Standard Hexproof Auratron

Standard* actiontech


RJ_Rozzman says... #11

I would sideboard Witchstalker and put in Fiendslayer Paladin , He's pretty good.

October 10, 2013 10:55 a.m.

actiontech says... #13

I couldn't agree more, which is why there are 3 paladins in the mainboard already ;-P

October 10, 2013 6:04 p.m.

beakedbard says... #14

Voracious Wurm could work quite well in here i don't really know what to remove for him except Witchstalker though and both seem to have their own advantages. I like what your going with this though. +1

October 10, 2013 6:12 p.m.

LS1_Chronicle says... #15

I feel like Archangel of Thune is a bit of a stretch for the deck, and 3 Fleecemane Lion also seems a bit high, and if you pull Archangel of Thune , you could easily pull Sylvan Caryatid as well. Here are my mainboard suggestions:

-3 Archangel of Thune
-3 Sylvan Caryatid
-1 Fleecemane Lion

+1 Witchstalker
+2 Voice of Resurgence
+3 Gift of Orzhova
+1 Ajani, Caller of the Pride

As for the sideboard, I feel you'd be better off with Ready / Willing instead of Rootborn Defenses , just for the Ready side. Also, lots of tokens/small creatures shouldn't be a problem for the deck, so I'd pull Ratchet Bomb for either Selesnya Charm or Plummet , depending on how rampant Obzedat, Ghost Council Stormbreath Dragon is.

October 10, 2013 6:18 p.m.

actiontech says... #16

Well the Voice of Resurgence plan is already moving, just need to finish a couple of trades up. I was kind of thinking Fleecemane Lion is the core creature of the deck though - hexproof + indestructible + any # of enchantments = win and the ramp provided by the caryatid certainly helps get there faster. Plus having a 3 toughness and hexproof stalls out a LOT of RDW critters.

Sideboard will need adjusting certainly. Need to explore the LGS meta post-theros, but if it's like it was before Theros it'll be 90% aggro, boros and gruul.

October 10, 2013 6:31 p.m.

GreyFawkes says... #17

I could see some Gods or weapons in here, considering they would add to the enchantment base, and who doesn't like a 4 drop indestructible? Plus the usefulness of adding +1/+1 to all of your creatures, and scare opponents away from attaching you, vigilance on all of your creatures is also a huge thing if you have field presence...which you generally do with a hexproof deck, making enchantment creature tokens, boosting a creature for an extra 2 damage, killing off little fliers, deathtouch and trample is BRUTAL...there's also first strike and death touch which I like to call cheating, life gain, +1/+1 my fingers are going to fall off and I hope you understand my ramblings LOL

Also, I suggest Ready / Willing instead of Rootborn Defenses . That little surprise for your opponent is generally a huge stab, considering you'll almost always kill off all of their creatures if they swing all out (red decks, get boned)...depending on your board state of course.

November 6, 2013 10:45 p.m.

you might like having Ajani, Caller of the Pride . Cast him and get a double strike out or if youre able to get the ultimate off, well with your life gain, thats a lot of cats

December 8, 2013 1:14 p.m.

actiontech says... #19

Calling GreyFawkes and MadDreams - what do you guys think of this build?

December 8, 2013 2:01 p.m.

GreyFawkes says... #20

Gift of Orzhova , Bow of Nylea , and for fun maybe corresponding gods for the luls. And to get even weirder, lets make it a cat deck with Ajani's Chosen

I forgot i already commented on this xD

December 13, 2013 12:53 p.m.

GreyFawkes says... #21

I also forgot that i akready made most of the suggestions i posted hah, sorry about that. Maybe you could try mainboarding sphere of safety? I imagine it may sound dumb, but when going against fast aggro decks, it obvioysly stops them in their tracks

December 13, 2013 12:56 p.m.

actiontech says... #22

haha yeah I was totally looking at Ajani's Chosen wondering if there was any way to make that card not suck. Sadly the 4cmc and 3/3 body are just too fragile to play. I don't like the bow very much, but gift is a cool idea. Just have to figure out what to pull.

December 13, 2013 12:56 p.m.

actiontech says... #23

5cmc on sphere with almost no ramp makes it pretty tough, but definitely worth consideration. A lot of my meta went azorious control in the past couple of weeks so for now I'm not too worried about aggro.

December 13, 2013 12:58 p.m.

Looks good. From playing a lot, Fleecemane Lion is really vulnerable, I would actually prefer to run the playset of Fiendslayer Paladin and have 2-3 lions for a later in the matchup so you can make it monstrous on cast or next turn. and since Fiendslayer has 1st strike, if you want to find room, a Bow of Nylea can make Fiend slayer really scary to swing at. counts towards your enchantments and tap for lots of fun stuff, helps turn on Nylea. It would be a one of. I found trying to run more lower cmc creatures can be ideal, but with the removal and control out there, running Witchstalker mb and maybe 3 Gladecovers is a better option. You definitely have the mana a support (Sylvan & Voice) to wait to cast a Witchstalker, but with my aura decks, it kills me to pull a Glade after turn 5/6ish. Maybe running a Rogue's Passage could be useful if in a match you only have one heavy hitter, get the damage through, hopefully lifelink, and since you don't have any Madcap Skills or Gift of Orzhova they can multi-block the shit out of you or chump until they get what they need since you can only attack head on. I'm sure there's other stuff I could think of if I sat here but these are just some quick suggestions, but what you're running now is fine. But I really reccomend the MB Witchstalker I thought I could make my deck faster without it, in the end I just hurt myself if I couldn't win the game fast enough cause after that you can't really stabalize. Sorry for the story. good luck

December 14, 2013 4:28 p.m.

GreyFawkes says... #25

4x Unflinching Courage . I think that is absolutely necessary. You may also want to consider Gift of Orzhova for the devotion for Heliod, God of the Sun . I really like Heliod in here because you can defend your Ajani, Caller of the Pride and do some nasty stuff.I guess depending on your meta though, as you said. Most of my meta is mono black devotion, so I have to abuse Selesnya Charm s to get rid of those nasty Erebos, God of the Dead . Not gaining life sucks lol.

December 15, 2013 11:42 a.m.

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