
Creature (3)

Planeswalker (1)

Enchantment (2)

Instant (3)

Been tinkering with this deck for a while. Tell me what you think!

This deck I feel has performed so well for me because of how unexpected it is, and how effective it is at playing "stall ball". This deck is all about grinding incremental advantage in a very grindy format.

"Stall Ball" Package

-Nyx-Fleece Ram this card may seem weird for the main deck, but the first game i ever played with it (in the maindeck) I knew it was here to stay. This card block most of the format (all the way up to Siege Rhino!!) and grinds more advantage than you can fathom in this grindy format.

-Citadel Siege is honestly a weird one in this deck, but in a night of stupid brewing i found this card is borderline broken in this format. Think about it. How many times have you truly been swarmed like in past formats? Most of this format boils down to sticking powerful creatures one at time and this card destroys any hope of that strategy ever happening. It buys you time until you can wipe their board with actual removal spells.

- Palace Siege - This card is broken. This card is legitimately broken in this format. Play test it against popular decks, or rogue decks and watch it completely run away with every single game. This format doesn't have the surprise factor of old. No Advent of the Wurm, no Bonfire of the Damned, and no Sphinx's Revelation so it can constantly grind advantage until you win. This card is almost an automatic win game one and if you don't believe me just try it.

Card Draw Package

-Read the Bones- Yuck. This is the decks main weakness that can make it unappealing to play. Sorcery speed removal that damages you. It makes the "stall ball" package necessary as Nyx-Fleece Ram into Read the Bones actually works quite nicely. Its not the best but works.

-Sign in Blood- The better of the two card draw spells. Play it while having enough mana to hold up a removal spell and you won't get blown out.

Control Package

-Hero's Downfall- Kills plainswalkers and creatures

-Bile Blight- Best two drop removal in the format (sadly).

- Last Breath & Valorous Stance- Easy answers for Goblin Rabblemaster and Courser of Kruphix. Not great but needed

-Thoughtseize- Mess up their curve. incredibly import that we can play this on time while other decks cant!!!

-Crux of Fate- Clean up the board when things get out of hand. Is amazing in combination with the two siege's and planeswalkers.

Banishing Light- Catch all answer.great against enchantments and planes walkers we cant answer game one

"win cons"

-Elspeth, Sun's Champion- Not the best win con by any stretch. Most of the time we win from stacking palaces sieges, but she will close out games.


-this is the whole reason the deck works. Notice the majority of our deck is mono black with a very mild white splash. This gives us an advantage not many decks have, we are never colored screwed, and we always cast our spells on time due to a low number of tap lands.

Summary/ tldr

-This deck loves grindy games and this grindy format. Do not underestimate it! It looks insanely weak with the rather weak card draw and wincons but Palace Siege is a force to be reckoned with and grinds an absurd amount of damage.

-If you have any questions concerning the how the deck functions or card choices please voice them! I will be more than happy to explain them.

-Not entirely sold on the sideboard but it works I guess


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Cleaned up comments. Great response for first deck cycle!

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Date added 10 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 1 Mythic Rares

19 - 3 Rares

4 - 6 Uncommons

7 - 4 Commons

Cards 47
Avg. CMC 3.05
Tokens Emblem Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Soldier 1/1 W, Warrior 2/1 B
Folders Standard
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