Spring 2014 Pauper Challenge Submissions

Pauper* zandl

SCORE: 16 | 133 COMMENTS | 2280 VIEWS

Caligula says... #2

May 24, 2014 3:08 p.m.

MTG_Player says... #4

May 24, 2014 3:48 p.m.

Inf1d3l says... #5

Might as well give it a go Spring Pauper Mono White

May 24, 2014 4:44 p.m.

Dalektable says... #8

Here we go, I present

A Cheap Man Goes To War Playtest

Pauper Dalektable


May 24, 2014 7:14 p.m.

GodofPie says... #9

Here is the travesty of Sadism for the Common Card!

May 24, 2014 7:24 p.m.

sadiuh says... #10

Heres my submission: B/W Pauper for Challenge

May 24, 2014 7:39 p.m.

zandl says... #13

Hrm. I might have to ban Gray Merchant of Asphodel . I thought it was an uncommon.

May 24, 2014 8:19 p.m.

Caligula says... #14

Seems everyone is gonna be playing them hahahaha

May 24, 2014 8:20 p.m.

zandl says... #15

Exactly. All but two of the decks thus far have a playset of Gary.

I will put some thought into it. If I determine Gary is too powerful and format-warping for this challenge, I'll let you all know way ahead of the deadline.

May 24, 2014 8:23 p.m.

Matsi883 says... #16

4 decks do not have a playset of Gary. 3 don't have any, I run 2.

May 24, 2014 8:45 p.m.

zandl says... #17

I apologize for this, but I am retroactively banning the use of Gray Merchant of Asphodel as, after some careful consideration, I believe it to be too powerful for the rest of the Standard Pauper environment. Its power level also causes nearly everyone to heavily invest in Black, warping the format to decks that are primarily Black and severely limiting the efficiency and balance of all other colors.

I hope this isn't an overwhelming inconvenience for you. You still have over 6 total days to construct something different (or just replace the Gary with something else). When you finish, just head back to Spring 2014 Pauper Challenge Submissions and leave a link to it your finished product.

Thank you! :D

May 24, 2014 8:47 p.m.

Matsi883 says... #18

zandl--Well, I'm going to use the same deck (The Triad of Death (Now a Duo)), with a change. I'd put the B/R list in the description, though.

May 24, 2014 9:39 p.m.

tooTimid says... #19

May 24, 2014 10:09 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #20

Why do my notifications say I was mentioned here?

May 25, 2014 midnight

Carsf says... #21

Let's see how tossing something together quickly turns out...

May 25, 2014 1:17 a.m.

thyhax says... #22

Well, here goes nothing.

May 25, 2014 2:17 a.m.

Here goes nothing. Keepin' Gates

May 25, 2014 3:14 a.m.

Johnny5 says... #24

Looks like fun, here's my submission:

The Big Ol' Hairy Fox Playtest

Pauper* Johnny5


May 25, 2014 3:21 a.m.

Kizmetto says... #25

2k14 pauper - Eeeek! Playtest

Standard Kizmetto


Heres my entry! I had a blast finding cards for it and playtesting it myself!

May 25, 2014 3:43 a.m.

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