This is the old mono black version of my skeleton EDH Deck with Skithiryx, the Blight Drago at the helm. The actual green/black version with Vhati il-Dal as commander can be found here: SPOOKIE BONES

For a skeleton Commander who is also a skeleton him/herself you don't have much choices:

  • Skeleton Ship: For favor a great choice but the card is horrible and most of the skeletons do not support the mechanics of the card. You can make an interesting and fun to play deck with the ship but I myself don't find the card suited as commander for a skeleton tribal deck.
  • Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon: This card cry's for a Voltron Commander deck, but for an tribal skeleton deck he suites also.

Most skeletons are black but we have also other colors represented (by 11/14/2021):

So all in all not enough skeletons in any other color to justify a second color.

UPDATE Adventures in the Forgotten Realms: with the printing of Skeletal Swarming I decided to switch to green/black. The new deck can be found here: SPOOKIE BONES

Lets have a look at other choices for a commanders in Mono Black:

Their are many other options but for flavor I myself decided to use Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon

First I start with my picks for the deck

  • Augur of Skulls: 1/1 for two mana is nearly normal for skeletons and the effect is quite good. Auto include!
  • Bone Dragon: 5/4 flying for 5 mana. This skeleton is a beast. Auto include!!!
  • Carrionette: 1/1 for two mana. So far so good. The effect is nice an relevant in a lot of games.
  • Champion of Stray Souls: 4/4 for six mana. Not the best option but we need stronger cards than the regular 1/1s
  • Cinderbones: 1/1 for three mana. Whiter with only 1 point power is normally not relevant. He is on the edge to get cutted.
  • Dimir House Guard: 2/3 for four mana and the regenerate effect is horrible. But his transmute ability is where he shines. We can tutor for Grave Pact or Door of Destinies for example.
  • Drift of the Dead: With 33 Snow-covered Swamps in the deck this card is a great defense.
  • Drudge Sentinel: 2/1 for three mana. Not that good. But a skeleton that can be indestructible is good. At least better than some other skeletons ;-)
  • Drudge Spell: Not really a creature but it makes Drudge Skeletons. And an really wonderful artwork.
  • Drudge Skeletons: 1/1 for two mana with regeneration for one mana. Standard for skeletons an god enough for the deck.
  • Flayed Nim: 2/2 for four mana and some form of evasion. Good enough for the deck.
  • Gutterbones: 2/1 for one mana. Normally not relevant in commander games. But we don't have a lot of options.
  • Kjeldoran Dead: 3/1 for one mana and sacrifice of a creature. Normally no problem in a skeleton deck. I like him a lot.
  • Lim-Dul's High Guard: This is a classic from the old days and still a good skeleton.
  • Marang River Skeleton: A clearly better Drudge Skeletons but I think I have never uses the megamorph ;-)
  • Marrow Bats: 4/1 flying for five! mana. This card is bad but we don have a lot of flying skeletons. So we take the pill and move on.
  • Paragon of Open Graves: 2/2 for four mana with an lord effect and a relevant ability. Yes please your in.
  • Phyrexian Monitor: 2/2 for four mana with regeneration. OK.
  • Reassembling Skeleton: He/she comes back and back and back... A classic with Grave Pact and an sac-outlet. Auto Include!
  • Restless Bones: 1/1 for three mana isn't that good even for a skeleton but the ability to give any creature swampwalk is good enough.
  • Restless Dead: Another Druge skeleton
  • Rimebound Dead: With only snow-covered swamps in the deck a better Druge skeleton
  • Skeletal Kathari: 3/2 flying for five mana. But the same as with Marrow Bats
  • Skeletal Vampire: 3/3 flying an two flying bats for sic mana is good. Auto include!
  • Skeletal Wurm 7/6 with regeneration for eight mana. No one with any sense would play Scaled Wurm and I play this guy only because we need beaters in this deck.
  • Skeleton Archer 3/3 for four mana is OK. The effect is normally not relevant.
  • Skeleton Scavengers This is a interesting skeleton with a very nice artwork.
  • Tenacious Dead Slightly worse than Reassembling Skeleton but with Grave Pact good enough
  • Underworld Sentinel: Newest addition to the tribe. A 4/5 Skeleton for 5 mana with a relevant ability. Yes please.
  • Unworthy Dead: Another Druge skeleton
  • Wall of Bone: On the edge for a cut.
  • Black Mana Battery: Ramp with a gorgeous artwork. I know the card is bad, but lock again at the artwork.
  • Bonesplitter: The card name matches the theme and warriors of the old days have been buried with their weapons, so this makes sense.
  • Charcoal Diamond: The artwork form seventh edition is wonderful. Would be perfect if it had a black frame.
  • Coat of Arms: One of the win options of these deck. And their are skulls in the artwork, perfect.
  • Cryptic Gateway:
  • Door of Destinies
  • Heirloom Blade: You made a mistake to bury your ancestor with his sword....
  • Skull Catapult: For me an auto include even if the card is bad. And our army of darkness needs siege weapons.
  • Vulshok Morningstar: This is the most effective weapon against skeletons, but they don't mind using it themselves.
  • Animate Dead: Wonderful artwork and an really strong spell.
  • Bad Moon: The card is still good for a mono black deck. By the way, the picture was taken while creating the group photo of my Army of Darkness.
  • Dance of the Dead: These artwork is fantastic.
  • Grave Pact: These card is so good. But not the artwork form Stronghold please Grave Pact
  • Dead of Winter: The artwork doesn't fit the theme perfectly, but the card is to good to pass away.
  • Withering Wisps: One of the reasons to play snow-covered swamps. Mass-removal with matching artwork.
  • Ashes to Ashes: This card is really strong in EDH and should see more play. A least in budget builds. And the artwork of the fifth edition is perfect for the deck.
  • Blood for Bones: We have enough cannon fodder to return something meaningful.
  • Diabolic Tutor: The only other tutor with matching artwork would be Vampire tutor (EMA) but as this is an budget deck we that this one. Sadly :-(
  • Disturbed Burial: The artwork is not really the hit but thematically it fits perfectly into the deck and if you give us the time the spell is really good.
  • Read the Bones: Card draw with matching artwork. Yes please.
  • Touch of Death: This card is really bad. But with this artwork I have to play the card.
  • Tragic Slip: Recruitment of replacements.
  • Death Wind: Removal witch matching artwork. Perfect.
  • Terror: Good old terror and the artwork from 10th edition is suitable.
  • Skeletal Scrying: Card draw with matching artwork. Yes please.
  • Vanquish the Weak: Removal with matching artwork. I'm in.
  • Jet Medallion: Mana Ramp and an awesome artwork


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Date added 3 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

19 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

21 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.20
Tokens Bat 1/1 B, Morph 2/2 C, Skeleton 1/1 B w/ Regenerate, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders ZZArchived
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