
Sorcery (6)

Instant (4)

The started out closer to high teir jund with some obvious changes for Eerie Ultimatum but when I tested it I didn't really like it. It was super grindy but still not as grindy as the other top midrange decks and a lot of times when I casted Eerie Ult what I would get felt underwhelming. So I kept the grindy peices I.E. Elder Gargaroth and lots of early hand disruption with Valki, God of Lies   and Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger , a big, versatile removal suite of Bonecrusher Giant , Binding the Old Gods , Heartless Act and Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and made it a lot more explosive with Goldspan Dragon and Questing Beast . The haste and evasion on both make the ultimatum really devastating without having to wait to untap with your creatures. With those 2 and an Ugin, the Spirit Dragon or a Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger you can do an easy 11 damage the turn you cast it! A lot of the stuff I replaced was slow ramp because it was just so bad to bring back with the ultimatum. It also felt really bad running basic plains in the deck just for ultimatum when there are so many double red and green cards so things like cultivate did not help get the double white for the finisher. I instead I tried to kill as many birds with the same stone as possible and am the treasure tokens from Goldspan Dragon and Seize the Spoils as the primary way to get white mana as well as the second saga of Binding the Old Gods to grab Indatha Triome . This was SO much better than hitting a bunch of mana dorks with Eerie Ult and having to run basics for cultivate. And the ramp is honestly better... the "treasures you control have 'Add 2 mana...'" on Goldspan dragon is crazy. Especially with Seize the Spoils . I was super impressed with this card. You do have to ditch a card but most of the time whatever it is is something that you will get back with ultimatum or something to escape or fill the graveyard to escape something else, all the while drawing you to cards and fixing your mana! Especially when the treasure yields 2 mana. Its pretty easy to hit turn 6 Ugin and who doesn't love that? The deck was not super easy to pilot and the hardest part is paying attention to your lands as you play them. Especially the pathway lands and what side you throw out as well as what colors your triomes can give. Like for example, I found that sometimes I would naturally have the 2 white from the triomes and need the tresures to hit the 3 black. Also when you draw your opening hand figuring out exactly what colors you do and don't have takes a second at first. I found that if you can play a basic land for turn and hold the pathway lands and still play what you wanna play that turn then that helps because you can play it forest side up if you happen to draw a questing beast and mountain side up if you draw a dragon. Overall it came out super grindy, hell explosive and fun to play.


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98% Casual


Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years
Exclude colors U
Splash colors W

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

19 - 0 Mythic Rares

27 - 6 Rares

7 - 1 Uncommons

3 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.74
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Emblem Tibalt, Cosmic Impostor, On an Adventure, Treasure
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