Ive already tested both.
Terrarion is just not doing much. I need some artifacts for Emmy,sure, I tested Pilgrim's Eye today as well, and just simply Hedron Archive plays out the best. Really speeds up the Emrakul, and if you dont have her, just sac, draw some cards, and still get discount for big Eldrazi.
Declaration in Stone is straight up bad in control deck. The reason card is good in, let's say, Humans is because you give your opponent clue and then kill them before they can crack it. Control deck cannot. When I played Declaration, I always felt like playing a bounce spell, they just draw another card and play that. And after that it's a sorcery, another downside for control.
Thanks for feedback!
September 2, 2016 6:53 p.m.
NerfHerder03 says... #3
Have you done any playtesting? If so, how did it go?
September 10, 2016 12:15 a.m.
1 week ago I've played the deck at FNM, and got paired against 4 aggro decks (2x vamps, 1x red aggro, 1x W humans). Went 1-3. I was kind of dissappointed.
I don't have data for this week fnm as I borrowed GW tokens so i can clear my mind. I will rebuild the deck, post update here, and then start testing.
I bought pair of Nahiri, the harbinger, and there is Esper list from last SCG top 8 that I can 'steal' some techs from.
Also post rotation I'm sure I will continue with it. New Chandra is all I ever wanted in this deck.
September 10, 2016 6:43 a.m.
NerfHerder03 says... #5
Ya, that new Chandra could really bump this up a level with the +1 for two red and what not. A few cards that I would switch out personally are the Quarantine Fields and the Jace, maybe throw in some Thermo-Alchemist just to be a nuisance. I'm just throwing some ideas at the wall.
September 10, 2016 3:27 p.m.
Yes, I think you are right about those cards. Quarantine Field feels clunky, Jace, Unraveler of Secrets is not doing much most of the time.
So, I've made few changes. Instead of playing Hedron Archive for another card type, I'm packing 4x Oath of Jace. The idea is from Esper deck I've talked about earlier. No Jace or Void Shatter also frees up manabase from blue, smoothing out the deck. Same goes for Gideon and white. Kozilek's Return also was underwhelming most of the times. Recasting it only with Emrakul, the Promised End is just not happening too often against decks i need sweepers for. I will play Radiant Flames and see how it goes. They are the worst in terms of getting Spell Quelled, but i think against Humans and Vampires and other aggro decks it might be better.For Quarantine Field, replacement will be 1 Imprisoned in the Moon and Avacyn's Judgment (given now there are madness enablers).
In spots I've removed from the deck I'm gonna try 4 Jace, Vryn's Prodigy Flip. I sold my copies, but my friend will borrow me some. Definitely not thrilled about playing rotating card, but man he is so good. Thing in the Ice Flip might be good in that spot as well, same goes to Curious Homunculus Flip. Because of Jace, im also adding Ojutai's Command for synergy. 2 Nahiri, the Harbingers are replacing Gideons, as I think Nahiri is better in control deck. And she can ult for either Emrakul or Jace (he can flip intantly, and never goes back to hand).
Thanks for feedback!
gumbogogo says... #1
Are you not a fan of Declaration in Stone? Have you tried Terrarion?
September 2, 2016 5:18 p.m.