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Squirrels, Squirrels, Squirrels! (Squirrel Prison)

Modern Artifact Combo Forest GU (Simic) Infinite Combo Tokens




Tapped Out has deemed this ridiculous deck 99% competitive!

Slow our opponents down with various annoying artifacts until we can hit them with the ultimate squirrel lock!

  1. Enchant Dryad Arbor OR Mishra's Factory (after making it a manland) with Squirrel Nest

  2. Tap it to create a Squirrel Token.

  3. Intruder Alarm's ability will trigger, untapping Dryad Arbor or Mishra's Factory

  4. Repeat the process for infinite tokens.

** I have added several super annoying artifacts to this list, none of which give a single shit about the Karn, the Great Creator meta that seems to be in every single list. **

  1. Ireally do not like Tron decks, so I have Damping Spere mainlined.

  2. Trinisphere really doesn't hurt us at all because we're basically a 0CMC or 3cmc deck.

  3. I stuck Orb of Dreams because I like it when people don't like me.

  4. Attacking under Ensnaring Bridge is super easy with this deck

  5. Tutor up anything you'd ever want to combo off of with Drift of Phantasms

  6. Remand I could have just went with counterspell, but remand lets us draw a card

  7. 2x Chalice of the Void - Set to Chalice 1 and the other to Chalice 2.. This will blow out most of the non-tron competition and since this deck is only 0&3 CMC, we will feel basically nothing negative from both chalice out on the field

What needs to be done:

I need to make sure this listing will slow down most of the meta decks out there until I can pop off with the infinite squirrels, so thats what the artifacts are for. I've added in a Dowsing Shaman to recover removed squirrel nests and Intruder Alarms, but I'd like to make it do my manlands aren't destroyed when I pop off. I can usually get into a good board state by turn 4 and win by turn 5 if the combo pieces align right, but even at turn 4 I can usually get some prison pieces down to slow my opponents a few turns until I get set up.

I am open to any suggestions, but for now I'm trying to keep this deck colorless/blue/green so I dont over complicate the manabase. I'm happy to hear thoughts!


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1x Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive

1x Trinisphere (adding it to sideboard)

1x Damping Sphere (adding it to sideboard)

4x Botanical Sanctum


1x Deep Forest Hermit

2x Chalice of the void

3x Misty rainforest (for deck thinning)

1x Snow-covered Island



93% Competitive

Top Ranked
Date added 1 year
Last updated 9 months

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

36 - 8 Rares

10 - 6 Uncommons

3 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.46
Tokens Squirrel 1/1 G
Folders Decks I Like, modern, Other Players’ Decks
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