of luck. Post sideboard you get 1 Dispel, 2 Spell Pierce, 1 Kor Firewalker and 2 Spellskite, which is actually an awful lot of hate.

I haven't played against Affinity but I think they'll wipe the floor with me unless I get opening hand Zealous Persecution and/or Stony Silence.

August 17, 2016 3:14 p.m.

DarkLaw says... #18

Ah, talking about affinity brings back good memories of a player who played Ornithopter and 2 Opals, but forgot that Opal was a legendary artifact, so he never played another card for the rest of the game.

Naturally, most decks have terrible matchups. I think that for this deck you just want to dodge affinity or hope that they lose to their own inconsistency. On the plus side, this deck is awesome against Ad Nauseum, a deck which I always see when playing exactly the wrong decks to beat them. It's also probably good against Infect, which is significant.

August 17, 2016 3:44 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #19

I don't know if it's good against infect. I've played once and it felt ok to pretty good. Not like amazingly solid, but fair enough. Spellskite from the board is nice though. The other day I actually beat a Suicide Zoo player because he cast a Become Immense and forget I had a spellskite down on board.

August 17, 2016 4:18 p.m.

DarkLaw says... #20

If it's decent against Infect, it's probably good against it compared to other decks. Or at least, that's what I think. I always like decks with cheap removal and counters.

August 17, 2016 4:31 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #21

Number 1 deck, which is sweet.

August 18, 2016 5:57 a.m.

DruneGrey says... #22

Flickerwisp with Wasteland Strangler?

Vial in the wisp and then strangler?

August 18, 2016 11:14 a.m.

I mean, this list seems pretty solid against infect. All the countermagic and creature removal is good. If you can ever Vial in a Reflector Mage onto a Inkmoth Nexus, that just seems like game.

August 18, 2016 12:04 p.m.

How is burn a good matchup? Please explain how you beat it because your deck looks trash against it. Now against death's shadow zoo you look amazing though.

August 18, 2016 12:53 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #25

Not a single person here said good matchup versus burn. Not one time has that been said.

August 18, 2016 12:55 p.m.

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