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Spirit / Zombie Control

Modern* Control Spirits Zombie


This deck works sometimes when I get good hands, but I still need a lot more cards for it to be really good. The cards that I am currently looking for are:

2x Diregraf Captain,2x Drogskol Captain, 3x Drowned Catacomb, 2x Glacial Fortress, 4x Grave Titan, 2x Gravecrawler, 4x Isolated Chapel, 4x Lingering Souls,4x Midnight Haunting,4x Unburial Rites

If I get these cards I will probably replace my commons that I currently have in the deck that are just there to make my deck 60 cards so that it is legal for Standard play. I would also look at getting rid of the cards I only have one of because the odds are when I actually need it I will not draw it. The first cards to go would probably be:

1x Walking Corpse, 1x Traveler's Amulet, 1x Silent Departure, 1x Abattoir Ghoul, 1x Crown of Empires

I have also been considering getting rid of Evolving Wilds for a Vault of the Archangle land if I can get one along with the Dual Lands I need from M12 or Innistrad, I have been trying to stay away from all cards in the Scars block because I do not want to replace all the cards I add when the block is rotated out just for my deck to remain standard legal.

Comments please!! And cheap sideboard ideas, I'm stumped.


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Date added 13 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Rares

5 - 0 Uncommons

20 - 0 Commons

Cards 39
Avg. CMC 2.48
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