This deck was designed to destroy in standard tournaments without spending more than $12 ( or 1 MTGO Tix) excluding basic lands. Right on target at (time of righting) 12.01 USD (.79 MTGO TIX or roughly 1/5 less than original price). I could get this. Infinite Combos in Standard! The strategy of the deck is to stall your opponent out until you can get an infinite combo to win the game. While not apparent from the deck list there is actually 3 ways mill the opponent to the infinite.
Zephyr Scribe
Spidersilk Net
+ Retraction Helix +
Altar of the Brood
Midnight Guard
+ Ornithopter + Retraction Helix +
Altar of the Brood
Seeker of the Way
Zephyr Scribe
Spidersilk Net
+ Retraction Helix.
Midnight Guard
Spidersilk Net
Zephyr Scribe
and Ornithopter do not combo off together.
Any mana creature spell can work with
Midnight Guard
and any non-creature spell can work with
Zephyr Scribe
Seeker of the Way
only combos off with
Zephyr Scribe
Zephyr Scribe
Spidersilk Net
Midnight Guard
/ Ornithopter with Retraction Helix on
Zephyr Scribe
Midnight Guard
works exactly the same. tap the
Zephyr Scribe
Midnight Guard
to return the
Spidersilk Net
/ Ornithopter to your hand and then play it again untaping the
Zephyr Scribe
Midnight Guard
. Rinse and repeat. Once you throw in the
Altar of the Brood
Seeker of the Way
, every time the
Spidersilk Net
/ Ornithopter enters the battlefield you either mill all of your opponents for 1 each time infinitely, or make
Seeker of the Way
an infinite / infinite with lifelink until end of turn.
The Combo Pieces
~Retraction Helix
Midnight Guard
Zephyr Scribe
Altar of the Brood
Spidersilk Net
Seeker of the Way
The Tutoring (Scrying and Drawing)
Zephyr Scribe
Gods Willing
Spidersilk Net
~Retraction Helix (only if you have another or know you will get another soon)
Seeker of the Way
Gods Willing
Combo Piece Protection
Gods Willing
Spidersilk Net
~Retraction Helix
As you saw above the combo pieces can protect each other making the deck highly efficient.
Sideboard Work
No matter how horrid the sideboard the more cards (max 15 obviously) you have the better chance of winning game 2 & 3. In playtesting I found the deck was horrid against burn, aggro and other quick combo decks (
Jeskai Ascendency
/Prowess decks.). More specifically any thing with large amounts of removal or is very fast. The odd one of the bunch happened to be a Turbo Fog mill (at the time I was using Tiagam's Scheming which has since been replaced with Anticipate.) Here is which each part of the sideboard is used for.
*To keep the deck budget the 3x
Springleaf Drum
are not displayed
Glare of Heresy while it's not exactly
Path to Exile
it removes anything from Siege Rhino to Baneslayer Angel.
Erase is a pesky one drop enchantment destruction that makes Starfield of Nyx pretty bad (I have played against one). Enchantment is largely in the meta thanks to Theros block and Magic Origins.
Revoke Existence is a Erase that can get rid artifacts for only more. Just like enchantments artifact is in the meta again largely to Theros block and also Magic Origins.
Negate can stop other combo decks while stopping mono red enchantment aggro (
Call of the Full Moon
). The main reason this was added was removal.
Neutralizing Blast
was put in because my meta is huge on Jeskai and Abzan. Not much more to say.
spingleaf drum was pu in because this deck is slow (wish I could curse but there are children looking at this) against aggro. Using
Springleaf Drum
the time needed to combo is shortened down to 3 turns cutting aggro's chance big time.
A Perfect Example of a Game (basics with out sideboard)
Turn 1: Land -->Pass the Turn.
Turn 2: Land -->
Seeker of the Way
-->Pass the Turn.
Turn 3: Land -->
Zephyr Scribe
-->Pass the Turn.
Turn 4: (Optional) Land -->
Altar of the Brood
-->Silkspider Net --> Retraction Helix winning the game by both milling to the and life (or combat damage if the opponent tapped out all out.)
Note Play the
Altar of the Brood
before the land to rub it in if you would like.
For the few people that like to play standard pauper (all cards are basic lands and commons) and quick few tweaks could make it work. First replace all the
Altar of the Brood
with 4x
Impact Tremors
or Elusive Spellfist. After that remove the
Seeker of the Way
Yoked Ox
. Then replace the lands with either basic lands or the dual lands for Kahns of Tarkir and Fate Reforged life lands if using
Impact Tremors
which is NOT recommended because of the colour requirements. Here is an example:
Pauper SpiritFangz
SCORE: 2 |
Want other combos? Add these in either in addition or in replacement for
Altar of the Brood
1 a). Elusive Spellfist for damage.
Zephyr Scribe
combo only.
1 b).
Impact Tremors
Midnight Guard
combo only.
A second
Midnight Guard
Zephyr Scribe
and a
Oracle's Insight
enchanted on it for card draw.
A second
Midnight Guard
Zephyr Scribe
and a
Karametra's Favor
enchanted on it for mana.
Using the mana combo above and any ETB creature trigger you can make ANY combo you want.
What I really need help is getting ready for FNM. Ideas for cards that would make the deck better would be appreciated. My meta is a lot of and burn, counter, artifact, khans clans, and removal. The two things that I need the most are:
A way to more consistently draw combo pieces and
Help with the sideboard.
Since I have this deck and I am on a budget please do not recommend expensive cards.
Thank you for viewing the deck. +1 are appreciated. Also feel free to comment on any comments, kind words, questions, concerns, or ideas.
As a Shoutout to Gink ul-kozar who made versions of this deck. Check them out @
Standard Gink
SCORE: 9 |
Standard* ul-kozar
SCORE: 2 |