Sram's Forge (boros aggro)

Standard Aric_Haldan


Orion93 says... #1

Sigarda's Aid my friend

January 15, 2017 7:29 a.m.

Aric_Haldan says... #2

i'm not sure about Sigarda's Aid i guess i can try it out but it takes up a card spot and equip costs aren't that high, though it could be used for combat tricks and stuff so perhaps i can put it in sideboard... i'll try it out. thx for the suggestion!

January 15, 2017 7:36 a.m.

Orion93 says... #3

You can trick an opponent into attacking.Sigarda's Aid on boardThey swing with a 5/4 trampleYou cast Stoneforge Masterwork and block.

Stuff like that. Or flash in an equipment that gives your creature vigilance for combat. Or first strike. Or whatever.

You get to play a PERMANENT buff like it's an instant, and if the creature dies then you keep the buff.

January 15, 2017 7:41 a.m.

Aric_Haldan says... #4

lol i never play defensive with this deck, it's far too good at killing the opponent for that. but it has proven useful as a means to instant buff in order to get past defenses and kill a walker, still undergoing testing.

January 15, 2017 12:02 p.m.

Orion93 says... #5

Glad it's working out for you! It all depends on the equipment at that point.

January 15, 2017 12:46 p.m.

Kataclysm says... #6

I love people brewing Boros Equipment decks. Here's my 2 cents for thought.

Rip out Town Gossipmonger  Flip and get some Thalia, Heretic Cathar to replace it as a 2-3 of, or even Authority of the Consuls. These 2 cards serve a real point in this deck - To prevent potential blockers being able to block.

Rip out Neglected Heirloom  Flip. It's a solid artifact sure if you're running enough flip creatures to reliably get it flipped in 1-2 turns, but since I've already suggested removing Town Gossipmonger, then the sword has no way to flip and becomes wasted slots. This frees up room for that Sigarda's Aid that has been mentioned several times.

With both Town Gossipmonger and Neglected Heirloom gone, and the other cards added in, there still should be a couple of slots left open. This was done deliberately to leave room for more equipment. Another Captain's Claws, some Cathar's Shield, maybe even more Bone Saw. If these don't interest you then why not consider Reckless Bushwhacker? It can create a surprise win very early.

January 15, 2017 6:28 p.m.

Aric_Haldan says... #7

Neglected Heirloom  Flip is actually a solid card in the deck even when it's not flipped, so I don't think i'm removing it. I also wouldn't want to remove an equipment for a card that's only good when you've got equipments. I even like it more than Bone Saw because it helps protect my creatures from burn and helps them survive combat. However Thalia, Heretic Cathar would be an awesome addition! I've noticed her impact on the field first hand when playing R/W vehicles and she definitely would find a home here. Her first strike will also be great when combined with the equipment buffs.

about Cathar's Shield, I don't like playing that card in an aggro shell, it's too expensive to equip and wouldn't have much impact when you did. so it would only function as a way to trigger the "when you have an artifact/equipment" clauses. all the other equipments function in other ways as well so i prefer them by far. and well I've already elaborated why i prefer heirloom over bone saw. now, Captain's Claws is a great card, but for this deck it's also quite expensive, drawing two of them is already hard to curve out, drawing three of them would be disastrous for your speed. that's why intend to keep it to 3 copies so that the probability of such a thing happening is significantly lower.

Reckless Bushwhacker however is another card i like. The deck is already quite aggressive (I finish games T4 quite often) but he would fit right in finding lots of spells that would allow him to surge in. i'm not sure which place he'd take but i think i'll try him out. Since Town Gossipmonger  Flip was indeed the slowest one-shot i had, i probably will replace him with 2 Thalia, Heretic Cathars and a Reckless Bushwhacker for starters :p

thank you for the suggestions :D

January 15, 2017 6:55 p.m.

Orion93 says... #8

Kataclysm I'm glad we are on the same page. Great minds and such.

January 15, 2017 7:10 p.m.

Aric_Haldan says... #9

lol :p

January 15, 2017 7:11 p.m.

Orion93 says... #10

Just saying man, look through ALL of the available, standard legal equipment out right now and then think of which would work best with Sigarda's Aid on offense.

You swing with three creatures, a 3/3, 2/2, and a 1/1. They block the 3/3. Cool, in response give the 3/3 Chitinous Cloak. They just took 6 cause they didn't block with 2 creatures and they left the little one open.

Or Haunted Cloak as you enter combat. Hedron Blade to combat the massive artifacts out now, Pathway Arrows for the same reason.Skeleton Key Damn it!! Forever draw because they didn't block your 1/1!!!For the love of God, Slayer's Plate??? Come on man...

Instantly wrecking your enemy. Guarantee they block. Keep them on their toes so they can't play a steady hand. You have to see the value in that.

January 15, 2017 7:22 p.m.

Aric_Haldan says... #11

lol okay, some of those equipment cards cost almost as much to play and equip as the grand total of what i spend in mana before killing someone with the current build. Also most of the massive artifacts out right now aren't colorless and most of the time my creatures are far bigger than in that scenario. skeleton key is slow and doesn't even give card advantage, furthermore most of the time my creatures have more power than their ones. The equipments i have right now actually work in an aggro shell, and though Sigarda's Aid might help with bringing in surprise, it's only good when you have creatures on the battlefield and equipment in hand which is basically the scenario where i am already winning. That is why i'm skeptic to it replacing either a creature or an equipment slot.

