Round 1: Spring 2014 Pauper Power by Dremi versus low-mana-curve-pauper by Wic_Uber
Game 1: Wic_Uber had to take a mulligan to 6 before seeing a land, unfortunately. Dremi managed to capitalize on Wic tapping out on turn-2 by casting a freshly drawn Nyxborn Shieldmate and strapping an Ethereal Armor to it, turning it into a 3/4 and putting it out of burn range. A couple turns later, Wic was staring down the barrel of an 11/13 monstrosity (metaphor, not mechanic). This poor mutant Shieldmate was an 11/13 lifelink and first strike with 2 Mortal Obstinacy attached to it. With nothing in Wic’s deck capable of removing the threat (short of 5 or 6 burn spells at once) and with Dremi gaining an exorbitant amount of life each turn, the game was over.
Game 2: Wic was forced to take out another turn-2 Shieldmate + Ethereal, but with both Shock and Lightning Strike . Without any more removal and with Dremi still drawing gas, Wic’s Akroan Skyguard was soon outclassed by Dremi’s own with a Madcap Skills and Mortal Obstinacy . Dremi’s deck was better suited for this matchup because his creatures could just jump right out of burn range very quickly. Wic’s deck, while pieced together nicely (I might add), just couldn’t match those powerhouse creatures without the Auras found in Dremi’s deck.
Dremi (2) vs. Wic_Uber (0)
Round 2: Spring 2014 Pauper Power by Dremi versus Pauper challenge 2014- ghetto boros by SuppaFlySnipa
Game 1: Both players started with an Akroan Crusader into a Madcap Skills , but Dremi had the advantage of going first after the random die-roll. On Dremi’s fourth turn, he played a land and had 2 copies of Martial Glory in his hand. Through some crafty thinking, he went and buffed up the Crusader’s toughness to get more tokens while pumping up the power of 2 previously summoned Soldier tokens. By turning everything sideways and with SuppaFlySnipa only controlling 2 blockers, there was no way to prevent death even with a Gods Willing in-hand.
Game 2: After some burn spells and blocks dealt with a few creatures, Dremi was left with 3 Soldier tokens while SuppaFlySnipa had a Wojek Halberdiers with Madcap Skills and Ethereal Armor . With snipa at 8 life with nothing but lands in-hand and a Titan's Strength
MTG Card: Titan's Strength
in Dremi’s hand, Dremi needed to draw a way to hit for 3 extra damage in order to win; if he couldn’t, he lost. The top-decked reveal a Madcap Skills and Dremi hit for exactly 8 damage to end the game on the spot.
Dremi (2) vs. SuppaFlySnipa (0)
Round 3: Spring 2014 Pauper Power by Dremi versus RG paup... too late by piedok
Game 1: piedok’s Gladecover Scout was off to a great start with a Madcap Skills for an easy 4 damage each turn (with Mugging to keep Dremi from blocking for a bit). Dremi landed an Akroan Skyguard , however, and threw down a Hopeful Eidolon to buff it. Without an immediate answer, it became significantly larger on the following turn with Titan's Strength and Martial Glory to really put Dremi out of kill range. piedok had no answer to flying creatures except for trying to outrun them, which was impossible at that point.
Game 2: piedok began with another turn-1 Gladecover Scout and Madcap Skills , but the only difference was that Dremi didn’t have a lifelink source and swiftly fell behind as the Scout got 2 copies of Forced Adaptation on it the next turn. If the Hopeful Eidolon came up for Dremi, racing was possible with Akroan Skyguard + Ethereal Armor . He only had 2 draws to find it before dying, but it didn’t show.
Game 3: Dremi had a Hopeful Eidolon with Madcap Skills sitting and warding off a Gladecover Scout with the same. By not attacking into an obvious trick, he could sit and deter piedok from attacking (and starting the life-gain race, which Dremi would win). By playing defensively, Dremi was winning. A pair of Akroan Skyguard flew through the air and bashed in for some decent beats for a few turns. By the time Mugging came up and killed the Eidolon, Dremi drew a Shock and it, combined with the Skyguard beats, put piedok to 0 life exactly.
Dremi (2) vs. piedok (1)
Round 4: The Big Ol' Hairy Fox by Johnny5 versus Spring 2014 Pauper Power by Dremi
Game 1: Dremi came out swinging with an Akroan Crusader + Madcap Skills and Ethereal Armor for a 6/3 first-striking tough-to-block sunnuvabitch. Johnny5 fell behind in the race very quickly and not even 2 copies of Nylea's Disciple could restore the life lost all the way. He tried to block the threat and use Aspect of Hydra to trick it into death, but Dremi had his own trick in the form of Martial Glory to kill everything in the way. Johnny5 blocked all he could, but the game was over at that point.
Game 2: This game was over in the blink of an eye. Johnny5 started with a decent hand and even cast a Nylea's Disciple to gain 3 life, but Dremi won on his fourth turn. A turn-2 Akroan Skyguard met turn-3 Ethereal Armor and Madcap Skills to make it an 8/5. One swing put Johnny5 down to 12 but a Disciple bumped him back to 15. However, the game was over when Dremi untapped on the following turn. He swung for another 8 damage and dealt the final 7 to Johnny5 with 2 copies of Shock and a Lightning Strike . Them’s the breaks. In mono-green, you don’t really have the ability to interact with threats bigger than yours without hoping to just be bigger in the first place.
Dremi (2) vs. Johnny5 (0)
Personally pleased to make it out of round 2. Very pleased to see my this deck make it into top 7