Killer 6/6 Squirrel Tokens tearing ur enemys apart like Cerberus himself. Did u ever think, what is the most controversial Deck archetype in the game besides to the ass-cards? Right, giant Hyper-Squirrels! Just imagine how it looks like, when an squirrel bites a dragons head of... Badass! Aneb Badassery lays in the squirrel's nature!
-Use ur cards to make squirrel tokens of doom, u can make many of them
-Enchant your Lands to build the ultimate squirrel Factory hidden in the dark, dark woods
-Make your squirrels stronger, the more you get and let the Squirrel army of death eat your enemy's alive!
-Squirrel armys are best armys in terms of teamwork and looking super sweet, while eating the still beating hearts of their enemys. They support each other and the more squirrels u have, the bigger they get just because of them raising their Flag (Coat of Arms).
-Arbor elf is secretly an little squirrel-producer, working in the factory hidden in the woods. she will untap the enchanted Squirrel-Factory and the army will profit
-Upgrade ur secret Frankensquirrel-Factory with Parallel lives to make them productive like an chinese child-labour factory, just for squirrels
-Adaptive Automaton or better called, the Arnold Schwarzenegger-Terminator-Squirrel Robot will pump your squirrels up just with his presence (cause who doesn't feel stronger with Arnold Schwarzenegger around?) while being an Squirrel himself (cause who doesn't feel more badass as a squirrel?)
-Eldrazi Monument is like the one and only monument, appropriate to be the monument of the Squirrel-Army's victory and who does not think, that squirrels are even more awesome with flying?
-Earthcraft works on your Factorys like Chuck Norris's Roundhouse Kick onto the face of its enemy: It will be goddamn fast! INFINITE COMBO FTW
-Nut collector collects the nuts for the majestic squirrels in the later game, dragons are not the only nutrition, squirrels can live with
-PAWN ur enemys faces, using Garruk, the former US Navi Seals trainer, who recently got retrained as a Squirrel-Trainer, because squirrels are more badass than these pesky humans, training your sanguinary Squirrel-Army to the ultimate trampling annihilation mob and laugh at your enemys face, when their Zombies, werewolves, dragons or whatever are eaten by some killer-squirrels of death!
-After every war, squirrels want, like every human being, to retire. Swarmyard is the best place for that, the squirrels will enjoy slurping wallnut cocktails while reloading their weapons and sharpening their teeth for the next glorious victory
Lead the squirrel-Army to ultimate victory, may the fur be with you!
SIDE DECK? Squirrels need no Side Deck, Side decks are for pussys!

If Eldrazi Temple is out, replace your Tokens with these nice, fancy Flying Squirrel-Tokens:
And u think, my english sometimes sucks? Then look, how Arnold Schwarzenegger's englisch was! That's right: BADASS!!!