The Best Defence

Casual One_Myle


A good take on mill! +1 here. BTW: here is mine: McDonald's Happy Mill

March 2, 2014 9:42 p.m.

paulbmoore1980 says... #2

Nice idea. You might want to consider that dragons are a thing now, and with all the flying creatures roaming about you don't have anything to resist them. How about adding Monastery Flock? You can cast it for its morph cost to drop it as an early 2/2, then if you need it, or to protect it from a burn spell, pay its morph cost and turn it face up. Also, I have built a deck similar to this one and found that getting an Assault Formation every game is crucial, at least from a combat point of view. Maybe add some Anticipate to help dig through your deck for the pieces you need? Also, seeing as how most of your creatures are CMC 3 or less, you could try using an end of opponent's turn Collected Company to go 6 cards deep and pull 2 creatures out on the field. If you decide to go the mill route, you could also look at Triton Tactics. Basically, tap 2 creatures to mill with, cast Tactics on them, they untap, and do it again.

April 20, 2015 7:43 a.m.

Long_Con says... #3

This deck needs 4 Triton Tactics!

April 20, 2015 7:44 a.m.

Cepsys says... #4

Kin-Tree Invocation is something to consider for this deck. He can be a 4/4 turn 2, a 5/5 or 6/6 turn 3, a 7/7 turn 4 etc.

April 20, 2015 7:49 a.m.

Wolfninja says... #5

I agree, Kin-Tree Invocation should be a 4 of in here. Also, you should run either Anticipate or Dig Through Time for card advantage. Tower Defense and Sidisi's Faithful could also be good in here.

April 21, 2015 1:21 a.m.

One_Myle says... #6

Thanks for the comments guys!

@paulbmoore1980: Good point with the dragons so I will add 3 Monastery Flocks. As for draw I think I'll stay with Read the Bones for now. Lastly, I'll also add Triton Tactics.

@Long_Con: See above :)

@Cepsys: Weeeeellll, I'll think about it. The problem with Kin-Tree Invocation is that you already need a creature to play it - I'd much rather play an Archers' Parapet or Dragon's Eye Savants.

@Wolfninja: With this deck not many cards go to the graveyard so I'm not going to have many delve sources. As for Sidisi's Faithful I'll see if I can find some room for it. Also, Tower Defence is from gatecrash. Not in standard.

April 21, 2015 2:23 a.m.

RedFlamer says... #7

I think it might be good to run Stubborn Denial in your sideboard, or even main boarded because it can break the tempo of a deck. Also, why do you have a swamp in your sideboard?

April 21, 2015 11:47 a.m.

paulbmoore1980 says... #8

Something else to consider. All of your creatures are a relatively low CMC, meaning that you should have multiple walls out. For this reason, I added Profaner of the Dead. When it comes into play, exploit something like a Monastery Flock to send all creatures your opponent controls with a toughness less than 5 back to their hand. I can almost guarantee it will be most of them. Then swing in with what you have on the board.

April 21, 2015 2:15 p.m.

Wolfninja says... #10

Lol, for some reason I was thinking Tower Defense was in BNG, my bad.

April 21, 2015 2:49 p.m.

One_Myle says... #11

@RedFlamer: I have no idea why there was a swamp in the sideboard... weird. Anyway, I think that I'll add a few Stubborn Denials to the sideboard. I'm not sure if I'll keep them there but for now they can stay.

@paulbmoore1980: I'm a little bit torn with Profaner of the Dead, we'll see.

@Jdvanliew: Cheers, I'll check out your deck when I get the time :)

April 22, 2015 1:04 a.m.

I like this deck and played tested it a couple of times. The only problem sometimes is fixing your sultai colors like, I'm stuck with Wall of Frost in hand because of the lack of double blue (it does happen). Which makes me think that perhaps the sultai tap land, Opulent Palace could be at least a 1-2 of.

April 22, 2015 3:57 a.m.

Wiktul says... #13

Don't you think Sidisi's Faithful is better than Disowned Ancestor? Ancestor's ability is useless because it's preventing him from all things he could be used for - attacking, blocking and milling. Due to that, he's only good as turn 1 blocker. Sidisi's Faithfull can be vital even in the late game, when you can exploit itself to bounce something nasty and finish the job.

April 22, 2015 4:05 a.m.

SpikedEggnog says... #14

stubborn denial is trash - all your creatures have 0 power..Assault makes them deal damage equal to toughness, but they still have 0 power for stubborn denial. run Negate or Disdainful Stroke if you want a counter.

