Staff Sgt. Human Buffmaster

Modern* Yoshiman


theonyc says... #1

wtf is the says... that is 2 comments before this 1, nice deck seems fun

April 19, 2012 12:27 p.m.

The OBjection says... #2

Champion of Lambholt MTG Card: Champion of Lambholt is pretty badass.

April 19, 2012 5:30 p.m.

Yoshiman says... #3

What's blue gonna do if he can't counter my creatures?

April 20, 2012 1:39 p.m.

theonyc says... #4


April 20, 2012 1:52 p.m.

Dismay says... #5

Haha, I appreciate you re-considering my suggestion! Deck looks solid. +1

April 20, 2012 2:08 p.m.

bigapple3am says... #6

Deck looks awesome. Too bad you cant give Mirran CrusaderMTG Card: Mirran Crusader double doublestrike with Silverblade PaladinMTG Card: Silverblade Paladin.

Dying to team up Silverblade PaladinMTG Card: Silverblade Paladin with Wolfir SilverheartMTG Card: Wolfir Silverheart

April 20, 2012 4:33 p.m.

MitchellSocks says... #7

Will be so trolling to team Silverblade PaladinMTG Card: Silverblade Paladin with Nightshade PeddlerMTG Card: Nightshade Peddler

April 20, 2012 5:55 p.m.

Yoshiman says... #8

Yep, the soulbound combinations in this deck are ridiculous.

Do you guys think this deck would be able to compete for top 8? I can build decks, but I'm completely inexperienced when it comes to the standard meta game.

April 20, 2012 6:31 p.m.

boston-boy says... #9

I would say it could go top 8 because I like it a lot but at the same time, I don't think so because of all the other decks that went top 8 at dka last year, and how they would use new cards like wolfir for their advantages as well. Although you could add some killer cards like, Sword of War and PeaceMTG Card: Sword of War and Peace or maybe a Primeval TitanMTG Card: Primeval Titan since you do have the mana ramp for it, and him mixed with either wolfir or paladin would be so overkill but fun.

If you could check out mine and give some suggestions that would be good cause im trying to make a good innistrad block deck right now deck:whitegreen-innistrad-constructed

April 20, 2012 7:06 p.m.

zakqwerty says... #10

How are you going to combat flyers???

I love the deck idea though :) +1

April 20, 2012 8:19 p.m.

Yoshiman says... #11

I would force them to fight my guys with Ulvenwald TrackerMTG Card: Ulvenwald Tracker's ability.

April 20, 2012 8:21 p.m.

Yoshiman says... #12

I also have Mighty LeapMTG Card: Mighty Leap I can use for blocking and Angelic DestinyMTG Card: Angelic Destiny.

April 20, 2012 8:23 p.m.

boston-boy says... #13

and you could drop in

April 20, 2012 8:25 p.m.

Woah, this deck is pretty solid. Nice work of using Descendants' PathMTG Card: Descendants' Path and some of the new creatures.

If I may make a suggestion, why not use something like Faith's ShieldMTG Card: Faith's Shield or Apostle's BlessingMTG Card: Apostle's Blessing instead of Mighty LeapMTG Card: Mighty Leap? If you need to swing through with a double-striker, that works for evasion just as well. Not to mention how it can work defensively in your favor too, especially with all of the new removal (including, ugh, miracle removal) that is/will be out there. Just a thought.

Also, maybe switch out Nightshade PeddlerMTG Card: Nightshade Peddler or Wolfir SilverheartMTG Card: Wolfir Silverheart for Thalia, Guardian of ThrabenMTG Card: Thalia, Guardian of Thraben. Since this is such a rapid-deployment, creature-focused deck you really want to make sure the cards keep it that way, and she will help immensely with messing up your opponent's tempo. Sorry in advance if this discussion has occurred beforehand already. Also, no Fiend HunterMTG Card: Fiend Hunter? Or is Ulvenwald TrackerMTG Card: Ulvenwald Tracker your removal?

Otherwise, this is very well-made and probably the foundation I am going to build off of once all the cards of Avacyn Restored are released.


April 20, 2012 8:47 p.m.

