
A post-rotation deck with the new BFZ cards. This deck at the moment is what I'll be playing initially as I figure out the new meta.

Comments are more than welcome!

The deck as it was before rotation did pretty well at my local meta that tended to mirror the winning decks from each large tourney the previous weekend. It won a handful of FNMs, with many wins coming after losing game 1 in each round. The deck is generally decent against most other decks, but gets significantly better post-board.

Also, I tend to play this "Control" deck with a little more aggressive style, windmilling Narset or Ojutai early and then trying to clean up my mess. Sometimes it doesn't work, a lot of times it does. The risk of making those plays makes games much more exciting and fun, which is why we play Magic, right?!

Analysis and Reasoning:

  • Narset Transcendent - The card that this deck is built around. Ever since she was spoiled, I have used her. She's very powerful if you know how to work her. I still play people that have know idea she even exists (haha!). She also acts as a pillow, scaring many opponents into attacking her, all the while I find true answers to win the game. The real key to her success is the -2 ability, as rebounding Planar Outburst (too bad you can't get the Awaken ability on the rebound) or Dig Through Time is extremely powerful at resetting the game for me.

  • Gideon, Ally of Zendikar - Replacement for Elspeth, Sun's Champion. Unfortunately, Gideon is not as strong at taking over a game as Elspeth, which will quite a bit. But, with having only a 4 CMC, he can come down earlier and at least provide a little more stalling while I find more useful things. Untapping with Gideon and a token on board seems pretty devastating for your opponent though.

  • Ugin, the Spirit Dragon - No real explanation needed, as he's just a great top end finisher. He might get relegated to the sideboard depending on the meta and how many Eldrazi decks are running around. If so, Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger is a possible replacement.

  • Dragonlord Ojutai - He can easily take over and finish a game all alone, but also provides a nice blocker to stall for a turn or two. Languish is a problem, but if I'm forcing my opponent to spend a turn casting it, that's usually fine.

  • Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker - First I had Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper in as my replacement for Keranos, God of Storms. Losing Keranos hurts, really bad, as he was probably my favorite card pre-rotation. Noyan Dar did not work, but untapping with Sarkhan can finish a game much quicker than Keranos.

  • Dragonmaster Outcast - As soon as this card was spoiled, I decided to put it in this deck. As a control deck, 6 lands is easy to get to, and casting for 1 mana on turn 6 with Valorous Stance or counterspell backup sounds pretty good to me. If only the 5/5 dragons had haste...

  • Dig Through Time - Always included in Control decks. Rebounding with Narset Transcendent is probably one of the greatest feelings ever.

  • Negate - Depending on the meta, this may get moved out. We shall see, but having a turn six counterspell after casting Gideon, Ally of Zendikar or Narset Transcendent, or turn seven to help protect Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper and make a 3/3 creature land is pretty nice.

  • Scatter to the Winds - While it's not Dissolve or Dissipate, as both those cards were extremely useful, this is what we've got other than Cancel as a hard counterspell. Late in the game, the Awaken is very relevant. Plus, we can get this back from Halimar Tidecaller.

  • Spell Shrivel - Again, definitely not Dissolve or Dissipate, but the Mana Leak aspect should matter too much except maybe in a Control mirror match or really late in the game where I'm already winning. The exile factor might be relevant as well, especially against Den Protector and Deathmist Raptor .

  • Mindswipe - I've been going back and forth with these two slots. I really like Mindswipe, but I feel like this slots might be better used for some other removal, in particular Burn Away to hose down Rally and Jace decks or Sarkhan's Rage , as it removes most big threats but also works well with Narset Transcendent to close games faster. I will test a little more and keep it updated.

  • Fiery Impulse - Losing Magma Spray with all the Den Protectors and Hangarback Walkers running around hurts, but having a 1 mana, potentially 3 damage removal spell will be relevant most of the time.

  • Draconic Roar - Again, losing Lightning Strike hurts, but considering it was primarily used as removal rather than burn to the face, this one will do fine. If I've got Ojutai or the dragons from Dragonmaster Outcast around, it gets a little better.

  • Quarantine Field - While having to wait an extra turn to cast compared to Banishing Light, casting at 6 mana and exiling two permanents is pretty good. Still, with Dromoka's Command being prevalent, it might not be as good as one hopes. Depending on the meta, this slot may turn into Stasis Snare instead.

  • Stasis Snare - After playing this deck numerous times, I decided to swap in Stasis Snare for the Valorous Stance's, as they are much more relevant for the meta I play at. I moved Valorous Stance to the sideboard, although I haven't even been siding them in much.

  • Planar Outburst - I'm not sure if this will be better than End Hostilities or not, but I feel with Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper and Halimar Tidecaller, this might synergize a little better.

  • Radiant Flames - Losing Anger of the Gods hurts A TON, as exiling creatures is extremely relevant. Still, this will do the job, and not needing the double red helps a tad. Adjusting the Converge cost to keep our Awakened lands from Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper and Halimar Tidecaller could be good.

  • The mana base is probably the hardest thing to figure out with this deck, as losing Scry Lands (Temples) really hurts Control decks. It will be an evolving aspect of this deck as I get more games with it under my belt.


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Another tournament, another decent showing from this deck. Prior to this tourney, I decided to pull out Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper and put in a 1-of Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker. The decision proved appropriate as Sarkhan was a tougher threat for my opponents to deal with, and helped cause more problems than the creature Noyan Dar. The tourney was 4 rounds, and overall I went 3-1 on the night.

Round 1: Round 1 I played against some oddball Mardu deck. I honestly couldn't tell what his overall goal in the game was, as he was playing a bunch of low power creatures and tokens that were easily swept up by a timely Radiant Flames. I won both games handedly, going 2-0. 1-0 overall.

Round 2: This guy was playing a pretty standard Jeskai deck, with the usual fix-ins of Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip, Mantis Rider, and Gideon, Ally of Zendikar. He admitted the deck was new to him which was very evident, as he played hella slow and I had to win on turns, and he had some pretty significant misplays. Game 1, he scooped after Dragonmaster Outcast and Gideon flooded the board with tokens. He won Game 2 as I was on the draw and got stuck on 3 mana for too long. Game 3 was weird, and it came down to turn four for me to play Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker, use his +1, play Draconic Roar on his Mantis Rider, and swing in to win the game. 2-0 overall.

Round 3: This round was a disaster against a Mardu deck. The deck didn't cooperate with me at all, and it was a quick 0-2. My mana was constantly wrong for the cards I had in hand, and all my answers came too late. 2-1 overall.

Round 4: This guy was playing a form of Mardu Pyromancer's Goggles. Game 1 went quickly as I answered all of threats until the Outcast won the game. Game 2, I drew ever burn spell in my deck and no counterspells. He resolved Goggles and proceeded to wreck me with Kolaghan's Command and finally and double Crater's Claws. Game 3 went much smoother as I went turn 4 Narset Transcendent, turn 5 rebound Dig Through Time, turn 6 Orbs of Warding, GG. 3-1 overall.

I am taking this to another FNM tonight at Channel Fireball, so I will update afterwards!


Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 2 Mythic Rares

25 - 3 Rares

9 - 7 Uncommons

10 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.43
Tokens Dragon 5/5 R, Emblem Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, Emblem Narset Transcendent, Emblem Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker, Knight Ally 2/2 W
Folders Current Competitive Decks
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