

In my opinion, there are three tactics in anything with strategy. You can control every aspect and ensure that you have the upper hand no matter the situation, making sure that your opponent never has a chance; Destroy everyone and everything in your path as you rush in; or you can take a gamble, and play more akin to this deck.

This deck works around ignoring your opponent as much as possible while building your way to a 1-turn win. In the first game, you will take many decks by surprise, and many times your opponent cannot afford to play tactically as they are unsure of how close you are to this win. In many ways, this deck is the ideal way to keep your opponent on their toes, and is rather resilient against many competitors no matter situation if sideboarded properly.

On average, this deck can assemble the combo and win by about turn 7. Turn 5 is the fastest I've gotten it off, and turn 9 is the latest I've gotten it off, as you usually die by around turn 10.

I hope you have fun playing my deck, and feel free to Upvote and Comment if you enjoy.

Could I please get help with the manabase and maybe the sideboard, I've never been very good at either, and I don't know every single card, so if you think there is something that would help, feel free to tell me.

This deck is oriented around an infinite combo of Heartless Summoning + Myr Retriever . From there, it's pretty wild. For those of you who haven't seen the Heartless Retriever combo, pretty much, it allows you to loop the two Myr Retriever s and cast infinite spells that turn. from there, you cast any storm spell to effectively win instantly.

The Combo

This way, you fetch all your combo pieces and combo off without a hitch, playing your Heartless Summoning the turn before you combo off. Here's an example below.

Opening Hand:

Myr Retriever , Chromatic Star , Chromatic Sphere , Shred Memory , Fatal Push , Sulfurous Springs , Swamp . Assuming you're on the play. I actually did this on the playtest simulator here on Tappedout, so it's not stacked.

T1: Play a Sulfurous Springs , tap for , play the Chromatic Star .

T2: Draw a Myr Retriever , Play a Swamp , tap Sulfurous Springs for to sack the Chromatic Star . Add any color, and play the Chromatic Sphere . Draw a Lightning Bolt from the Chromatic Star 's death trigger. Fatal Push whatever creature they play.

T3: Draw a Mountain , Play the Mountain , tap all three and shock yourself with the Sulfurous Springs for a , and Transmute the Shred Memory into a Heartless Summoning .

T4: Draw a Mountain , play it, then play the Heartless Summoning with your Swamp and a Mountain . Sack the Chromatic Sphere with your other Mountain . Add one to your mana pool and draw a Chromatic Star . Drop it with from your Sulfurous Springs , and then sack it with the from the last one. Add a to your mana pool and draw a Myr Moonvessel . Bolt any creatures they have with the last .

T5: Draw a Shred Memory , and Transmute it into a Grapeshot . Cycle the two Myr Retriever s for as long as you see fit. Play the Myr Moonvessel to give yourself and then play Grapeshot for that mana and the mana from your one remaining Mountain . You win.


Chromatic Sphere and Chromatic Star -- I use these to convert the mana from my Myr Moonvessel into colored mana to fuel most of my spells. They do take up some of my buffer cards, but without these cards, the deck wouldn´t work, and the ability can be countered because it is a mana ability, which is very nice to make the deck run smoothly. The main reason I'm using these, however, is because they provide draw without wasting much mana, and can fix my questionable mana base.

Pyretic Ritual -- It's mana for , this card has become relatively obsolete in the deck recently, so don't be afraid to drop it on occasion, as you are rarely going to need it.

Lightning Bolt -- What else is there to say? If you really want, and depending on the decks in your meta, as well as how competitive your meta is, you might consider including Go for the Throat .

Beseech the Queen -- Simple, Effective, and Cheap, this is most definitely my favorite tutor, and works well in this deck, if not perfectly.

Simian Spirit Guide -- It's good, what else can I say really, it's colored mana at any time, for free (because I will almost never actually play the creature unless the board is at a complete standstill), and seriously, this deck needs it.

Thoughtseize -- I'm really not sure about this card. I tend to lose quite a bit of life in games, and having to pay that life isn't always a good thing. I am considering changing this card out for Inquisition of Kozilek , and I want to know what everyone thinks. Regardless, being able to control their responses to my plays is useful.

Grapeshot -- It's my win-con, what else is there really. Resilient to all of the meta counterspells, and many more besides. In many ways, this deck only works due to this spell. I am only running two, so if forced to choose between tutoring a Myr Retriever or a Grapeshot , you should generally choose this one.

Heartless Summoning -- Allows for the combo, what else can I say.

Myr Moonvessel -- Free mana with Heartless Summoning , though Simian Spirit Guide is strictly better and provides colored mana at any time, rather than just with the combo, feel free to sideboard this out.

Myr Retriever -- Performs the infinite cycle that triggers the storm of grapes. If it's the first one, bounce a Chromatic Star or Chromatic Sphere . Besides that, there's not much to say.

Fatal Push -- For removal early game before I can combo off, it can hit Tarmogoyf and Death's Shadow , so that's amazing in it's own regard. In addition though, this deck rarely has any difficulty triggering the revolt, so another plus here.

Shred Memory -- I mostly use it as a tutor for Heartless Summoning , but I suppose that it might be actually used for something other than its transmute cost against Dredge or Reanimator match ups.

Faithless Looting -- Good card to hunt through your deck quickly, and it can be used twice.


Shattering Spree -- Affinity. it is amazingly versatile, but you could always consider replacing this with something else to get in their way. This is the most flexible sideboard slot, and really depends on your gamestore's meta.

Blood Moon -- Very good against Tron, and while it isn't great for me, I can definitely work around it.

Relic of Progenitus -- I can use it for targeted removal against Goyf or other type based graveyard decks, or I can just wipe the graveyard against Dredge and the like. I will rarely drop my Myr Retriever s until I have both when this is on the field though.

Chalice of the Void -- This is mainly here to stop burn, as not having one mana spells really doesn't hurt me too much, but with no 1-drops Burn is pretty much useless in most cases. I can also use this against Knightfall Combos.

Crumble to Dust and Fulminator Mage -- These cards are useful against Tron, or any deck that has a testy mana base.

Damnation , Engineered Explosives , and Languish -- These boys help me deal with large swarms, or any faster creature-based deck. Pretty versatile honestly.

Kolaghan's Command -- It's good against most matchups, and drawing it is rarely a bad thing, good toolbox of a card.

My thanks to:

-- Daedalus19876

-- CeleryZed

-- acbooster

-- JKRice


Updates Add

I have made several major edits to the deck, the most prominent of which being the addition of more tutors in order to be able to skip the weakest link in the process -- the Grim Haruspex. It makes it far easiest to combo off without a hitch, and adds an additional element of surprise to the deck, which means it is more likely to succeed on games two and three.


Top Ranked
  • Achieved #31 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 5 years
Key combos

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 2 Mythic Rares

15 - 8 Rares

8 - 5 Uncommons

28 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.91
Folders Modern Wombo-Combo, Combo decks, WannaBuy, Decks I want to play, Need to playtest, Modern Dreams, Neat Deck Ideas, e, asd, Creatureless
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