Standard Air Superiority

Standard Spectreblade


Jfiocca1999 says... #1

Cool deck! But what if someone sideboards in the blue archetype so your creatures can't have flying and mine can? :\

July 4, 2014 9:22 p.m.

Saljen says... #2

Why would you run any Hypnotic Siren over Judge's Familiar ? All your creatures have flying so his bestow is meaningless. Judge's Familiar 's ability is far more relevant for the same cost and can be played no matter what color mana you put down on turn 1.

July 21, 2014 8:07 p.m.

Spectreblade says... #3

I think you might have missed the line on Hypnotic Siren that says "You control enchanted creature."

I'm still somewhat unsure of how many Sirens vs. Judge's Familiar to run here, though. Taking control of my opponent's biggest threat and flying it into their face has won me some games, though I wonder if it's enough to make up for being strictly worse than Judge's Familiar as a creature by itself.

July 21, 2014 8:23 p.m.

Spectreblade says... #4

With Kahns of Tarkir coming soon and Return to Ravnica block and M14 rotating out, it will soon be time to make some major changes to the deck. I have 26 cards to replace in the main deck and 8 in the sideboard. Some replacements will be obvious: Flooded Strand replacing Hallowed Fountain , Banishing Light replacing Detention Sphere , End Hostilities replacing Supreme Verdict . Other than those, that still leaves a few holes to be filled, and I am now looking for suggestions.

September 4, 2014 10:33 p.m.

shamE12 says... #5

No sideboard?

April 10, 2015 11:52 p.m.

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