January 15, 2017 8:01 p.m.

Orion93 says... #12

Artifact creatures are colorless man. They may cost a colored mana but they are colorless. Like land creatures. It may be a land and of a color but the creature is colorless.

January 15, 2017 8:12 p.m.

Aric_Haldan says... #13

land creatures are colorless because they don't have any colors in their mana cost since they don't have a mana cost. artifact creatures can be colored the same way any other type of creatures can.

this is from the comprehensive rules;105.2. An object can be one or more of the five colors, or it can be no color at all. An object is the color or colors of the mana symbols in its mana cost, regardless of the color of its frame. An objects color or colors may also be defined by a color indicator or a characteristic-defining ability. See rule202.2.

Also i want to add one more remark on the previously mentioned equipments; most of them would only be good if people actually tried to block, but there are still creatureless control decks out there or decks that don't want to block for other reasons (ramp or aggro f.e.).

January 15, 2017 8:25 p.m.

Orion93 says... #14

Fair enough.

Never knew some one who wanted to take damage that way. Lol not from multiple sources.

Good luck with your deck.

January 15, 2017 8:28 p.m.

Aric_Haldan says... #15

their strategy is often based on either killing you first or removing your threats with removal :p they don't need to block to mitigate the damage :D

January 15, 2017 8:30 p.m.

munki1 says... #16

Looking good, why not put shocks in there or at the very least in the side board?

January 17, 2017 9:05 p.m.

munki1 says... #17

Just had a few rounds with it, I think it needs gryffs boon in there to go over.

January 17, 2017 11:35 p.m.

Aric_Haldan says... #18

actually both of those suggestions could really prove great, i was already testing a pair of Shocks instead of Bone Saw and they were quite useful (especially against copycat), but Gryff's Boon could be great as well. I don't know what i'd take out though... perhaps as a sideboard option against decks with lots of creatures ?

January 18, 2017 7:37 a.m.

munki1 says... #19

Not 100% on sweat work yet.

I think Bomat Courier could be a good addition to make sure we are drawing cards.

Sram is great but he is legendary and top decking him is going to kill us if we have one on the field. I think 2 is the most we can have, it makes sure we see it once a game. Same as Thalia.

I think maybe reckless back up to 2.

Captains claws, man I don't know, it just hasn't been performing as great as I thought it should. Have you tried Stoneforge Masterworks?

Without gryff's boon you need to put in a trample card, I was finding that I was swinging with insane amounts of damage t2 to t4 but they could just chump block.

January 18, 2017 6:04 p.m.

Aric_Haldan says... #20

Captain's claws has been performing brilliantly on my test-runs, it gives me the possibility to go wide which is great with Weapons Trainer and give me new creatures to equip if the opponent is playing a lot of removal. I don't know why it didn't do so much for you, but i think it works pretty well.

I am thinking of reducing Sram number to 2 and just put 2 of them in sideboard to use against control matchups where i need the card advantage. I think i'll replace him with Aether Chaser.

And about the chump block, are you equipping all your equipments to only one creature ? because my tactic is usually to spread out the equipments and it makes the chump blocking a lot less attractive option (since they need to block several strong creatures). it does happen that they stall me with it a bit but then they often lose so much value they eventually lose in the card advantage battle. furthermore i usually still get some damage through after a while and am able to kill walkers and stuff most of the time. Gryff's Boon would definitely be the best way to counter-act the chump blocking, but i don't know what to take out for it...

PS: Sweatworks Brawler actually gives some evasion as well with menace and i found i could often cast him for two or one mana on the third or fourth turn so i think he's a pretty good. perhaps though we could try replacing him with Gryff's Boon. it would make us more vulnerable to removal but it could help us get past chump-blockers

January 18, 2017 6:32 p.m. Edited.

HairyManBack says... #21

Feels like Bone Saw is going to pull its weight a little better than Heirloom with your mana count and curve.

Not certain about Thraben Inspector but it looks like it could be here. I can see this build really getting bogged down by mana flood when it does happen. And, of course, the artifact would be more guarantee for the rest of your synergy.

January 19, 2017 9:50 p.m.

Aric_Haldan says... #22

the +1 toughness really helps protect my creatures though, equipping it  Flip to an Inventor's Apprentice or Stone Haven Outfitter takes them outside of Radiant Flames/Yahenni's Expertise/vanilla Harnessed Lightning range. This is quite important since all of those are cards are played quite often and especially the sweepers are dangerous if they would be able to completely wipe the board.

Thraben Inspector could definitely be good in here. i'm currently trying out Bomat Courier and seeing how that one does, they kinda fill the same spot.

January 19, 2017 10:32 p.m.

HairyManBack says... #23

Yeah I think it is good on the +1 defense now that you put into perspective.

I was first thinking of Courier before Thraben. Not sure which one. Considered Thraben because of the consistent draw already in the deck. Not having to dump needed cards in hand with Courier.

Let me know how it goes. I think I'm might whip something like this.

January 20, 2017 12:52 p.m.

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