Gorgosaurusrex - Thanks for the interest and advice I really appreciate it. I playtested it against your Jeskai Deck Wins and I really enjoyed how the two decks interacted. I played around 10 games and really like your deck a lot. I know I'm playing an aggro deck but I really seemed to outlast your deck. Obviously I didn't get to do any sideboarding and I'm sure the End Hostilities and Anger of the Gods would definitely bring something else to the table. Inspiring Call definitely gave me an edge against all the burn though and I'm not sure there's much to be done about that. Great experience though thanks for having me check it out.
As for your advice though. Ainok Guide is absolutely lackluster to a certain degree, and yes, Hangarback Walker is the shit. I'm even thinking about taking out Nylea, God of the Hunt, for another one. Although she is an excellent card, she just doesn't fit perfectly in this build.
I think I would rather add more Managorger Hydras over Reverent Hunters if I'm going to add anything else in the 3-slot. Honestly though I really need 2-slots and Ainok Guide happens to be one of the very few of any use whatsoever. In my playtests I actually used his fetch twice - the first to get a third land for Managorger Hydra, and the second for Surrak, the Hunt Caller (neither of which lasted long haha). For the most part he just grabs a counter and is a 2/2 for 2, which isn't entirely unhelpful. Hangarback Walker is easily a better 2-drop, but I don't think there is a place for 4 of them in this deck.
I totally agree that four Hardened Scales would be awesome but I'm not going to drop a creature slot for it. Maybe a Solidarity of Heroes though?
July 27, 2015 6:36 p.m.
Gorgosaurusrex says... #3
I'd cut Ainok Guide for the fourth Hardened Scales. Two drops are overrated in a deck like this - you'll often be skipping them thanks to a turn one Elvish Mystic, and in a pinch you can cast Hangarback Walker or Mistcutter Hydra for two with intentions of pumping it later.
July 27, 2015 7:09 p.m.
Ian1037738 says... #5
I really do like this deck, I enjoy playing big creature decks like this one. one of my new favorite cards is managorger hydra and I'm glad to see it made its ways into a great deck. +1
August 16, 2015 11:22 a.m.
amazingdan - Hey thanks for the suggestion. Tuskguard Captain was definitely something I had considered when building the deck and I don't think anyone else would be wrong to put it in their build. I personally am not a giant fan though, mostly because he just isn't very threatening himself. It's also unfortunate that I'm not going to be attacking with him until two turns after I play him, otherwise I'll only be attacking for 2.
Ian1037738 - Thanks man green is my favorite color to play and it's the center of all of my decks. Managorger Hydra wins games though and I'm glad you can appreciate it as much as I do. Thanks for the +1!
August 16, 2015 11:48 a.m.
I saw a similiar build at my last FNM. The player was running Bant though. I dont care much for the blue, but he was running Dromoka's Command with the white. It ended up functioning really well. Would you consider splashing white for Dromoka's Command, or do you think the deck will perform fine without it?
August 17, 2015 8:02 p.m.
DalDakota- I have definitely considered splashing white for Dromoka's Command and then could play maybe Ainok Bond-Kin and sideboard Abzan Battle Priest but I just haven't gotten around to getting the cards and actually trying it. Right now I'm really liking where this deck is sitting, but maybe when we move into the next block and I lose some cards I can switch it up.
August 17, 2015 11:15 p.m.
Awesome, I am actually trying to build a version for post rotation. I'll try out the splash of white and get back to you :D
August 18, 2015 4:25 p.m.
DalDakota- That would be awesome thanks. It doesn't seem too troubling to me because I only lose a few cards. And keep in mind that there will most certainly be new cards to add from the new set. But I'm excited to see where it goes moving forward.
August 18, 2015 7:07 p.m.
defs add one more copy of hardend scales, that card got so silly in my play test. +1
August 21, 2015 1:11 a.m.
Love this idea and will adjust my own version with evolutoniary leap. That will work very well. i run green white for protection and removal. as in gods willing, feat restistance and dromoka's command. To be honest it works very well, i can see leap working in this deck.
August 21, 2015 3:42 a.m.
kchedges- So made a post rotation version of the deck, and also included white. So far during playtesting it has performed pretty damn well. I'll have an actualy hard copy of the deck by probably next week so I can test it at FNM.
Link: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/gw-counters4days-post-rotation/
August 21, 2015 4:23 p.m.
Perhaps a bit clunky; but Solidarity of Heroes could give you a fat punch; and it plays well with hardened scales great deck!!
August 24, 2015 1:53 a.m.
plusmental says... #16
It hits Avatar of the Resolute, Managorger Hydra and Reverent Hunter
I'd honestly be running it over Genesis Hydra and I'd drop out a Mistcutter Hydra to drop in two of them
Considered Reclamation Sage in the sideboard? Because if you drop those in Bellower can grab those too. I won easily against mill from hitting Sphinx's Tutelage with the sages
August 24, 2015 2:19 a.m.
Angleshot- I actually used to play with Solidarity of Heroes and it's a really cool card, but I opted for cards like Inspiring Call and Evolutionary Leap because not only do they give me protection from removal, but they also give me card advantage.
plusmental- Hey I really like Woodland Bellower as a card, but I would only add it into the deck if I wanted to change it to be a midrange build. I definitely can't afford two random 6-drops in here as I usually peak at around 4 mana, considering the small land-base. If you're interested in building a midrange version of this deck though, splash white for Dromoka's Command, not to mention all the cool white 3-drops you can add as targets for Woodland Bellower.
August 24, 2015 11:47 a.m.
plusmental says... #18
kchedges Woodland Bellower only hits nonlegendary greens so mono white creatures can't be grabbed by Bellower
August 24, 2015 6:30 p.m.
plusmental- haha well I guess you shouldn't play him either then
August 24, 2015 6:35 p.m.
plusmental says... #20
ehh, he works okay in the deck I made around him, but I suppose you're right; time and place
August 24, 2015 7:24 p.m.
I would add 2 of Become Immense which will really push your trampling creatures overboard.
August 26, 2015 11:35 a.m.
frankywils says... #22
Stampeding Elk Herd + Surrak, the Hunt Caller is an easy trick to force damage through.
August 26, 2015 11:42 p.m.
frankywils says... #25
plusmental AWww thanx I could use a cookie! So considerate of you haha
Gorgosaurusrex says... #1
Great deck, +1! I love the synergy between cards and the huge creatures it can create with Hardened Scales.
I did some playtesting against my jeskai tempo deck Jeskai Deck Wins and I found Ainok Guide to be lackluster. It just didn't do anything that Reverent Hunter couldn't do better. It doesn't even let you draw the land you search for! I would cut both copies for something else.
Hangarback Walker is awesome, I'd try to get 1 more (maybe in place of Genesis Hydra). Having flying blockers besides Avatar of the Resolute would be great.
I would definitely add a fourth Hardened Scales. That card is nuts in this deck.
July 27, 2015 3:01 p.m.