Spore Galore with Atraxa

Commander / EDH bushido_man96


bushido_man96 says... #1

Slimefoot, the Stowaway will have a home here, too.

April 3, 2018 11:26 p.m.

luffington says... #2

Nice! Seems like a pretty solid deck. I recommend some targeted removal for sure. Like Path to Exile and Swords to Plowshares. I also recommend Cathars' Crusade add a nice new win condition.

Happy testing!

April 23, 2018 5:04 a.m.

Bxbx says... #3

Hi,cool deck!

Some changes I'd suggest:

You should shift the manabase more towards green because this is clearly your main color. Also, I'd recommend to cut both copies of Phyrexian Arena :D and also Grave Pact because their mana costs are too restrictive in a deck that plays cards that cost WUBG (Atraxa, Preator's Voice), double-green (Night Soil, Fungal Bloom, Spore Flower), green-white (Selesnya Evangel), green-black (Necrogenesis) and green-blue (Vorel of the Hull Clade). You could maybe add Dictate of Erebos because it costs 5 and only double-black.

Paradox Haze could be nice for your spore counter triggers. Strionic Resonator also works with Atraxa.

There are also some cool sorceries that produce saprolings: Fertile Imagination, Saproling Symbiosis, Spontaneous Generation, Death Mutation and AEther Mutation.

April 23, 2018 5:10 a.m.

bushido_man96 says... #4

@luffington, I had more single-target removal in my initial list, but I ended up adding more on-theme stuff for it. I just hate to cut the fun stuff, but I'm going to be playing with the idea of adding some in. I also had more board wipes initially, but have gone to some more of the control options like Smokestack and Tangle Wire to work on that. But, that could change, too. I had Cyclonic Rift in the first list, but don't have an extra one and haven't ordered one yet.

@Bxbx, I've tried to stay pretty green with the mana base, but can perhaps do better, but I think I need some more dual lands that will cost a little more. Please make some suggestions that you think would help clean it up. I do like Paradox Haze, and I think I'll look at adding that. I was looking through and changing the list up, and didn't realize I typed in Phyrexian Arena twice. But I'll look at making that cut to put in Slimefoot or Thallid Soothsayer. I like running around 10 card draw options, and that one is better than what I was running, Underworld Connections. I've not put in the sorcery saproling producers in favor of running the more permanent options, like the fungi.

Thank you both for the suggestions! I'll be looking at some changes now.

April 23, 2018 7:06 a.m.

Bxbx says... #5

You might add Transguild Promenade, Rupture Spire and 2x Forest. Cut 1x Island, 2x Swamp, 1x Plains for example. Then cut Phyrexian Arena for something like Fact or Fiction, Brainstorm or Harmonize. Grave Pact out for Dictate of Erebos. Otherwise there will be too many games where you can't cast all your spells, I think.

April 23, 2018 8:36 a.m.

babushkasara says... #6

Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip functions as a second Gaia's Cradle, I'd recommend adding it. And I know it doesn't help smooth your mana base but Westvale Abbey  Flip is a pet card of mine and I never seem to build a deck that can handle it.

April 23, 2018 11:28 a.m.

bushido_man96 says... #7

@Bxbx, thank you for the suggestions. I'm going to stay away from Transguild Promenade and Rupture Spire. Having to pay 1 to play them is too slow, in my opinion. I have thought about adding some of the Vivid lands, as they synergize well with Atraxa. I'm also going to look into some more duals. I think I have Llanowar Wastes lying around, and I am going to look into ordering some of the other dual lands that count as forests on the cheap.

What I like about Phyrexian Arena is that it is continuous, steady card draw. I may look into cutting it anyway.

@babushkasara, I had Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip in the initial list, but haven't picked up another one yet. I've wavered a bit on adding it in now, as I might not need it that much. But I'll re-evaluate as time goes on. I like Westvale Abbey  Flip, but it doesn't fit the theme.

April 24, 2018 5:43 a.m.

GoldenDiggle says... #8

Cathars' Crusade definitely has a home here! Necrogenesis also is good yard hate! Winding Constrictor adds a bonus +1/+1 counter and spore counter, pretty sweet! Bloodspore Thrinax also kicks some ass!

Deck looks good!

April 25, 2018 8:25 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #9

I do like the looks of Winding Constrictor, so that may need to go in. Necrogenesis is already in the deck. Bloodspore Thrinax has great potential, but then it gets to the point where I have to cut some of fungi, which I'm trying to avoid.

I just need some suggestions that could be cut.

April 26, 2018 9:45 p.m.

Charnparn says... #10

I playtested this with some other decks that featured commanders from that set, and I was really excited about the spore tribal idea. Atraxa came in second place, but unfortunately I did not get any ramping or creature buffing so I ended up mostly just making 1/1s that could not help against big stompers.The other thing was, I did get the phyrexian altar out, but I didn't see any mana sink cards, which sucked! If I could throw cards in it would be more cards that can do something with counters, or maybe that you could pay to add counters to. Fertilid would be great for that! And the vigeon hydropon. I know the saprolings are mostly for sacrificing but no problem in forcing opponents to remov

June 2, 2019 6:58 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #11

Charnparn, I'm glad to hear you playtested this! I think that's pretty cool. It really is pretty much a go-wide deck I put together for fun. Its probably my most powerful Commander helming the most laid back deck I have.

June 3, 2019 12:10 a.m.

Juzo says... #12

Have you thought of Doubling Season?

August 2, 2019 3:33 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #13

Juzo, Doubling Season is out of my budget right now. I know by looking at the deck one wouldn't think that's the case, but many of these cards I've had for quite some time (the dual lands in particular; I've been playing since Tempest, and they were easier to get then).

August 4, 2019 7:45 p.m.

Juzo says... #14

Yup I understand

August 4, 2019 8:25 p.m.

Juzo says... #15

Or parallel lives

August 4, 2019 8:26 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #16

If I had another copy, I'd consider it. I run it pretty casual, so it's not high on the priority list. It's my fun deck, not necessarily playing it to win.

August 4, 2019 9:06 p.m.

Juzo says... #17

Yup I'm just looking for this card to recommend that doubles tokens an +1/+1 counters

August 4, 2019 9:46 p.m.

Juzo says... #18

Ah, It's called Primal Vigor

August 4, 2019 9:48 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #19

Juzo, yeah, I run Primal Vigor in my Prossh deck, but it's really not very good in this deck. It only interacts with +1/+1 counters, and the fungi accumulate spore counters. Yes, I would get value from the token creature doubling, but I really don't feel like I miss it in this deck.

August 5, 2019 10:15 p.m.

Juzo says... #20

Oh okee yup it's all up to you dude I was just wondering if you thought it was a good idea

August 7, 2019 9:15 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #21

It's a good card, for sure, and would be great for the tokens. I just wish it was more affordable.

August 7, 2019 9:27 p.m.

Poly_raptor says... #22

Love it, reminds me of a deck one of my friends has... and I hate playing against it. +1

March 31, 2020 5:14 a.m.

bushido_man96 says... #23

Thanks, Poly_raptor!

It's probably my favorite deck to play, but not competitive and takes a while to build up.

March 31, 2020 5:22 a.m. Edited.

9-lives says... #24

I love fungus decks! I wish they would update them and make them more competitive in pioneer. 3 spore counters for 1 saproling seems prohibitive, but at least they'll be generating them continually.

October 27, 2020 3:46 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #25

9-lives, that's why I went with Atraxa. Proliferation speeds the clock up so much!

October 28, 2020 9:51 a.m.

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