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Spirits Up





Seriously the most outplay potential in modern right now! Everything 3 CMC or less!!!

25 Spirit creatures +4 Lingering Souls so basically 29. They are hard to counter with flash, and often have hexproof. Fly over EVERYONE. 8 of these creatures can act as counterspells, more with flashed hexproof! Flashing indestructibility during wipes is hilarious. Flashing anybody to pump Wanderer for a counter is hilarious. Flashing Labyrinth to stop card draw is hilarious!!! Versatile. Mostly unsure of Sideboard. Leyline of Sanctity too weak for the meta, takes up too many slots, and costs too much for this deck.

Don't side anything- maybe take out Labyrinth for spell snare/pierce (since they don't fly) if you are on the draw.

Seems like a perfectly even match-up, but it seems easier to outplay! Lili at a bad time or not drawing a lingering souls could hurt, but with all the life they lose, dealing 8-10 FLYING dmg might be easier than you think. I feel like it is easy to outplay them because leaving mana up and flashing your spirits in leaves them guessing hard. They'll often make mistakes or leave openings. Also, it seems you rarely want to block anything unless you really have to at the end. It's tough to calculate but most of the time you let Shadows grow and keep swinging out, leaving someone to block only if it would be fatal. The chance of drawing a blocker, detention sphere, or something to pump your next combat phase for a win is pretty high.

Lingering souls sooo strong. At the critical last turn(s) of the game it's usually easier for you because you are basically only wondering if they have Kologhan's Command. Their discard in late-game can be duds to your flash and counters. I look forward to this matchup the most because I like seeing the #1 deck lose to this custom brew.

Just side everything but Saint Traft lol 14 cards. Basically take out almost everything that's 3 mana. Consider leaving mana up for counters early even if you're on the play.
Side Doomed Traveler, pierce, snare, maybe ratchet bomb. Take out Saint Traft and some combination of queller/souls/captain. Tough deciding how to block and they'll top-deck random things that burn you for 5 so it just depends on those special cards. Online it's impossible, but in person, try to read their face to figure out when they have a wipe like anger the gods.
I keep barely losing by half a turn basically. Poor siding from me, bad luck, and misplaying too out of fear of board wipe when I should've been all-out aggressive because the chance of them having a wipe is low. I've changed the sideboard since and taking paths out for spell pierce/snare should be fine. Also another Saint Traft over a Labyrinth because the hexproof is very relevant to Valakut.
Azorius control seems to be the only problem late game if they get a Jace going or big Sphinx Rev. Control matchups can just be sooo slowwww. Nothing surprising though. Just side pierce/snare and another Geist in for paths. In game 1, consider Path-ing your own dude to get some lands out of your deck
You can probably out-pace, out-play, and find removal/counters for Big Tron by turn 5/6 but only if you play perfectly. But Thot Knot can hurt and if you you get disrupted early you'll have a really hard time making decisions because numbers will be close and look like you're short just a few dmg. on everything. Whether to shock, sac, counter or play dude, kill one or the other... Basically if they see your hand at the right time they will be outplaying you instead. Maybe side Kataki and MAYBE stony (stops expedition, oblivion, and sided chalices) if they are artifact heavy and you're on the draw. Take out Kira. Maybe take out a few Paths or Captains for ratchet bomb too. if you can disrupt them twice somewhat early it's probably enough to win. So all the counters are good. the non-fliers might wanna come out too esp on the draw.

For the little eldrazis- pretty fun! Definitely side out Geist when on the draw because he doesn't fly. Otherwise look forward to a somewhat even match-up.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 2 Mythic Rares

36 - 5 Rares

13 - 5 Uncommons

4 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.15
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Spirit 1/1 W
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