Added 3x Frostburn Weird - Turns out was a far superior option to Spellheart chimera.
4 toughness coming in on turn 2 is extremely high and allows for a solid defensive blocker with the utility to deal with 2/2 aggro threats by pumping.
Also able to block the majority of the 3/3 threats which green deck's like to field by turn 2.
Since as Red Blue the deck lacks life gain, more emphasis needs to be spent on damage prevention. Lack of a Revelation, Azurious Charm mean that Red/Blue's removal and defensive suit need to be absolutely solid.
Added 2x Keranos, God of Storms - Extremely good card for the decks structure, additional draw or 3 damage to deal with threats. Works extremely well as a soft stabilizer in conjunction with young pyromancer and frostburn weird.
Added Counterflux - This is mostly a solution to playing against other control deck's. The ability to counterspell a sphinxes revelation or counterspell an Etherling / Elspeth without response is extremely powerful.
Added 3x Mizzium Mortars - 4 Damage removal, able to clear deck boards by turn 6. In combination with Cyclonic rift's, allows you build up chump Young Pyromancer blockers - Building your board presence whilst picking away with an AEtherling / Keranos, God of Storms triggers.
Added 4x Turn / Burn - This spell I can not speak highly enough about. I had my reservations at first however It's ability to deal with almost any threat is fantastic. Shutting your opponents bomb down to a 0/1 then blocking with a Young Pyromancer token, or Frostburn Weird. Fusing the card for both effects for complete removal. The options with this spell vastly out-weights the loss of scry you would otherwise gain from a Magma Jet.
Cyclonic RiftGC - 7 mana board wipe that can be cast on your opponents turn to potentially gain more value.
Early game bounce for threat's /Good pace control.