The goal of this deck is to explode my load of sorcery's all over the opponents face.
I have eight one drop in Nivmagus Elemental and Stromkirk Noble so that I will very likely open with:
T1 - Creature
T2 - Hands of Binding or Hidden Strings + swing.
Optimally, I'll begin with Nivmagus and then continuously eat the ciphered cards for +1/+1 counters. Stromkirk Noble is in the deck because the deck produces a lot of ways to get through to hit the enemy, and he seemed like the best one drop aside from Nivmagus for the job.
Between Hands of Binding, Hidden Strings, Silent Departure, and Artful Dodge I SHOULD be hitting the enemy pretty easily to set off cipher.
Guttersnipe's presence is essential. Every use of cipher sets him off, which can quickly load up the damage. Furthermore, a single guttersnipe turns the many cheap flashback cards in to multiple burn spells. Artful dodge now does 4 damage and makes two creatures unblockable for 2 blue!
Faithless looting is a way to effectively thin the deck and set off guttersnipe, while tossing away unneeded lands and potentially dead cards (like excess one drops). Also, the discard isn't nearly so bad with so much flashback present.
Fluxcharger is a nice creature to cipher upon. Between flying, sorceries that allow me to connect with the opponent, and the sheer number of sorceries I have to cast, he should regularly hit the opponent for 5.
Hypersonic Dragon makes my sorceries much more versatile.
The reasoning for the use of Melek, Izzet Paragon is obvious, though he may not be perfect for the deck.
Against control I side in counterspells in place of silent departure/faithless looting, and invisible stalker for stromkirk noble.
Against tokens I replace Stromkirk Noble with Legion loyalist.
I would like to find a creature to replace Stromkirk Noble, however, I'm unsure if any better one drop exists to take his spot.
Suggestions are appreciated. I'm especially interested if people think turn // burn would be worthwhile.