4 drown seems pretty excessive considering your entire deck is Walls that block aggro for days.

Naturalize is trash - if you are sultai colors, run Sultai Charm. its naturalize and ultimate price plus card draw.

Phenax is really only good against slow midrange decks or Control decks - against aggro its atrocious. I would put Phenax in sideboard along with Counter spells, so that when they board in enchant hate for your Assault Formation, you can drop Phenax (indestructible) and Mill them out with Counterspells up like Negate or Stroke.

But if you want to run Phenax mainboard, I would also use Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver and Mind Sculpt to really destroy them early game.

April 22, 2015 6:45 p.m.

Daxos23 says... #15

Silumgar, the Drifting Death would be an amazing addition. He costs more than the average creature, but I think it would be worth it. Awesome deck regardless, and I love that you have several ways to crush your opponents in any give game. It's almost like aggro, but with no urgent need for momentum. I keep wanting to say white for vigilance and Orator of Ojutai but oh well. Can't win em all.

April 23, 2015 2:29 a.m.

SpikedEggnog says... #16

id also run Whip of Erebos for lifelink and to whip creatures back and attack

April 23, 2015 4:09 a.m.

B3t4f0rc3 says... #17

When thinking about this deck Kiora's Follower came to my mind, it ramps early and can untap your biggest creature as soon as Phenax, God of Deception is on the Board for some crazy milling, especially after casting Triton Tactics or Shape the Sands.

April 23, 2015 12:27 p.m.

One_Myle says... #18

Thanks Guys, here's what I reckon;

@koth_of_the_bummer: Good point, I've chucked a bunch in there.

@Wiktul: Now that you mention it I do think Sidisi's Faithful is better. Thanks ;)

@SpikedEggnog: thanks for the sideboard tips, I never really put much thought in it till now. I might mainboard ashiok, we'll see, but I won't add Mind Sculpt as I find straight up milling to be bad. Also, I don't think I'll add the whip, not enough room.

Lastly @B3t4f0rc3: I don't really like the follower in this deck as it requires other creatures to actually do anything. I'll keep it out for now.

April 23, 2015 6:13 p.m.

One_Myle says... #19

Lol missed Daxos23:

While Sulimgar is pretty sick he's just too expensive. I won't be adding him :(

April 23, 2015 6:15 p.m.

Wiktul says... #20

I support SpikedEggnog about Sultai Charm. It's really a great card, in fact it's Naturalize, Ultimate Price and Tormenting Voice in one card, excellent in 3-5 turn. I run 2 in mainboard in my deck, similiar to yours - Defenders of The Dead Mill - and I find it very usefull against all types of decks.

April 24, 2015 4:31 a.m.

army88strong says... #21

This deck is very interesting. I would definitely recommend using Commune with the Gods as opposed to Read the Bones as it allows you to dig deeper into your deck. Plus it sets up combos with Become Immense or Treasure Cruise. If you have the expensive land base for it, you could take out the Sylvan Caryatid for Thassa, God of the Sea. Not only does she allow you to dig for your Assault Formation, but she also makes your creatures unblockable. Because who doesn't like to beat your opponents face =D I took this Simic Assault Formation (Opinions Needed) to FNM and the one issue that I encountered are the mainboard Dromoka's Command. You would have to run counterspells against them but when they are played, you are losing a big tool in your way to victory. If you play Thassa, she would become the target for the command leaving your Phenax, God of Deception and Assault Formation unscathed.

April 25, 2015 2:32 p.m.

Derpysquids says... #22

LOVE IT!!!!!!!

April 25, 2015 10:42 p.m.

Daxos23 says... #23

Negate will probably help you more than Disdainful Stroke. What creature cmc 4 or greater is a bigger problem to you than Erase or Dromoka's Command?

April 26, 2015 2:14 a.m.

PhantomWang says... #24

I played my own version of this deck against my friend last night. I was down to 2 life, but had two Wall of Frost, a Silumgar, the Drifting Death, and Phenax, God of Deception. I knew I was gonna lose next turn so in a last ditch effort I tapped all of them besides Phenax to make him discard 21 cards. He only had 20 in his library. It was the sweetest victory in my magic career lmao.

April 27, 2015 8:36 p.m.

Seority says... #25

Oh boy, another $100.00 "budget" deck. They need to change the tag from budget to "Under $50" or whatever to make it specific. Anyway, yeah this deck is not very budget friendly.

April 28, 2015 4:18 a.m.

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