
I'm trying to take a (very slightly) different approach to Jund Mid-Range here...

Here's the main idea, though; get some big critters onto the field, maintain board presence, deprive card advantage and beat face!

I replaced Olivia Voldaren with Master of Cruelties because he's more fun to play, and with his addition he splits the creature-type into an even set of thirds; beast, werewolf and demon. This makes Cavern of Souls decisions easier as I prefer to get Huntmaster of the Fells onto the field, and with the second cavern, I'd name Demon to make it harder to prevent the Master from making an appearance!

Card decisions:


Searing Spear over Pillar of Flame for Instant speed removal, 1 extra damage and the ability to assist with most Planeswalkers. Not to mention, it helps finish off my opponent after a successful Master of Cruelties attack!

Putrefy is by far the best instant-speed 3CMC removal in Standard at the moment. In my humble opinion.

Tragic Slip helps us with Obzedat, Ghost Council and other guys like him.


Dreadbore is probably my 2nd favorite removal behind Putrefy. It's kinda lucky that they fall into this color-scheme then, huh?

Farseek should need no explanation.

Mizzium Mortars gets rid of a lot of stuff for 2CMC, and even more when overloaded. Bonfire of the Damned does double duty here; board-wiping as well as finishing my opponent off affter Master of Cruelties swings in.

Rakdos's Return is a great mid-game tempo-boost against any mid-range or control deck. By the time we hit mid-game, we should have tutored significantly more land onto the field than the opponent and have enough to pump this baby up and have some mana left over for a kill spell.


Thragtusk and Huntmaster of the Fells should need no introduction here; we've seen them teamed up and beating face in Jund for quite some time now.

Sire Of Insanity has seen his days in Jund as well as some bench time (hence his presence as a singleton mainboard and sideboard). He's great against decks that rely on card-advantage, and in games when we want the card-advantage, we shouldn't be too salty to keep the singleton in our hand until the opportune moment: i.e. an empty hand.

Master of Cruelties makes an appearance here in place of Olivia Voldaren because he's more fun to play, in my opinion. Also, most people are so afraid of the Vampire that they allow McDemon to stick around so they can save that kill-spell for the girl.

--Planeswalkers and the Keyrune--

Liliana of the Veil should need no explanation here. Jund decks have this odd little quirk about them that even with no card advantage, they still have an advantage when everyone is top-decking! Lili plus the Sire here make a dynamic duo against control! the Return makes it a threesome!

Garruk, Primal Hunter is here mainly for his +1, to put beasties on the field and attack with them (he's like the Thragtusk that just keeps on giving!) that -3 is the second top-used ability; even when we have a 3/3 beastie on the field, a draw 3 when we're sitting with nice board presence is pretty awesome. His ultimate rarely goes off because either a) the game has been won or b) the opponent took him out.

Rakdos Keyrune is here as a singleton and it does double-duty as well. It's a tricky blocker against an unwitting opponent and a mana-ramp against the more knowledgeable. When we're sitting REAL pretty, it's another 3 damage closer to winning!


To start off, Gaze of Granite is in its test phase right now. I've encountered maybe one situation where it was worth it for me to wipe every single permanent off the board, and that was against a stupid quick control+token deck. It was actually odd to me how quick this deck popped out tokens.

Abrupt Decay has a pretty CMC with a good deal of versatility to be able to take out stuff like Detention Sphere or planeswalkers like Liliana of the Veil.

Deathrite Shaman is an amazing utility for 1 mana. I was in a situation against a Junk Rites deck where he dropped an Angel of Serenity and I used my 2 Shamans to exile the Obzedat and 2nd Angel he was targeting. Leaving him with Thragtusk and no other critters to target.

Desecration Demon is an extremely undervalued card and very unsuspected as a sideboard option. His ability almost never makes an opponent sacrifice creatures, but by turn 3 (on a good day) I have a 6/6 beater!

Slaughter Games is probably on my top 10 favorite cards list of all time. Right up there with Life's Finale! I love being able to search my opponents' deck and take their stuff! I'm heavily considering dropping the Gaze of Granite for a 2nd one of these bad-boys.

Golgari Charm has saved me in more ways than I can count. In the game I played the token deck, I sided in a couple charms with the Gaze, and early game they saved me from a swarm of dudes. In another game, the Charm regenerated my Murder-targeted Master of Cruelties. In a third game, it took out an Assemble the Legion.


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Revision 3 See all

(11 years ago)

+1 Bonfire of the Damned side
+3 Deathrite Shaman side
+1 Sire Of Insanity side
-1 Deadbridge Chant side
-1 Garruk Relentless  Flip maybe
+3 Searing Spear main
-1 Slaughter Games side
-3 Vampire Nighthawk side
Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 1 Mythic Rares

37 - 11 Rares

8 - 3 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.06
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Human 2/2 G, Wolf 2/2 G, Wurm 6/6 G
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