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Casual spiders..tribal? It's not really tribal, since there's no Spider lords (Adaptive Automaton doesn't count, be quiet you), though I guess Arachnus Spinner is sort of like one.

Anyhow. Spiders! Basically it walls off your side of the board with the gigantic butts, reach, and not-infrequent deathtouch properties of MtG's leggiest of creature types.

Most of the non-spider spells are designed to provide a certain degree of inevitability for a long game. Ring of Kalonia , Strength of the Tajuru and Kessig Wolf Run make your spiders massive. Staff of Nin accrues damage and helps make sure you have cards to cast late-game. Red Sun's Zenith is a great mana sink for massive damage. Lurking Predators is just awesome.

And yes, Giant Spider is effectively strictly worse than many other 4-mana spiders in this deck (like Penumbra, for instance). But I just couldn't bring myself to cut him out. He's the progenitor, after all.


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Revision 2 See all

(9 years ago)

+2 Forest main
-2 Gruul War Chant main
-1 Savage Twister maybe
-2 Sheltering Word main
+2 Skysnare Spider main