Yoshiman says... #15

Yep, Ulvenwald TrackerMTG Card: Ulvenwald Tracker is my main creature removal. With my humans being buffed or bonded with deathtouch I can kill any of their creatures no problem.

April 20, 2012 9:18 p.m.

zakqwerty says... #16

Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to be a prick, just trying to help you combat all the weaknesses of this deck :)

2 big ones!

Day of judgementRatchet bomb

They are this decks biggest weakness

Nice deck love it but

April 20, 2012 10:26 p.m.

Yoshiman says... #17

Well, since Ratchet BombMTG Card: Ratchet Bomb is usually in the sideboard, I have my Stony SilenceMTG Card: Stony Silence and NaturalizeMTG Card: Naturalize in the sideboard.

As for the Day of JudgmentMTG Card: Day of Judgment, I'm working on finding a solution to that. I'm currently thinking about adding Angel of Glory's RiseMTG Card: Angel of Glory's Rise to the mainboard.

Ether way, I don't really think Day of JudgmentMTG Card: Day of Judgment is a game ender for me.

April 20, 2012 10:44 p.m.

bcurran says... #18

If spirit tokens are really a common problem for you, then Corrosive GaleMTG Card: Corrosive Gale is what you are looking for. Two or three mana for a one-sided board wipe.

However, unless a large portion of your metagame is Lingering SoulsMTG Card: Lingering Souls decks, I would advise just trying to race them. Sword of War and PeaceMTG Card: Sword of War and Peace is extremely useful for that.

April 20, 2012 11:59 p.m.

zakqwerty says... #19

TerminusMTG Card: Terminus will destroy this deck :( we need to solve that

April 21, 2012 2:40 a.m.

sindiin says... #20

+1 from me. The only changes I would make is with the mana base and the Angelic DestinyMTG Card: Angelic Destiny/Faith's ShieldMTG Card: Faith's Shield. I would go

-1 Cavern of SoulsMTG Card: Cavern of Souls

-2 PlainsMTG Card: Plains

-1 ForestMTG Card: Forest

-2 Faith's ShieldMTG Card: Faith's Shield

+2 Gavony TownshipMTG Card: Gavony Township

+4 Razorverge ThicketMTG Card: Razorverge Thicket

I am also not too sure about Thalia, Guardian of ThrabenMTG Card: Thalia, Guardian of Thraben. It seems your deck is supposed to be about rapid creature deployment and Thalia destroys your turn 3 play of a Descendants' PathMTG Card: Descendants' Path if you have no ramp. I know in my meta, ramp doesn't survive more than one turn unless i'm lucky. Faith's ShieldMTG Card: Faith's Shield also seemed like a dead card most of the time while running through turns. One of the big techs in the new set appears to be white exile effects, which leads me into Angelic DestinyMTG Card: Angelic Destiny.

If you have it attached to a creature and they do a cloud shift or angel blink or the rare white miracle it is gone for good as the creatures never die. And you cant give the creature pro-white or the enchantment falls off anyway.

I would consider:

-2 Angelic DestinyMTG Card: Angelic Destiny

+2 Sword of War and PeaceMTG Card: Sword of War and Peace/+2 Hero of BladeholdMTG Card: Hero of Bladehold

I think this deck could go top 8 with the right tinkering for your local meta. You have definitely given me something to consider when the new set comes out.

April 21, 2012 10:28 a.m.

Yoshiman says... #21

I'm going to work for 4 hours, I'll be back to work on this with you guys right after that.

April 21, 2012 10:54 a.m.

boston-boy says... #22

sindiin you're right, i have a similar deck that im trying to keep innistrad constructed only but Sword of War and PeaceMTG Card: Sword of War and Peace is a very good crad too bad it's so damn expensive (40-50 $$$$ i think ) which really blows :(

April 21, 2012 2:02 p.m.

Yoshiman says... #23

I really don't like the idea of getting rid of one of my Cavern of SoulsMTG Card: Cavern of Souls, but it might be ok.

