

This is a comparatively inexpensive Junk enchantment deck that I would loose with at standard FNMs a few years ago. The goal is to stall your opponent's early game and then use Ethereal Armor and Herald of Torment to create a flying threat that hopefully wins the game.

The Stalls

Nyx-Fleece Ram - Helps cushion against painlands and Herald of Torment and is a very effective blocker early on.

Brain Maggot - I would invest in Thoughtseize but I want to keep the one friend that plays Magic with me. This card serves as a constellation trigger and another enchantment for Ethereal Armor as well as revealing my opponent's hand to me.

Sylvan Caryatid - Hexproof mana ramp, value everywhere.

Gods Willing - Protects my 15/17 Courser after I buff it with Herald of Torment and Ethereal Armor.

Banishing Light, Hero's Downfall - Removal helps us control the board just enough to keep our opponents down until we draw our threats.

The Balls

Eidolon of Blossoms - Serious card draw. And sick art. Once on the field, we'll be drawing into the real threats of this deck.

Herald of Torment - This is the main way we deal damage to our opponent. Flying is hard to avoid and when it is bestowed on another creature and buffed with Ethereal Armor it is a forced to be reckoned with. Laying it down as a creature early on might be the better option if you can buff it and be more aggressive.

Ethereal Armor - This is essentially our wincon, as it can give massive buffs to our creatures, especially when stacked.

Courser of Kruphix - It's a 2/4 for 3 mana that offers great utility. We can buff it with Herald of Torment and Ethereal Armor to create a serious threat.

Sanguine Bond - Getting this and Whip of Erebos on the board offers lots of damage. However, this really only happens late in the game, if it gets that far.

As it stands the sideboard has a variety of removal spells for different situations, along with some extra creatures and Aegis of the Gods to protect from burn or anything else that targets a player.

Criticism is welcome. Please share all the creative / crazy ideas you may have, this deck is here to make games more interesting than turn 4 aggro wins or turn 40 control rage quits.

Here are some questions I have to guide suggestions.

Does this deck have enough life gain to justify Sanguine Bond?

How useful is Courser of Kruphix compared to a more aggressive approach such as Master of the Feast and more Athreos, God of Passage?

My sideboard is mostly removal, what other cards would be useful in my sideboard?

Thank you for any and all suggestions!


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 1 Mythic Rares

33 - 8 Rares

8 - 4 Uncommons

7 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.58
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