I could use Faith's ShieldMTG Card: Faith's Shield to prevent single bounce backs, but what could I use to counter TerminusMTG Card: Terminus? Idk, I might not have to worry about it since, they have to bounce their creatures as well and if I have Descendants' PathMTG Card: Descendants' Path on the field, I can just refill the field again with creatures.

I've also been considering Surgical ExtractionMTG Card: Surgical Extraction, but it has no synergy with the rest of the deck.

The thing I like most about this deck is that it will still be playable after m12 rotates. Who knows, maybe better.

April 21, 2012 2:50 p.m.

boston-boy says... #24

yeah too bad the things that will cycle out of this deck in october are Mirran CrusaderMTG Card: Mirran Crusader, Sword of War and PeaceMTG Card: Sword of War and Peace, Sunpetal GroveMTG Card: Sunpetal Grove, and Razorverge ThicketMTG Card: Razorverge Thicket, which are really good :(

April 21, 2012 3:40 p.m.

bcurran says... #25

M12 doesn't rotate until October, the same time as the Scars block, at which point you lose a lot of your cards and have to rebuild your deck to a new metagame. Just focus on the current format.

, or Birds of ParadiseMTG Card: Birds of Paradise?

It's basically just a CondemnMTG Card: Condemn on turn two, which is nothing to panic about. If they topdeck TerminusMTG Card: Terminus in the late game, well, they would just hardcast it anyway, and you'll still get wrathed. They just get a minor tempo boost, other than that, it's the same as if they topdecked a plain old Day of JudgmentMTG Card: Day of Judgment.

My whole point here is that you don't need to play around TerminusMTG Card: Terminus any differently from how you already play around Day of JudgmentMTG Card: Day of Judgment and Black Sun's ZenithMTG Card: Black Sun's Zenith.

I would recommend the following changes to your deck:

OUT: 4 Descendants' PathMTG Card: Descendants' Path, 4 Faith's ShieldMTG Card: Faith's Shield, 4 Ulvenwald TrackerMTG Card: Ulvenwald Tracker, 2 Nightshade PeddlerMTG Card: Nightshade Peddler, 3 Hamlet CaptainMTG Card: Hamlet Captain, 2 Wolfir SilverheartMTG Card: Wolfir Silverheart, 1 ForestMTG Card: Forest

IN: 2 Sunpetal GroveMTG Card: Sunpetal Grove, 1 Razorverge ThicketMTG Card: Razorverge Thicket, 4 Birds of ParadiseMTG Card: Birds of Paradise, 1 Mirran CrusaderMTG Card: Mirran Crusader, 2 Hero of BladeholdMTG Card: Hero of Bladehold, 3 Oblivion RingMTG Card: Oblivion Ring, 2 Fiend HunterMTG Card: Fiend Hunter, 3 Thalia, Guardian of ThrabenMTG Card: Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, 2 Grand AbolisherMTG Card: Grand Abolisher

Descendants' PathMTG Card: Descendants' Path is too much of a win-more card; it is only really useful if you are ahead on board, and isn't very good at helping you recover from a bad spot. Faith's ShieldMTG Card: Faith's Shield is the same, it isn't helpful unless you are already in a good position. Other than that, I just think that there are better options than what you have. Fiend HunterMTG Card: Fiend Hunter is better creture-based removal than Ulvenwald TrackerMTG Card: Ulvenwald Tracker. Thalia, Guardian of ThrabenMTG Card: Thalia, Guardian of Thraben and Grand AbolisherMTG Card: Grand Abolisher disrupt your opponent, adding 4 Birds of ParadiseMTG Card: Birds of Paradise helps to give you more consistently explosive starts, and Hero of BladeholdMTG Card: Hero of Bladehold is the best finisher this deck could have.

For the sideboard, I don't understand the inclusion of Curse of ExhaustionMTG Card: Curse of Exhaustion at all. I would recommend -3 Curse of ExhaustionMTG Card: Curse of Exhaustion, -2 Celestial PurgeMTG Card: Celestial Purge, +2 Leonin Relic-WarderMTG Card: Leonin Relic-Warder, +2 Angelic DestinyMTG Card: Angelic Destiny, +1 Grand AbolisherMTG Card: Grand Abolisher.

April 21, 2012 3:44 p.m.

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